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Everything posted by MN_ExPat

  1. No, I don’t believe that is the case. But there are just as many folks who don’t feel that way and shouting them down or disparaging their opinions isn’t very productive to a good conversation.
  2. It doesn’t have to be “compelling”. Some people simply don’t agree with that sentiment that it’s been a failure. Righteous indignation doesn’t make one right.
  3. Thank you Patrick. It's great to see a piece or comment that is not all doom and gloom or, "TO CRUSH YOUR ENEMIES. SEE THEM DRIVEN BEFORE YOU AND TO HEAR THE LAMENTATIONS OF THEIR WOMEN!" (OK, perhaps that last part is a little over the top ). I can understand the frustration. I think we all pretty much see what this team could be capable of with just that "little" tweak... but at the same time I would love to sit down with a lot of us, and a lot of good beer, and just say "OK, they promised to add "impact pitching" and they didn't get the perceived big fish after a superlative 100+ win campaign. So what?" Was that the smartest thing Falvine could have said? Probably not, but I for one am not going to cover them in pitch and light them on fire just because things didn't work out like a perceived promise. I'll use the analogy for those who have been in the military or law enforcement. Have you ever had a senior leader (especially one you liked) promise to do something for you and yours that just made you want to grab a tack hammer and pound your skull until the pain went away because what they said, while meant well, was pretty much one of the dumber things a human being could have said? That was pretty much like it for me. Not the smartest thing, but in the end... I've moved on. It simply isn't worth it to hang on to it and feed the shriveled black lump of coal that is my tiny, frozen, uncaring heart . Let's play some ball, Go Twins!
  4. Wow, I had to double check myself and I've only been an official member since early 2017... feels like so much longer. Probably since I had been lurking around the sight since roughly 2015 as well. Thanks so much John and the rest of TD writers and moderators. You guys have truly made it enjoyable and a baseball "home" to come back to on a daily basis. I truly think my baseball day isn't complete without it.
  5. Who knows? Its an Interesting thought, but something like this just might work. Also, it's a very petty quibble but... "health problems"? That makes is sound like he should be on a telethon while slow, sad music plays and you feel like a horrible human being for not donating while he tells you how said telethon org made his life bearable and livable again with their life saving treatment. Injury problems or injury prone self maybe, but health problems conjures up repressed memories of my dark, dark heart. Thanks, I feel sad now .
  6. You always have the option of joining the rest of the bandwagon Yankees fans .
  7. Clippard signing article = Alcala won’t make it in the bigs = ???? But to try and answer that Simply put... stuff. He’s got it, and that will ALWAYS grant players extended opportunity. Whether or not he has success (and that term is subjective in and of itself) in Pro ball (any level) is pretty much irrelevant for the most part.
  8. Wow.... that's really disturbing, but it's like a train wreck and I can't look away. The Horror!
  9. Fair enough... but just to play Devil's Advocate a bit, Kepler also was very banged up and hurt going into the end of the season. IMHO he really should have also been on the DL with Buxton and not on the field as he just didn't "look" like he was healthy.
  10. My thoughts on Keith Law are this... I acknowledge that he does know baseball pretty well and has some decent insights at times. However, I view him more and more these days as a baseball version of Mel Kiper (or... shudder... Fraud (Todd) McShay). Just because his (Law's) mouth is open, doesn't mean what is coming out is Gospel. I'll be the first to admit that Lewis needs to continue to refine his approach at the plate as he progresses, but all hitters must do that as they continue to face ever increasingly difficult pitchers. As far as his defense at SS? He doesn't have to platinum/gold glover. He just needs to make the routine plays routinely, everything else is gravy.
  11. Well said Doc. Ted Williams wrote a pretty good piece about that too, was an interesting read.
  12. It’s close enough to Christmas for the Depression Stage, so that makes sense. Don’t worry Bighat, I’m here for you .
  13. OMG, that is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time . TY RandBalls Stu.
  14. Nope, your not. So say we all. You make me sad Sir, but so be it.
  15. Ahh, no worries, it happens. I promise I won't tell anyone .
  16. I don't know if I would call him "gimmicky", as that seems a bit like an indifferent back hand to the abilities he does possess. However... I can't disagree with the rest. I too love La Tortuga. He's just fun to watch, as I think we all love to cheer for the "Everyman" . It would be great if he could take a page from Arraez's play book and just learn to take a little more control of the strike zone even a little better (yes I know, waaaaay easier said than done), as that would make him that much more valuable. As it is, he's likely more vulnerable at the plate than not. So here's to hoping that he adjust to the league now and we can keep chanting... Viva Tortuga!!!
  17. This is a bit of a stretch. There are hurlers of the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch who do struggle some after a transition of leagues (although this is more of a personal thing rather than a AL/NL issue). However, if this were truly the case... the NL would never win the WS and would pitch their worst games of the year in inter-league play.
  18. Perhaps I misunderstood the piece I read, but I believe Miami inquired about Rosario not the other way around and that their FO was potentially balking about the asking price of Smith or Alcantara. I agree, not crazy about loosing our keeper of the Rally Squirrel, but at least I would listen to offers.
  19. Nice write up Cooper. Can’t say I would love either one of them, but they bring an intriguing option for the staff.
  20. I think you might be on to something fun and wee bit interesting (like a more fun version of 7 Degrees of Kevin Bacon [at least I think that's what some folks call it?]). As far as ways to improve it? I'm drawing a blank right now personally, but it's a cool start and possibly a pretty fun project.
  21. Concerns about the defense are perfectly understandable, but come on Nick, you know full well that the pitcher does not exist on an island . Nothing but popups, Ks, and weak come backers to the pitcher are boring and fascist.
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