I think we shouldnt be in awe of Cleveland. I have said all along they aren't that great. Yes there is something positive going on but a lot of those guys like Bauer, Kluber etc werent drafted by them anyways Bauer especially was gonna be a force no matter where he ended up. He's an ace forget about his antics...Clevenger, Carrasco, remember Danny Salazar? Oh they are so great...when they play. All of those clowns are/were on the d.l more often than not. And how many championships has that got them? ZERO...THE HOOP. they blew their best chance against the Scrubs in 2016. Forget about them lets worry about what the Minnesota Twins have to do. We have a good core with Maeda, Pineda, and Berrios. Odorizzi prolly wants to come back at a reasonable rate. We lack that true Ace. im saying it first, and he wants a one year deal...its Bauer. with that rotation and the depth we have...that is the missing piece. Hill would come back with Smeltzer, Dobnak, and Thorpe waiting in the wings. I am so sick of hearing how great Cleveland is. they arent, and they never were. and know what, they never will be. the new threat is...lol South Side...it will be a very important managerial hire for them. if they are smart they they wont hire a yes man. If they change that culture they can be really Really tough. nough said for me.