IMO you're looking at the wrong stats over the last 25 years Tom. I don't think runs per game is the problem. It's how the runs are driven in, primarily by hitting the ball over the fence. Which is happening at an exponential rate over the last 2-3 years. I think MLB is taking the wrong strategy to attract a young audience. It feels like they're just catering to the 15 second highlight crowd showcasing nothing but home runs, strike outs, and the occasional sweet catch. It's not helping getting more butts in seats at ballparks, and it's not really compelling to watch on TV either. I think this topic would really gain more steam if hitters spoke up about the balls too. Wouldn't this gain more traction if an all time hitter like Albert Pujols said "It was more difficult for me to hit baseballs out when I was 22. I shouldn't be hitting pop ups at 39 and have them land 5 rows over the fence."