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Richie the Rally Goat

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Everything posted by Richie the Rally Goat

  1. This is a really good blog that backs up your assertion of too much money tied into too few stocks: https://wolfstreet.com/2020/07/11/wild-ride-to-nowhere-appl-msft-amzn-goog-and-fb-soar-to-new-high-rest-of-the-stock-market-is-a-dud-has-been-for-years/
  2. If you want to re-create that experience, you can get the heat at home kits to eat while streaming a ball game. I doubt they still have the food trucks running during the Covid, but OMG is that good! https://www.hotindianfoods.com/
  3. https://mobile.twitter.com/tlschwerz/status/1280266878515130374?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1280266878515130374%7Ctwgr%5E&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Ftwinsdaily.com%2Ftopic%2F37940-minnesota-twins-2020-schedule-released%2F There’s two weeks that don’t have two day games in there and a couple weeks that have 2 days games and a 5:10 or 3:10 start. There’s even a week in there with two day games in a row.
  4. Viruses mutate. People can get the flu or common cold, several times in a season, even with a vaccine. Unfortunately we still aren't sure yet if Covid is like Measles, or if Covid is like Flu, or somewhere in the middle.
  5. It’s a good reminder that the stock market is not the economy. I would think at some point the broader economy will impact investors decisions, but the vast majority of stock is held by institutional investors. When your metric is no longer the traditional long term investment metrics, but being able to transact faster than other institutions, logic gets cloudy, and day trading gets harder. I too am hoarding cash, but I never sold off. Because my horizon is far enough off that I can recover a couple bad years, I’m sitting tight.
  6. “I’m falling asleep on the chair tonight” I haven’t used my phone charger next to the easy chair in months. It’s about time... Thanks for the hearty chuckle RBS
  7. As outsiders, we only get bits and pieces of a privately held organization. Pohlad Family Foundation was established in 1993 or 94 (I have seen both) https://m.startribune.com/pohlad-family-foundation-focuses-its-giving-on-housing-issues/486494821/ Also, Pohlad produced 12 years a slave, which was released in 2013. Falvey and Levine have clearly made their impact on the MN Twins. It’s less clear to me their impact on the broader Pohlad Companies/Foundation because of the history that predates. For all we know, a conservative corporate culture (that predates Bill/Jim/Bob) just took a while to match the personal convictions of the siblings. It’s welcome change, but might not be as radical or swift as 4 years. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and doing good things, is good! Kudos to the Pohlad Family and MN Twins for stepping up big!
  8. Erroneous act? Chauvin committed a criminal act. Murder is a crime. Chauvin will get a chance to face his accuser in court hopefully go to jail, and when his sentence is up, leave, try to start his life over. I never said anything about Floyd’s character, frankly that’s not relevant. Floyd may well be a criminal, that doesn’t make any of this OK. Floyd died, how much more responsibility can a man take?
  9. victim blaming is really bad look. Please don’t post this type of thing.
  10. If you don’t have money to give, but have some time to spare, there are many food pantries that need labor to help pack boxes and load cars/carts and such. Justin Grimm (Justin.grimm@elca.org) from the ELCA is organizing one at Bethlehem Lutheran-Midway. My wife drove in yesterday to help. Everyone masked up for Covid, social distanced and appreciated the help.
  11. Well written/articulated and thought out post. I disagree with you, but respect your work.
  12. Moderator note: this is a moderated website. All posts will abide by the comment policy, or will be moderated. http://twinsdaily.com/topic/8228-twins-daily-comment-policy/ The mod team has been a bit more hands off in this thread, as voices need to be heard, but we will abide by the comment policy.
  13. Well said Nick! If we sit idly by and say nothing, then how are we any better than those three police officers who watched Derek Chauvin kill a man in cold blood?
  14. It looks like each affiliate has 36 players, 7 affiliates with Dominican is 252 minor leaguers at 400 per week is $100k weekly over 20 weeks, out of pocket for the Pohlads. $2M is a lot of money, but in the grand scheme, it’s not much compared to what a single major league free agent makes. Thrilled the Twins are supporting their players. Disappointed other teams aren’t.
  15. this buyer/seller market, not an extended value stream. Agreed, the Blake Snell rant was not a good look, but the negotiation is between the MLB and MLBPA. Any bets on listed ticket prices for whenever the games are played with spectators? Price going down? Not likely Everyone protects their price, including me. I’m not accepting a wage cut either (not that they’ve asked).
  16. Honest pay for honest work, be it owner, player, or beer vendor is fine by me. I have no problem with the negotiation. I just think that the players have a contract and a contract is a contract. I struggle with the macro economic theory being thrown around, when we’re really talking about a market. The scale is off, especially when mixing in market definition of loss... My points of opportunity cost is just my way of putting the players perspective out there, and it seems like none of us want to tread on the little guy, but I digress, we’ve had a bit of a misdirected analogy. If I think of my own manufacturing organization, it is currently trying to reduce overhead cost, improve cash flow and reduce cost of goods sold. Parts of the business cater to industrial firms that are reeling, parts of the business cater to pharma and business is booming. Much like the MLB, Pharma (the Yankees) doesn’t cover all of the gap of industrial (the marlins) so, shrink and grow, yay! Overhead in our scenario would be the same in my factory, management furloughs. Twins have said they are paying the FO through June, so overhead isn’t a concern here. With the “factory” a publicly funded stadium still not a big cost when the lights are turned off. As you are keenly aware in a factory, improving cash flow and reducing COGS at the same time is a difficult proposition as lot sizes and RM costs are the main drivers. Cancelling purchase orders can improve cash flow, but resulting inventory shortages makes it difficult to deliver on time to collect on invoices and makes for smaller lots, driving up COGs. Players are the inventory. Vendors (MLBPA) don’t like to deliver when you cancel POs and the PO does include price and quantity (contract value and years). Vendors frequently cut off their nose to spite their face, if only to maintain price over time.
  17. the players did take an opportunity cost “loss”. They earned less than minimum wage for 6 years as minor leaguers, many leave MiLB in debt because the wages don’t cover the cost of training and travel in the offseason, let alone cost of living. If they had gotten a job at Home Depot, it would have been banked income over those 6 years, and they would have been able to negotiate higher wages with other employers over that time as well. What percentage of minor leaguers make it to the bigs? Maybe 5-10%. It’s a real cost/benefit calculation.
  18. agreed that the phrase is a sound bite. Make no mistake, the CBA negotiation has begun. However the concept of risk/reward is legitimate here. Ownership has previously earned a profit based on accepting risk as an investment, now finding the risk greater than ownership is willing to accept has tried to spread that risk among the players. The players already had made their own risk/reward decision by accepting a minor league salary at the reward for a major league one. Being this is new risk (business failure)for the players shouldn’t they ask for a cut of the profit? In a free market I forgo job security but get to negotiate with competitive employers to increase my earnings. In this case, players have only one league. Negotiation of free agent contracts is basically just back pay, and the teams are one league competing inside of itself.
  19. this isn’t a free market http://twinsdaily.com/topic/36938-zulgad-is-mlb-really-making-return-about-dollars-and-cents/?p=965912
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