The guys are wearing regular clothes, but the picture is far too blurry to know what she's wearing. Yeah, I've seen the movie and know she's right. I'm trying to help defend my fellow creep Vanimal.
I can concur with this, unless casually walking around campus with a backpack is considering exercise. My "jammies" are gym shorts and a t-shirt and I always put something more presentable on even to run to Menards.
Lots of exercise gear looks good, at least in my opinion. Form fitting, compression in the right spots, accentuating curves... I better stop there, I don't want to sound too creepy. I do mean those in a completely respectful tone. I imagine there are odd things that women find guys attractive in that baffle us too. My wife likes a plain white t-shirt with jeans. How boring!
I appreciate the adjustment he's made and it's great to see him succeed and improve. I'm of the ilk that thinks the more he hits, the more I want to see him traded, but I hope he can be that veteran influence while he is still here...however long that may be.
Great intro! I was on my old college campus last week and marveled at how much different it is now from when I graduated 12 years ago. I also marveled at how young everyone looked and formed a renewed love of yoga pants.
Attendance for most of the games that I have been to this year have been largely buoyed by the visiting teams fans. Most probably approach 50% attendance, but there are a handful of games where it was clearly a home game for the visiting team. Winning really is the only thing that will improve attendance at this point. Ownership has to realize that. I'm not sure a good April will help much, but if that good April spills into May butts could start filing the seats again next year. If not, I'd expect another putrid season of baseball in a echo chamber where I can hear a guy in the opposite corner of the ballpark yelling at the umps as if he were sitting next to me.
I think he's still a draw, but nowhere near what he was in his prime. You still see plenty of Mauer jerseys and jersey shirts. Absent another face of the franchise, I don't know that any single player is really a draw at this point. Mauer is probably the closest they have to that yet with Sano gaining ground.
I guess that I took that to mean that it's more about repeating his mechanics on every pitch. If something is off in your feet or legs, your upper body must compensate for that which throws everything else off. Velocity isn't the issue, command is. Repeatable mechanics are far more important for locating your pitches than it is for velocity.
Eeesh... Hopefully this is just a case of too much thinking. Too much thinking about mechanics, too much thinking about approach, etc. Sometimes it's best to get back to see ball, hit ball. 12 K's in 34 PAs, SSS or not, is not good at all.
How has Buxton been doing since getting sent down this time around? Is his knee still bothering him? At this point, baring injury on the big league roster he is probably best served staying in AAA for the rest of the year, but I'm curious nonetheless.
Whatever the issue, these guys need to be allowed to work through their issues without worrying about being benched after a bad day or sent to the minors. If they're supposed to be MLB ready, allow them to work with the big league staff. Shuffling them back and forth to Rochester or sitting them down after a bad day does them no good. That's not just Berrios, that's any of the prospects. Give them a legit opportunity to work through their issues and then if there isn't any improvement, then start benching them or sending them down to AAA a la Buxton.
It sounds ridiculous with the "s". I can't question the mighty Webster. We'll either have to agree to disagree or allow our respective football teams to decide it once and for all on the gridiron!
It only figures that I'll be in-market and get to watch the game regardless and miss the opportunity at watching at home in the Cities on ESPN. I need to plan my weekend sojourns better to allow for Bison football watching when available. At least I get to watch it though.
I'm at the point where it just doesn't matter. Neither are legitimate options and neither should be here next season. Ride it out until the rosters expand.