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Everything posted by wsnydes

  1. I'm actually starting to feel that they over-market things. There are so many promotions that they've simply become watered down. The "buy special tickets for a promotion" idea is as dumb as it gets, but I understand why they do it. I just don't agree with it. The food and drinks in the ballpark just keep getting pricier every year. It's clear who they've started to market towards as well, adding more bars and more beer options. I was at the game Sunday and in a 7 inning span, I counted no more than two vendors in our section selling anything other than beer. There were vendors constantly in the aisle, usually 3 or 4 at a time. All of them selling beer. After the 7th inning, vendors virtually disappeared entirely. I didn't see a hot dog vendor at all. Some were selling other things too, but the common denominator was that they were selling beer. While I enjoy the local flare of the beers and foods, it comes at the sacrifice of more traditional ballpark fare that falls on the cheaper end of the offerings. I don't go to the ballpark to get drunk, I go for baseball.
  2. That sounds like it would be about the time to go back and play Joust or something.
  3. I liked Defender. I played a lot of Centipede and Pac-Man as well. I think my parents still have the Atari, but I've got our NES.
  4. I spent hours playing Breakout and Super Breakout before Tetris came along. I think that I was literally addicted to Tetris. Just saying the word makes me want to go dig the NES out of the closet and hook it up.
  5. Nature is slowly shaving my head. I have no use for a comb or brush either. Finger combing is about all that is required.
  6. That video is hilarious. Most of theirs were pretty good in their hey-day.
  7. I remember Tanks well. we'd play my dad and he'd kick our butts all of the time.
  8. I tried to find it after I saw it but wasn't able to find it. It's possible it was new at that point and not online yet. Shoot me a link if you do find it. It was brilliant.
  9. Tanks! Don't recall the game, but we had one where we were cowboys shooting through a cactus. That was another good one. Literally duel (digitally) for control of the console.
  10. Blink-182 music video isn't it? Don't remember which one though.
  11. Sounds familiar. We also always fought about who would be the 49er's in NES Football and the Twins in RBI Baseball.
  12. There's a fantastic NCAA golf commercial on the Golf Channel I believe. It has the Oregon Duck lining up a chip shot in the fairway and the Stanford mascot sneaks into the middle of the fairway completely blocking the line to the hole. I don't do it justice, but I was very amused.
  13. As the older brother in my family, you're darn right you're stuck with Luigi!!!
  14. Not sure what my favorite would be, but I think most of us can get behind my least favorite...Norm Green.
  15. I'm the slam dunk champ of my house on our tiny basketball hoop in the garage! Back in the day, I could grab the net. That was an accomplishment in and of itself for someone of that height. Now, I'd probably pull a hamstring and calf simply preparing to try that. Muggsy had some made ups, no doubt. Massive hands as well. I can't even come close to palming a ball.
  16. As a 5'-4" tall guy, I can attest to the shear size of both Paul Bunyan and Kent Hrbek. My wife is from Bemidji, so we know Paul well and I've stood next to Hrbek and they both tower over me. I've seen the Jolly Green Giant, but he seems too jolly to approach. I don't want to ruin his mood. I quite enjoy Coors Field. Not much of an atmosphere around the place, but the park itself is awesome with some nice mountain views if positioned correctly.
  17. 5th best among 1B doesn't really say much...They aren't exactly an athletic bunch. I don't really see much of this roster as being particularly great on the base paths either, so comparing him in that context doesn't do much for me either. I just don't think this team has been a great baserunning team for the last handful of years. The lack of SB attempts reflects that, even with Gardy's reluctance to send guys. If the talent was there, he would have used it. Buxton in particular would be everyone's choice at the top if he would get on base more. Obviously that isn't happening right now, so no I don't want him there right now. All that being said, Mauer at the 2 is a better option than most on this current roster. He isn't my ideal #2 for reasons already stated, but I don't have a better candidate at this time either. The roster simply isn't constructed in a way that provides a viable #1 and #2 hitter. I agree that Mauer is baseball smart and generally has good instincts, I just don't think baserunning is a strength of his though. He's much stronger defensively and at the plate.
  18. The part that sucks about that is that I don't view Mauer as a great baserunner. I'd like my top of the order guys to be very good on the bases. Mauer isn't speedy or particularly adept at baserunning. He's not terrible, but just not what I like at the top of the order.
  19. It's time to call up guys that have nothing left to prove in the minors. Clearing space for them as soon as possible should be a priority. Some of these moves don't even require thought. It's time to play for the future and get rid of guys holding this team back.
  20. While I think this is a valid consideration, there are only 30 of these positions and not many open up a year. As much as I hate heat and humidity, if my dream was to be a MLB GM, I'd be willing to relocate to Arizona, Texas, or Florida without question. I'll adjust and make due if I have to. Besides, they'd be in Fort Myers by mid-February and someplace warm for the Winter Meetings in early December. Business can be done via phone or video conference if need be. That would cut the winter down enough to survive it.
  21. So, basically what Bo Ryan did with Greg Gard. However it plays out for Antony, that's a classy move by TR and a humbling sign of loyalty if its true. It's hard not to respect that.
  22. Payroll should go down just by virtue of going younger. I don't think it's really something to be paranoid or upset about, it should be expected. I would say if that is how you're reacting, that would be overreacting.
  23. Yeah, I'm an idiot... I meant from KFAN's website. No need for iHeartRadio. Unless it's changed, there weren't as many commercials that way.
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