I've been thinking this point over a good bit over the last few days. I think John and Nick both make very good points, and I actual agree with both of them (I know... weird right?). I LOVE baseball. Probably to the point of obsession according to my wife and daughter. I truly want to see MLB back on the field this year, but I understand (even though it would break my heart) if it can't be for a multitude of reasons. I've never deserted baseball (never will), but I found my passion waning as the Twins sunk into a bit of a morass at the end of the first decade of the 2000's. No, the thing that rekindled my obsession was my son and the ability to share the game with him. What I truly miss and want to see more than any other (baseball thing) is my son and his teammates on the diamond. He has truly embraced the game and it has turned a passion into a true joy (it also helps that he has a true knack for the game and had taken a huge step forward this year again ). This is what I miss the most. To me and my thinking, there is little more pure about baseball than HS and College players love of the game. So while I would love to see MLB and our Twins charge out of the dugout and take the field this year... what I miss the most and pray we will see soon (as long as we can safely do so) is my son and his friends/teammates getting to be boys again and being able to play the single greatest game God has ever granted upon the face of the earth. Take care everyone