1. How do you think this 9-game stretch is going to go record wise? (Vote above) 5-6
2. What most heavily influenced your choice? Record of opponents and my homerism
3. What are the key x-factors for this team to finish strong before the break? Run scoring consistency, and managing the bullpen. Can’t afford for the bats to go cold, or Pagan blow-ups
4. (OPTIONAL) What do you think this team will do at the trade deadline and why?
I think Levine trades for a solid to good setup man. Duffey has pitched well lately and the FO has history of not investing in the bullpen, I don’t think Levine will swing multiple trades or a big trade for a high end closer. They don’t strike me as valuing the bullpen much, but will address with half measure. Additional to trade, I think Winder stays up as Swing Man post all star break.