Nick, I am assuming that you wrote this article with the absolutely best intentions and that is not wrong. There is something rotten in America (and the world) that must change. You and the other owners have stated your position and have every right to do so. You also, as a group, decry the politics discussed. The problem I see is that you made it political. It is impossible to deny that our country is divided along political lines, yet you quote and thus elevate CNN and presenter Cuomo as a beacon of wisdom. Are you not aware of the enmity that they engender among more conservative citizens? If so, please educate yourself on a broader spectrum of our society. What do you think the reactions would have been had you quoted Rush Limbaugh? Cuomo has about the same kind of credibility on the right as Limbaugh has on the left. Again, please do not decry things as political, when you introduced politics into it.