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Everything posted by Whitey333

  1. I totally agree with Kipp35 regarding Buxton. I am so sick of these articles claing he is a superstar. Oh please!! I really hope he becomes one but so far he isn't. Not until he can play full seasons with those results. And yes Buxton was already here under contract for this coming season. So we added nothing to the 2022 team that wasn't already there in Buxton. The Twins blew it by not signing one or two decent FA pitchers before the lockout. We as Twins fans should be used to it. Rebuild? I would hope not. But if Twins start the season with the current pitching staff it will look worse than a rebuild.
  2. I guess nothing gets me more upset than this lockout. The owners are taking in record revenues despite declining attendance, interest and tv ratings. It appears the last CBA worked out well for them. The players have had the best deal in all of major league sports. No salary caps, true free agency, mostly real guaranteed contracts. Not like those in the NFL. MLB has a great pension and medical plans. Now they do have legit issues like service time and quality of play. One of the reasons the NFL is prosperous is that all tv/media revenues are pooled and then evenly distributed. Plus they have a working salary cap. It just bothers me that these ultra wealthy people, players and owners, are living in a fantasy world. They are all arrogant. We have had a raging pandemic for two years with real people suffering. That it ever got this far is ridiculous. If the owners can't make it then perhaps at least some should sell their teams. If the players can't live on the salary and benefits they receive, find a new career. In 2020 I missed not having baseball most of the season. But as a longtime baseball fan I found there was a lot of other things to do than watch MLB. Here's to hope that common sense prevails and both sides reach a compromise while there are still people that care!
  3. Excellent article as always. Well researched and thought out. I would think Ryan is going to have to make an impact this year if he is going to be age 26. That's in that range to prove it. I wish there would have been more of these guys pitching last year when the team was rotten. That way we may have had a little glimpse at what we have. I hope the FO adds a good veteran or two to the pitching staff. Because all there is now is a wing and a prayer. As currently constructed this is NOT a major league pitching staff
  4. Whitey333

    Bring on the kids

    Donaldson was a good signing. He has delivered pretty much what was expected of him. And he has missed much less time due to injury than the great Byron Buxton. I think it interesting that the Minnesota sports fan gets made at Players signed to big contracts around here. Although KAT at 31.5 mil doesn't get it as much. Somehow people get upset and blame the player for signing for so much money. Then blame him for everything that is wrong with the team. Like it's their fault the team gave him so much money that their isn't much left for anyone else. Look at the crap Cousins takes with the Vikings. Is it his fault they had the 30 the ranked defense or the 28 the ranked offensive line? Just be leery if what you wish for. Inexpensive inexperienced players can lead to just a poor team. In the Twins position relying on the massive inexperience in pitching will lead to another bottom finish.
  5. Let's wait to see how Ryan pans out before we say we ripped off the Rays. Last summer we traded our best pitcher, and, at the time, one of our best hitters. All we have to show for it is prospects that teams were willing to give up on. I sure hope a couple of these prospects turn out good. Not just make the team, but very good. So at the moment we have a non major league starting pitching staff and a very suspect bullpen.
  6. Well thought out response. I've followed the Twins and MLB for nearly 60 years. Yes that makes me old. But not too old to remember when the game was the number one sport and a pleasure to watch and follow. The game has become nearly unwatchable the past few years. The fact the players and owners knew this was coming a couple of years ago had plenty of time to work out a new deal. Yes it's cliche but true: Billionaire owners arguing with millionaire ballplayers. It's ridiculous. These people think that they are the only thing that matters in our lives. Most people live in the real world. Working for a living for them and their families not living in a fantasy world of professional high priced sports in this case MLB. I may be the only one. But if there is a delay in the season or loss of games due to a work stoppage I think it will never rebound this time. At least they won't have me anymore. These owners and players care ONLY for themselves. Fans? Who cares? We are just used as pawns.
  7. Sano has been an enigma for quite some time. He can hit 30-35 homers every year and still be the Twins least valuable player. His 36% strikeout rate is outrageous. Strikeouts produce nothing. His all or nothing swing is great when he sends one into the stands. But way too often he strikes out with runners on producing nothing. Defensively he produces almost nothing. Personally it doesn't bother me if they keep him. But I would be shocked if they picked up his $14 mil option. The Twins normally don't spend that much.
  8. Manfred is a joke! And I guess the owners are too since they hired Manfred. They seemed hellbent on destroying what once was a great game. Now it's barely recognizable. The poverty ridden players are driven by greed and ignorance. Same can be said of the owners. The fact that Manfred and the owners locked out the players after players association doesn't realize they already have the best deal in all of sports flies over everyone's head. Baseball has been declining in popularity for the past few years. I'm sure this disagreement won't help as most of the nation deals with the pandemic and real hardships.
  9. Pitching young prospects to gain major league experience and judge their talent and development makes sense. It doesn't make much sense to do it all at once if that turns out to be the plan. There will be a lot of growing pains and another long summer with terrible results if pitching isn't upgraded. Maybe a couple of those prospects pan out, maybe not. But as currently constructed we do not have a major league pitching staff. Our "starting " staff is minor league at best. Let's hope it gets improved before the season starts.
  10. Getting tired of all the Buxton hype. In 7 years he has shown glimpses of greatness. He still must prove he is a great player over the long haul. I hope he has an MVP type season but I'm skeptical. I like Buxton but can we focus on some other players once in a while? The Buxton story is getting old unless he can pitch
  11. Nice to have Buxton in the fold! I hope your projections/ predictions prove true. Thus far it's a 7 year MLB career with an average of .248 and plays in less than half the games. He's had a couple of great months I'm waiting for a full season with good results before announcing him a superstar. I'm hoping to see his full potential unleashed. He owes it to himself, the fans, and the owners who already have paid him millions and signed him to millions more. Go Buxton!
  12. Ever since the Twins hired Baldelli to be their manager, it has become more apparent to me that they want to follow the model of the Tampa Bay Rays. That is rely on scouting and development and trading players at the right time. Also means a very small payroll. I believe our payroll will be reduced and FO will have their fingers crossed that these "prospects" turn out. So far we are left with Buxton, Bundy with his 6.06 era (Angels didn't seem to be too interested in keeping him) oh yes and a brand new scoreboard. Merry Christmas Twins fans from your owner and Front Office.
  13. Great article. I totally agree that people are expecting of two pitchers with roughly 25 major league games between them. They look good but for them to be considered front end of a major league rotation is ridiculous. The starting staff as currently constructed is not major league caliber. Not even AAA. If and when the lockout ends I'm sure the dumpster diving for pitching will begin in earnest.
  14. Too bad that we are left with "if" and "maybe" pitchers. As currently constructed, this is not a major league pitching staff relievers and especially starting staff. Are people going to be happy with 90 losses and poor and boring baseball?
  15. Twins had an awful pitching staff in 2021 finishing near the bottom in most categories. As of now all they have done is to add a pitcher that had an era of over 6. We better hope a couple of those pitching prospects pan out. If not it will be a very long losing season again.
  16. Prospects are just that: prospects. I wish we could have given more pitching prospects a chance in 2021 to see what they could do. It's funny that their names get mentioned so much that people automatically believe the hype. .we all know that very few prospects ever pan out. Fewer still ever become good major league players. Our pitching staff as currently constructed is not major league. Hopefully it works out and maybe a couple become usable. But it also has the potential to be one of the worst pitching staffs in Twins history.
  17. He was my boyhood hero. He gave me so much joy and happiness. To me he will always be the number one Minnesota twin of all time!!
  18. Let's see. Twins finished last in division in 2021 with the current FO. Their pitching and defense was atrocious. At least up to this point, nothing has been done to improve the team. They were expected to contend last year and fell flat on their face. If this pitching staff isn't improved it is going to be another miserable season.
  19. Excellent article! I always enjoy reading the articles on TD and all great comments. Happy Holidays all!
  20. Well thought out article. I'm old school as well and absolutely hate the direction baseball is going. Pitching 7-8 strong starting innings would be great, like it used to be. Now we ask starting pitchers to pitch much less, 5 -6 innings considered good. Yet starting pitchers are commanding Ever higher salaries. Pay more work less seems good for players. The prospects are just that, a prospect. We need starting pitching, a shortstop, and so much more. Our pitching and defense was amongst the worst in all of baseball. To stand pat means another season of terrible baseball. To those who support having a starting staff bereft of much major league experience will you still be supportive after 90+ losses?
  21. Hopefully all the pitching prospects will work out. It's also just as likely none of them will work out. That's the gamble with prospects. Some may make the Twins by default. After all some people have to pitch. The Twins need a couple of them to be good if they are to have a chance. Great article. I think you have something there. The Twins finished at the bottom last year. Apparently FO is going to pretend it was a fluke. That is really taking a gamble. If the major league pitching staff isn't improved for start of season looks like another bottom finishing season and return to 90-100 losses.
  22. Long boring season ahead for Twins. Relying on a cupboard full of near ready MLB prospects for an already and depleted, barely AAA pitching staff seems like a long shot at best. I think they need a decent veteran or two starting pitcher to begin the season otherwise we may be looking at another terrible year of baseball and 90-100 losses.
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