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Everything posted by Darius

  1. The Orioles might be the only team in the MLB with worse pitching than the Twins. Not a good example to follow. But, I'd still like to see them get rid of some bullpen dead-weight and give Busenitz, Bard, Curtis, etc some innings.
  2. Buxton might finally be connecting some dots at the plate. Hopefully, some XHBs will follow shortly.
  3. Yep, AAA is for journeyman injury fill-ins. AA is for prospects. Bringing them up to AAA doesn't really accomplish much. You can keep a few experienced depth guys in AAA without losing them to be the occasional 26th man or short-term injury fill in.
  4. Big inning. Hopefully that snaps the collective lineup out of the recent funk.
  5. ....and a Rosario walk...did I slip into an alternate dimension?
  6. Good call to hold him. But, man, an inside the parker would've been fun.
  7. I'm not sure I can recall a time in Dozier's career when he has effectively moved a base runner without getting a hit.
  8. Looks like we're well on the way to another Little League mental defensive lapse costing another game in the standings. That's exciting.
  9. I think you can focus on the one play (double steal) as the focal point of the loss. Good team figure out how to win those games, and compensate for the stagnant offense all night. Bad teams lose game because of mistakes like that. It's the highest level of professional baseball...you can never point the finger at the offense and say a huge defensive mistake doesn't really matter. That's an inexcusable play to make, whether it's on Dozier or Castro. You learn how to handle those plays in middle school. Especially when you're in a late inning situation, with a pitcher who was throwing the ball very well and a very good/fast base runner on third, you let the guy take second base, even if you think you may have a shot at the guy. Too many things can go wrong (bad throws, bad tag, dropped ball, etc). You shouldn't need a coach to call first and third plays from the dugout for you when you're at that level.
  10. When you consider that the veterans they keep running out (guys like Hughes, Santiago, etc) are about as bad as you can get at any professional level, there is absolutely zero downside to letting the kids pitch and work through some struggles.
  11. Great to see Kepler busting out of that prolonged slump. So important.
  12. If they really want to give Granite a shot, I think they should take a shot at trading Rosario or Grossman. There may be a serviceable starter or quality bullpen arm to be had out there somewhere.
  13. Apologies for going further off the threads rail, but Cole or Quintana would give this team another competent starter, and give them a nice 1-3 for a possible playoff series. A lefty to go with Santana and Berrios would be nice. I wouldn't like the idea of giving away a haul of prospects....but either of those guys might be worth it.
  14. Grossman is a useful player. But, by swapping Granite with Grossman, I think you're getting a net gain. OBP shouldn't differ much. Baserunning and defense would improve. Power potential decreases slightly, but it's not like Grossman is Adam Dunn. In the end, it's a no brainer, IMO. But, you're probably right that he's not going anywhere. Under the old regime, Grossman is the type of guy they would've extended for 5 years, only to see him regress hard, have injury issues, etc. He'd clog the roster for years to come (because God forbid they ever cut anyone loose making above minimum). The jury is still out on the new regime. With an abundance of guys who can fill the DH role, I'd rather see the 4th OF be a guy who can actually play in the OF of needed. I'd take a bag of balls for Grossman and call up Granite.
  15. I don't trust any statistic (defensive runs saved, per FSN broadcast) that tells me Mookie Betts is a better defender than Byron Buxton.
  16. He's hard to get a read on. He'll make a great play, or hit a big HR one inning, then turnaround and make a head-scratching base running error the next.
  17. Is Royce Lewis almost ready? The bum. I heard Hunter Greene threw two perfect games in a double-header in AA yesterday. Broke the sound barrier with a changeup. Radar guns and catchers mitts littered the post apocalyptic landscape he left behind.
  18. I couldnt put Gordon ahead of Lewis, like I see many doing. Lewis was just drafted #1 overall, and has more tools. I have a hard time seeing Gordon putting up offensive numbers at the MLB level. Lewis has elite offensive potential. But, I can also understand wanting to see him do something in pro ball first. I'd put Rooker in my top 10. The guy just won the triple crown in the SEC, which is the equivalent of what, something like high A maybe? I don't think it's crazy to say he's more accomplished than Kirillof that this point. My top 10: 10. Thorpe 9. Blankenhorn 8. Rooker 7. Diaz 6. Javier 5. Kirillof 4. Gonsalves 3. Romero 2. Gordon 1. Lewis 5-10 is basically interchangeable, I have a tough time with that order. I'd find room for Enlow once he signs, and bump either one of 7-10. Leach maybe considered as well, really like what I hear about him.
  19. Meyer's ERA is down under 3.5, and he's striking out nearly 11 per 9. They could have used Ricky Nolasco today, also. Even he's got better numbers than Santiago....and is actually pitching. But, hey, at least they're saving that money. Priorities. Trading two starters for one in a pitching starved organization to save some cash....brilliant.
  20. I'm going to enjoy first place this morning while it lasts. I'll be surprised if this team manages 1 of 4 in the series.
  21. Morton, Blanton, Cashner, Volquez, Holland etc, all signed deals around $7M, and would've been perextely adequate filler. Not saying they needed to go out and break the bank...and there is plenty of room on the 40-man. Not sure why throwing the season before it starts is a favorable option to planning to at least try and compete. It's also not unreasonable to expect that Hughes would end up on the DL. He's been on there frequently enough. Gibson has never been reliable. Mejia and Berrios were unknowns at that time. Samtiagos peripherals could tell you that he's never been good. I just don't understand why it's so unreasonable to expect them to make an attempt for a few million bucks. Why it's unreasonable to think there is room on this terrible 40-man. Is that really where our standards are?
  22. If you actually watched the games, it was obvious. The guy couldn't top 90, and was giving up laser beams all over the yard. He physically couldn't make it past 5 innings. Because he got very lucky, doesn't mean he was "serviceable." That's my opinion on the thing. It was clear he wasn't going to hold up. Feel free to disrespect that opinion all you want....but there were also others with very well respected opinions who said the same (Gleeman is one off the top of my head).
  23. Brilliant intentional walk of the coldest hitter on the Indians.
  24. The thing that's ignored in this scenario, also, is the eye test...luck factor...whatever you want to call it. It was like watching a slow pitch softball game when Hughes was on the mound. He scraped by with a 5 ERA by the grace of God.
  25. You might miss Encarnacion hit one out of the stadium. That's worth the price of admission.
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