That rotation, Montas, Ryan, Odorizzi, Ober and Bundy would be somewhat competitive, at least enough that if the hitters really crush it, like 2019, they could legit contend for a division.
Montas is a legit 150-175 inning starter, the rest of that motley crew tops out at 150 with Ober and drops to 100 or less very quickly.
that’s maybe 600 innings but of the 1500 the team needs for the season if they all stay healthy and effective. As another poster mentioned, there’s 4-5 ifs there.
half the innings pitched (after losing SWR who they need to supplement) comes from the farm (or Dobnak/Jax) at best. Probably more, someone is getting hurt.
Nope, not buying that 5 man rotation as competitive