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Richie the Rally Goat

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Everything posted by Richie the Rally Goat

  1. The concept of risk/reward has come up a few times, and the looming CBA means maybe revenue sharing with the players is on the table for 21. If the players assume more risk, they’re going to want commensurate reward to go with it. Otherwise contracts won’t be “guaranteed”.
  2. good for you! But I am perplexed.... they back out of buying 4 LATAM A350s, but are still in on the JV even w/ LATAM filing for bankruptcy and buying 10 future, while shrinking their own fleet ... and it raises 13.5% today? Is Delta taking over LATAM?
  3. ive been hoarding cash too. I’m on the fence of the markets aren’t reflecting the economy but at some point will.
  4. An 82 game season may end up being no off days and double headers where a 6-7 man rotation is all but required for some stretches. No such thing as too much pitching, even in a short season. Abbreviated Spring Training might have an impact on being stretched out on opening day too.
  5. Fed Chair Jerome Powell on 60 minutes. Lots of mixed messages, just like the stock markets https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/coronavirus-economy-jerome-powell-federal-reserve-chairman-60-minutes/?__twitter_impression=true#app
  6. Can you site the exclusive charter flights? Minor leaguers certainly fly commercial. Regardless of carrier, they fly in and out airports, correct? Go through security and such?
  7. Green Bay in January is magical and glorious! There are few experiences like it, and even Viking fans should experience it. That being said, I think a neutral site WS is the only way to keep the players safe. Air travel is so dangerous, it must be mitigated every step of a season and post season.
  8. I have a friend who trades for CHS, and I used to buy vegetables on contracts, and i can tell you that it depends on what your intention is on the trades. I used to trade for low prices to actually take delivery as a supplement to my contracts. My friend at CHS does the same. Oh, and 20 million barrels of oil are anchored off the coast of California right now. There’s opportunities if you have the resources. https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2020-04-21/oil-tankers-are-surrounding-california-with-nowhere-to-unload?sref=vuYGislZ&__twitter_impression=true
  9. I wonder if you could buy one used on Craigslist?
  10. it’s futures contracts, meaning a refiner purchased that oil for future delivery, that you have to take delivery of on the day it comes due. It’s already out of the ground and has to go somewhere. You can sell that futures contract to somebody else, but when nobody has anywhere to store it... you pay someone to take it. And June and July futures are still in the $20 range. I don’t think it’ll hurt that bad. I just wish i had a spare oil tanker lying around that I could sit on that for a few months and make a bajillion dollars on.::
  11. I think there's some logic getting lost in the algorithms, additional to glunn's post, the big institutional investors are buying/or selling, just to stay ahead of each other, not to hold an investment as a growth opportunity. Behind every Algo is a human, but time is a great equalizer in that kind of trading. That's part of the difficulty in trying to find the bottom - there may be multiple dead cat bounces (there frequently are) but these feel more pronounced than '08 or '02 partially because of the Algos seem to feed off of each other, just like my favorite clip from the big short regarding the hot hand fallacy.
  12. I'm 5 episodes into Counterpart on Prime (I believe also Stars). I really enjoy it so far, JK Simmons is awesome!
  13. good luck Mike, and good advice. Flexibility is key for all of us, including Rocco
  14. “1 or 2” top pitchers? How about part of a top pitcher? This has been beaten to death already, but top pitchers don’t just grow on trees. It’s easier said than done, to sign one of these unicorns. I think the FO would rather have signed a top pitcher too.
  15. agreed with Glunn. It’s pretty safe to say, depending on investment horizon, you’ll pay higher income taxes closer to retirement than you pay right now, so might as well bite the bullet. If your employer offers a Roth 401k, you could make your contributions monthly after taxes on your paycheck. My employer includes the Roth on match funds too, so you could replace your pre tax 401k with the after tax variety, to an extent. Unfortunately the Roth contribution limits are lower than pretax.
  16. MMM opened today at 129.86 did your put option vest (or whatever it’s called)?
  17. With the Fed rate cut, it appears with all three major futures indices down to the limit (4.5-4.8%) that the market agrees with you. The uptick was probably just the algorithms...
  18. I dont know, it’s an assumption. I also saw in Trevor Bauer’s YouTube channel that the union is negotiating for the players to get paid. A bit further down the thread, I advocated for the games to count if the players get paid for missed games.
  19. but it’s not based on 162 game season. If it were he wouldn’t have started his penalty immediately because there weren’t 162 games or even 60 games left of the season. if the players union gets the players their game checks for missed games in 2020, then the missed games should count against Pineda’s suspension. Pineda shouldn’t have to pay the monetary penalty twice.
  20. Bauer has some interesting stuff. His YouTube channel. Seems very earnestly concerned about the hourly ballpark people getting paid, hence the sandlot game as a charitable event to support the hourly workers. Good work Trevor!
  21. in the strike shortened season of 95, the players didn’t get paid for the 18 games missed. Neither will the players get paid for missed games this year due to Covid19. Why should Pineda get even partial credit when the other players won’t get paid at all? His suspension was 60 games with 39 games remaining, not 37% of a season with 24% remaining.
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