From a newspaper article last year: "Matthew Budweiser Jackson, 32, was arrested earlier this month by Kingman, AZ Police." I won't tell you the heinous things he did, but they are worthy of someone whose parents gave him the middle name Budweiser.
If the catcher had caught it Rosario was out by a long ways. He didn't, safe. We're happy. However, wouldn't we be screaming if he got thrown out on that play? For me, further questions arise about our third base coach.
News flash: Did anyone else notice that Delmon Young finally turned 30 years old last week? The sun has been setting on that guy's career since it came up.
Thank you for the analysis, Nick. Perkins can't be trusted until he proves that he can be trusted. So continue pitching him in low-to-mid-leverage situations to find out where he's at it. The time of year is too important.
I wonder if a different hitting coach could get through to Dozier about going with the pitch, that is, sometimes to the opposite field? Trade em? Trade in Bruno?