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Everything posted by Karbo

  1. Pay him. 17-19m per year seems fair. What is he asking? The guy is reliable, and any other team would love to have him. Pay him. Cant stomach much more of this kind of ball. Need pitching, it isnt free and it doesnt look like we have a bunch of sure things coming up from the minors. If the kids do come up and show they can take over trade him then.
  2. Get rid of the extra innings rule or at least wait until say the 13th inning or later. Maybe its time to start getting serious about an electronic strike zone. I have been against it up until the last couple of years but the current umpires are so far off that something needs to change. Not a big fan of 7 inning double headers either.
  3. While I agree that getting bent out of shape over a guy hitting a meatball pitch for a homerun in a blowout game is ridiculous, at least for one of the 1st times in awhile one of the Twins showed they still were playing the game. This team just doesnt seem to care much anymore.
  4. If Duffy did throw try to hit him at least he had enough class to keep the pitch down where the risk of any injury was minimal. Thats the way the game has been played for years though I dont really think this time it was really a big deal. You throw a meatball to a guy its going to get hit, no matter what the score or count is.
  5. I keep hearing from others in my group of friends that RB is saving the arms for a deep run. I dont see any chance of a deep run if we dont turn things around NOW. I totally agree that its time to throw away the book and start managing things by the gut. Is RB capable of doing this? Does he have the experience? This is where he really misses a much needed mentor as a bench coach IMHO. RIP MB.
  6. I can agree that the bullpen has been the major problem so far, but I also feel there has been way too many questionable "game management" decisions. I'm not ready to give up on the season quite yet however, as many of these players have shown over the past what they are capable of doing. Think back to 91 when nobody thought this team had a chance early and they won like 15 straight and never looked back. We have more than one or two players that are capable of putting this team on there shoulders and taking a long run like that again. I just don't know if we have the right management team to motivate them to do it.
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