Thank you Patrick. It's great to see a piece or comment that is not all doom and gloom or, "TO CRUSH YOUR ENEMIES. SEE THEM DRIVEN BEFORE YOU AND TO HEAR THE LAMENTATIONS OF THEIR WOMEN!" (OK, perhaps that last part is a little over the top ). I can understand the frustration. I think we all pretty much see what this team could be capable of with just that "little" tweak... but at the same time I would love to sit down with a lot of us, and a lot of good beer, and just say "OK, they promised to add "impact pitching" and they didn't get the perceived big fish after a superlative 100+ win campaign. So what?" Was that the smartest thing Falvine could have said? Probably not, but I for one am not going to cover them in pitch and light them on fire just because things didn't work out like a perceived promise. I'll use the analogy for those who have been in the military or law enforcement. Have you ever had a senior leader (especially one you liked) promise to do something for you and yours that just made you want to grab a tack hammer and pound your skull until the pain went away because what they said, while meant well, was pretty much one of the dumber things a human being could have said? That was pretty much like it for me. Not the smartest thing, but in the end... I've moved on. It simply isn't worth it to hang on to it and feed the shriveled black lump of coal that is my tiny, frozen, uncaring heart . Let's play some ball, Go Twins!