“I suppose it is out of laziness that the world is the same day after day. Today it seemed to want to change. And then anything, anything could happen.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre, Nausea
11 walks in 338 plate appearances will not get it done. His combined OBP in AA and AAA is .303. I suspect he'll be sent down to AAA next year for seasoning.
I think a 86-76 record will easily make the second wild card spot. To do that the Twins would need to go 25-15. (.625). With each loss the possibility of such a scenario shrinks substantially at this point in the season, of course. It would be like a walk home grand slam in the 9th when you were down by 7. It can be done, but rarely is.
Their odds after two wins has risen to 5%, so let's get our irrational hopes right! Also, right now, the Orioles odds of making the WC are 18.5, so if the Twins beat them today and tomorrow, my god the baseball world will be on edge!