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Everything posted by Number3

  1. I repeat, Twins did NOT get swept by the Yankees because they did not have $20+ million pitchers on the payroll. They got swept because the so-called "bombas" went missing. Even a few timely hits could have turned the tide. The entire lineup collectively froze at the plate because the opposing less than star quality pitchers had "NY" on their caps. Simple as that.
  2. If he was, he would be the next Walter Johnson the way he slings it from 3B. This thread is a non starter for 2 reasons. Twins should not even consider going after Rendon and Rendon would not consider playing for the Twins. Other than that, go for it. What the Twins don't need is 1 or 2 players making as much as the rest of the team combined as was the case in the #7 era. One thing that made the Nats so special this year was no one or 2 players dominating the lineup and no one except Scherzer (sp) on huge long term contracts. Scherzer is the rare breed who got the contract and then went out and grunted and groaned and earned every bit of it.
  3. I bet the Pohlad/Falvey/Levine/Baldelli "quadrumverate" (I doubt that's a word) get a kick out of these discussions about the roster. Meanwhile what actually happens is completely different. Sano has to go to first eventually because he is a liability at 3rd over a 162 game schedule to say nothing of playoffs (playoffs? playoffs?). Garver should probably be worked out at first given that Sano has yet to play a full season and no one knows what will actually happen. I still say work with the 2019 roster as much as possible, no huge free agent acquisitions (they are the kiss of death unless there is a performance clause and good luck with that).
  4. All I know is that the Twins played the best prior to the All Star break when the regular lineup had Cron at 1B and Gonzales at 3B and a healthy Buxton playing well in center field.Buxton is the big unknown for 2020. They basically rode that early record all the way to the Central title. Sano had his moments but overall the team played worse after his return and especially after Buxton on the IL.
  5. One thing this thread has done is preclude any of the above from happening. If the Twins acquired anyone even resembling Price or Kershaw it would serve them (Twins) right and save me money on MLB TV in 2020.
  6. Problem remains that he is just an average defensive player and unpredictable at the plate. Hopefully he will show up at ST and be ready to play an entire season so the real Miguel Sano can reveal himself. First base does seem like the most logical position so I would rather see him spend the off season working on drills at that position than playing games in a DR League and celebrating meaningless championships.
  7. I don't think it helps to try to emulate another team or pretend you are the next "other team". Its also hard to think pitching, pitching, pitching when they were the home run record setting team in the regular season and then the offense went into a coma in the playoff sweep. They could have had Walter Johnson, Bob Gibson and Sandy Koufax and still lost. A team that won 101 games can't expect to improve much; at least in the standings. 2020 will be a tough year simply because they may go crazy trying to improve in one area and end up being worse in the W-L column. Just be very careful on who they sign and don't expect miracles.
  8. Speaking of the Astros, last night Zack Greinke reminded me a lot of Kyle Gibson and was amazing in that Gibson has a lot more oomph on the fast ball. They have the same demeanor and appearance on the mound and Greinke relied almost totally on off speed nibbling around the edges. He did sneak a few low 90s fast balls by the Yankees when he had to while Gibson can go mid 90s. I think the only difference is command and the confidence that comes from winning nearly 250 games. Greinke was not afraid to keep those mid 80s (one pitch was clocked in high 60s) around the strike zone while Gibson seems to think all of his off speed stuff has to end up in the dirt. Again, I hope Gibson spends the off season at home working on command and mental approach instead of in Sano's home country. BTW, who relieved Greinke and struck out the side with the bases loaded? Ryan Pressly.
  9. A kind of quandary is that its hard to improve upon a regular season record of 101 games won. Any tinkering with a lineup that did that will have unknown results. There is always some shuffling of players so that will happen anyway. Assuming Pineda comes back I hope the Twins don't take the playoffs for granted and mess too much with a team to get to October games that may never come. Fact is and always will be that everyone needs more pitching all the time if not starters its bull pen. I'm sure they will find a couple of arms somewhere. No question Gibson should be replaced in the initial plan but maybe Sano can help out in the DR this year and Gibson can stay home and put on some weight.
  10. Several of these Twins had what could be described as career years in 2019. Rosario definitely had a career start. Whether this will be parlayed into success in 2020 is the question. Not for just the Twins, but for all but a select few in all of pro sports, every season quickly reveals its own identity. Off seasons usually mean hope for fans of a methodical improvement from the year before. The reality is no one, including the Twins, has a clue except for those select few in Major League Baseball. The permutations and combinations over 162 games are totally unpredictable.
  11. Sounds like baseball's version of deflate gate. You would think that the balls would have to meet a very specific measurable standard period. The fact that evidently they don't speaks for itself. All that is needed would be an Iron Byron baseball batter to hit different balls off a tee and observe the results.
  12. From all appearances, if the Twins had managed to get into the ALCS,and even World Series, they may have had to play home games further south. looks like snow and more snow and an early winter. Now they have time to get a roof on Target for when the twins get serious. That is solace.
  13. Every DS has gone 5 except one. At least by end of tomorrow night 3 more teams will be in the same boat as the Twins after losing their final game. I guess that is solace other than fans who had tickets to game 4 in Minneapolis will get their money back. Or will they? I still think that the sweep by the Yankees will be a burden for the Twins in 2020. 162 games is a long road to travel just to get back to where they were last Friday and have it all go up in a cloud of smoke.
  14. Ironically, the small college I went to just ended a 12 game losing streak to a conference rival last Sat. Twins absolutely must win tonight to avoid putting a huge damper on a great season. They would also set the record for the most consecutive playoff losses in all of pro sports if they lose. I think Pedro Ramos is still alive. Maybe he could start tonight.
  15. I kept saying before this DS even started; attack the strike zone, attack the strike zone. Evidently the Twins didn't read my posts. I have watched a total of 2 pitches and when I saw "Dobnack" " nibbling around the edges I switched to football. The handwriting was on the wall.
  16. Yankees probably see no way they can lose this series and Twins will probably not feel they have won until the 27th out in the 3rd win. That is the biggest hurdle...above the neck. If the Twins can play loose and confident, they can win this. Its that simple. Go Twins!
  17. Typical pre game type of discussion but who pitches what game is far less important than how who ever pitches what game is able to execute their pitches and, above all, be the aggressor on the mound as opposed to being afraid of balls flying over the fences. I can still see Ervin Santana taking the mound with a 2-0 lead in the first inning and having no idea where the strike zone was or, worse, being afraid to throw a strike. Just go get 'em.
  18. I was looking forward to watching the game but if I can't, frankly, who cares. Especially Game 1 at Yankee Band Box which, if the Twins don't win no big deal. Formula is win both home games and 1 of 3 at the other place. TV used to be simple and any televised game in any sport was a big deal. Technology has made things more complicated instead of easier which is kind of ironic. I'll just follow the score and maybe Game 2 will be more available but I am not jumping through hoops credit card in hand just to see home runs and strike outs live. The highlights will be available everywhere.
  19. The unknown is why the games are actually played. No one can deny that there is a stigma and aura attached to the Yankees that has accumulated over the decades starting with Ruth and the House that Ruth built and continuing to the current stadium being the only one named after the team that plays in it. Maybe Orioles Park at Camden Yards counts; not sure. There is always that feeling that, even with a lead, things can fall apart in an instant. Ironic thing about baseball is that you don't directly compete against the other players like other sports other than the "game within the game" pitcher/batter competition. Even that is more like golf in that the pitcher is really competing against himself trying to execute pitches The rest of the 8 defensive players are really just playing the ball. The batter is trying to hit the ball, not the opposing pitcher. Point of all of this is that the Twins are not playing the Yankees, they are playing themselves and the baseball. That is the beauty of the game. Whoever executes that the best usually wins.
  20. Just wait. Ever heard of Bucky Dent? Anyway, can't wait for it to start no matter who starts. If anything defines the Twins this year other than "Great season", its that there is no set lineup. No matter what happens, as the line from one of the Rocky movies went, "No pain, no pain". Go Twins.
  21. This board has kicked Jonathan Schoop around all season for reasons beyond my comprehension. I predict that he will rise to the occasion if given a chance. I know, RLISP is high. Big whoop. Perfectly fine with him in the lineup especially against the Yankees who he played against many times as an Oriole and is not intimidated by pin stripes. Not that the rest of these Twins are either but Schoop is simply used to playing the Yankees. No big deal.
  22. All the hype preceding sports events is fun; the 2 weeks preceding the Super Bowl being the classic example. Then they actually play the game and all the predictions are out the window. Same here. The plan is fine until it falls apart. If you even want to call it a plan it should be very simple. 1) Know that you belong in the playoffs and expect to win every game. 2) Play loose...the pressure is on the other team. 3) No matter whether its the 3 Ts or the 3 Stooges-pitchers attack the strike zone. 4) Just let the game play itself out and execute, execute, execute. 5) Don't be too smart by half, just play baseball and don't beat yourself.
  23. What was fishy was the way he was inserted into a game almost immediately after traveling across the country straight to the park where the Twins were playing into a possible game deciding situation. I think his uniform name was done with a magic marker, That was a disaster and he has never really recovered.
  24. I'm afraid that Buxton is, for lack of a better word, fragile. Don't forget the headache issue on top of the physical ailments. The future is an unknown and total guesswork based on hope. Right now its Sano for the simple reason that he's here and Buxton isn't and Sano is performing at a pretty high level. He also has the single biggest hit this season from which Cleveland has yet to recover.
  25. Not that anyone including Miguel cares, but I take back any negatives I have uttered/posted about Sano. Not only has he shown durability as an every day player but his offensive production has been in more and more critical situations. Maybe the grand slam against the Indians was the biggest hit of the season. I hope its Twins/Yankees in the ALDS. If so, the real pressure is on the Yankees, not the Twins. I hope the Twins just play loose and pitchers challenge the Yankees hitters. Don't nibble. Solo homers are fine. Its 2 walks and a homer that must be avoided.
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