I'm actually starting to feel that they over-market things. There are so many promotions that they've simply become watered down. The "buy special tickets for a promotion" idea is as dumb as it gets, but I understand why they do it. I just don't agree with it. The food and drinks in the ballpark just keep getting pricier every year. It's clear who they've started to market towards as well, adding more bars and more beer options. I was at the game Sunday and in a 7 inning span, I counted no more than two vendors in our section selling anything other than beer. There were vendors constantly in the aisle, usually 3 or 4 at a time. All of them selling beer. After the 7th inning, vendors virtually disappeared entirely. I didn't see a hot dog vendor at all. Some were selling other things too, but the common denominator was that they were selling beer. While I enjoy the local flare of the beers and foods, it comes at the sacrifice of more traditional ballpark fare that falls on the cheaper end of the offerings. I don't go to the ballpark to get drunk, I go for baseball.