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Richie the Rally Goat

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Everything posted by Richie the Rally Goat

  1. I voted for Lopez. Last year he would have led the starters in FWAR, IP, WPA and second in FIP. Mahle I believe will be a close second. He was 3rd of the starters in FWAR and .02 WPA behind Ryan for second place and he was injured a huge chunk of the season. Add in the improved secondary offering…. Man, oh man…
  2. 10 billion dollars (the last reported revenue number I saw for MLB wide) is 10 thousand millions. We don’t know what happens inside of that 10 billion in revenue to have a clear picture of their cost of goods sold to know if they can or can’t afford what, but total opening MLB payroll last year was 3.5 billion. 10-3.5= 6.5 billion (6,500 million) gross profit less overhead (building operations, management salaries, etc) plus team revenue (the revenue teams don’t share like apparel and food sales) makes me think that even the poorest of the poor team can afford to spend more than they do. Capitalism went out the door for MLB in the 1960s, the disparity amongst teams is self inflicted, and if the MLB got out of its own way to a actually deliver its products to fans in accessible modes, how much more could they earn? How many more fans could they attract if it didn’t cost $1,500 per year to watch baseball games only if you live in certain areas and if you live in others it costs $500 per year, and if you live in some areas there’s no amount of money you can spend. It’s nuts!
  3. Starting Left Fielder as he beats out Joey Gallo for playing time
  4. Martin and Arraez might profile as similar types of hitters, but Martin hasn’t shown the contact skill. Maybe it’s there, maybe he’ll develop some power too, but he’d be a late bloomer. I hope he does take those skills to the next level. I’m rooting for him.
  5. From the Athletic: "A team source said Balazovic was struck in the jaw after he was involved in a verbal altercation at an unidentified local establishment last Saturday night. Balazovic never threw a punch of his own and there are no legal issues stemming from the incident."
  6. Agreed that revenue sharing probably doesn’t need MLBPA approval, but I have to believe a Salary Cap would. I imagine the only way the PA agrees to a cap, is if it comes with a floor (as a starting point). agreed, the issue isn’t the Mets spending Monopoly money, it’s the Rays (and Cleveland, etc) spending so little.
  7. Related, The Athletic has a great story on what the potential Diamond Group/Bally RSN bankruptcy means for the three sports: https://theathletic.com/4219468/2023/02/17/bally-sports-rsn-nba-nhl-mlb-broadcasts/?access_token=12044139&redirected=1 The takeaway quote: “I hope we get to the point where on the digital side, when you go to MLB.TV, you can buy whatever the heck you want,” Manfred said Feb. 16. “You can buy the out-of-market package. You can buy the local games, you can buy two sets of local games — whatever you want. I mean, that is, to me, the definition of what is going to be a valuable digital offering going forward.” in the article, it briefly mentions MLB’s plan B if Diamond does file. I think that the potential Bankruptcy of Diamond is greatly accelerating the talks of MLB changing the financials as a whole, because the owners are in a pickle.
  8. That’s Beast’s point, in the old days you didn’t spout your mouth because of this. the consequences are very real even if you can’t be punched over the internet. My point here is empathy is the tool of progress. empathy for Jordy too
  9. Well said, but violence shouldn’t be the answer. Bottom line, there are consequences for all of our actions, and our society needs to reestablish norms of respect that have shifted away from where I (and many people) believe they should be. As a member of the mod team here at TD, I can tell you we work very hard at keeping that norm on the message boards without resorting to fisticuffs. this is an easy assumption to jump to, clearly I don’t know what happened, probably won’t ever know, and if I were to find out Jordy Blaze was a victim of unforeseen circumstances, it’s unfortunate, but usually these circumstances are pretty apparent and easily avoided. From a baseball perspective, this was a make or break year for Balazovich. I was really hoping for a “make”, but it’s really hard to consume a nutritious athlete’s diet through a straw. Ominous signs…
  10. And starter 6,7, &8 are all legit big league pitchers who need to get their feet wet. The depth is really good!
  11. I get the consternation w/ Kirilloff, but the surgery wasn’t as “ground breaking” or unheard of as some posters are fearing. Yes, it’s serious, every surgery is, just like Sano’s rod in his leg or Correa’s plate in his ankle. They were serious surgeries, but successful. not to downplay the seriousness of AK’s surgery, I’m sure it’s been a difficult recovery, and swinging a bat adds complexity, but my dog had that surgery 13 years ago. He was walking on that foreleg in a cast in two weeks and back to normal in 6. If it’s done to dogs by veterinarians, the top notch surgeons that care for pro athletes should be good hands to be in.
  12. There is a third leg of the stool, convert minor league quad A starters to relievers.
  13. Great work! I laughed so hard! “You were always my first choice.” OMG!
  14. After the 11th, the game switches to Homerun Derby, position players pitch to pitchers
  15. Great article @Hunter McCall. One question, why did you include Miranda’s 246 mlb innings of 3B fielding, but ignore Kirilloff’s 345 mlb innings at 1B as SSS?
  16. How do you get at the worse bat? Sano career OPS .808 ISO .248 wRC+115. Gallo OPS .794, ISO .270 wRC+ 110. that is so similar, it is indistinguishable. Gallo Ks slightly more, BBs slightly more, and hits more homers. Isn’t the ISO the interesting part?
  17. Agreed on win or be entertaining, but I don’t like watching 3 true outcomes hitters. I’m not entertained by watching 3 whiffs and sitting down 80% of the time. Also, Gallo is basically Sano with a better mitt. You’ll like watching him strikeout, I promise
  18. I like where you are going Seth. The Twins’ position in the market changed. Not a Strib subscriber…. The FO changed, who have a different perspective and prerogative than the Ryan regime. Does the Free Agent market itself have an influence to some of the work with Boras’ clients too? The disparity between the top end payrolls and the bottom has never been greater, also with the players. Does that facilitate different contract structures? I don’t know how to search it, but Buxton and Correa have historically odd contracts. Is Boras (or certain agents) more open minded on the cash-grab?
  19. 100% agreed on the hitting value comp. On the fielding comp, Gallo is a much better fielder. While I hate the Gallo signing and feel he’s an overrated fielder, at least he’s descent. Sano is a butcher, pretty much everywhere he’s fielded.
  20. In 2022 Kepler had 95 wRC+, Gallo had 85 wRC+, and Gordon had 111. Gallo’s overall OAA last year was 0, Keplers was 11(!) Gordon’s was -2. Gordon’s OAA in the outfield was 0, compared to Gallo’s 0 to -3. Maybe something went horribly right if Gordon is slotted to start in Left.
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