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Everything posted by MN_ExPat

  1. Great write up Seth but... I second the motion of the Honorable AlwaysinModeration, and move that the ban be emplaced immediately to prevent further harm to the minor league system (and it's players - geez, we don't need Gonzo getting hurt).
  2. Agreed, great right up. But on a side note that is probably just plain silly (read: yes, completely)... Does anyone else think Buddy Boshers should either grow a BEARD, like Dallas Kuechel style or just shave it off? This in between stuff is killing me. Just commit to it brother, go big or go home... LOL.
  3. After the "Season that shall not be named" that was one less than 2017, I'm ok with the fact that the FO "sold" a little bit this season to add depth to the organization. They needed it, and the ML club is still hanging in there despite it. Do I believe that they make the post season... probably not, but at least I can turn on the game and actually believe that they have a legitimate chance to compete and sometimes even win. They may not have the sexy record of LA or Houston, but that's not why I love this game and watch Twins (Ok, we may have to all have a little bit of a masochistic tendency to keep following through the lean times, but we're nowhere near to Cubs fans Oh yeah, and I have to leave this one last kernel of wisdom... I like turtles
  4. Very true. They could theoretically stay in it (they do have SOME talent on the roster), but right now the biggest hurdle they seem to face is themselves. IF they can hold off those personal daemons then they have a, albeit very small, chance to at least make a small playoff run.
  5. I think if you compound the loss with the added pressure of trying to perform in the world's highest stage, it would make sense. All of us have lost people extremely close to us, and I don't doubt he is not fully back from it. When you add the pressure of playing a game that celebrates failure such as baseball does and dealing with fan expectations (and the player's own even more so), to the possible weakened emotional state... I think we see this. Polanco's heart just doesn't seem all there, not that he doesn't care, but everyone processes that loss differently. I also offer this thought. Fans and many sportswriters were very critical of his defense much of last year. At the start of this season, you could just look at his body language and see an almost maniacal focus on his glove work. On the flip side of that, he almost seemed to loose focus of his offense somewhat as if he was so intent on improving his defense to prove himself as a valuable teammate. Maybe I'm a moron and I don't know baseball near as well as I think I do (probably true), but I have spent a lot of time having to learn to read people and body posture/language (seems to happen in the military and law enforcement a lot... hmmm) so take it for what it's worth.
  6. Hard to say. One has to wonder, at least a tiny bit, if the Twins were reluctant to part with Santana due to his team control and that drove up any potential asking price.
  7. Well said. It was more of a statement on the many imperfections of the game and that most of us appreciate the fact that baseball probably more than any other sport embraces the traditions of the past (sometimes to a fault, but embraces them nonetheless). But as far as automation goes, if the Twins were winning and in contention right now, would any of us really be barking about those head scratching calls on the balls and strikes?
  8. As much as the out of zone calls feel like a gut punch, I'm STILL not sold on automated strike zones. That imperfection is one of the things that make baseball beautiful (albeit tragic and cruel, but beautiful nonetheless).
  9. It was disheartening to watch the bats, as they made Chacin look like an All-Star. At least Berrios pitched a heck of a game.
  10. Quite possible. Something tells me though we'll be surprised in some way (either more trades than we thought or less, although I have a sneaking suspicion that it will be less for some reason).
  11. I had have to agree. The new FO has had to make a very large, very calculated review of the whole system from the MLB roster to rookie ball to truly see what they have from an inside vantage point. This is not something that can be done overnight and henceforth I feel that this may be why we are seeing SO many plug and play waiver pickups, and reclamation projects. Yes, it drives me batty most of the time (why isn't Falvine calling up my favorite prospects?), but baseball is a difficult, oftentimes cruel, and demanding mistress. We can bandy about all the fancy, new age moneyball, I'm smarting than you statistics all we want, but... at the end of the day we as fans aren't the ones making the "Is this decision going to cause the organization to implode, get me fired and have my wife run off with the pool boy" type of choices. Those types of soul shaking, bowel shaking bouts of remorse are often better left to those who live and breath this stuff on a daily basis. The FO isn't stupid, and I'm pretty sure they know what they are doing or at least what they want to do. Just because we don't what Falvey or Levine are thinking right now doesn't they don't have the team's, the players or the fans best interest at heart. While I may not always agree with or understand some of the FOs decisions, at the end of the day I am just grateful that or Twins are at least competitive and entertaining. What else can we truly ask for?
  12. Oh... and yes I'M #1, FIRST COMMENT!!!! Of course I have to temper that with the fact that it reads like I fell asleep in class taking notes and has both the drool stain and REALLY large ink spot on the page that you hope no one sees.
  13. Interesting thoughts Seth. I'm glad that I'm not a GM, as I have a hard enough time (read pretty much impossible really) being impartial when my son takes the mound or field.
  14. Hey Seth, that just made me think about Kiriloff and where he might slot next year when he returns from TJ. Considering the season he had last year, I wonder if the FO starts him off E-Town to get re-acclimated or Cedar Rapids? Of course a great amount would depend on how he responds to the surgery and rehab.
  15. I totally agree with you. This year, Rosario has been... well, I think only good way you could say his defense has been is, off. He's got the physical tools and athleticism to excel as a MLB outfielder. However, as we have all seen on multiple occasions, his confidence in his own abilities seems to extend into the realm of reckless. My comment really stems more from the, most likely misguided, hope that he somehow can overcome his headstrong and often reckless play style.
  16. I wouldn't call Rosario's defense brutal. He's very athletic and seems to often takes chances that he shouldn't or bad routes because of that (plus he just doesn't seem truly comfortable in Center). I don't believe he'll ever win a Gold Glove, not a "bad" defender though. But I will agree with the sentiment that he is beyond frustrating at times
  17. Of course.... 'Merica! but in honor of Der Max...Fur das vaterland, Deutschland uber alles!
  18. I'd have to agree with you. Rosario is an athletic outfielder and a fairly decent left fielder, but he seems just a little bit uncomfortable with center. Kepler has seemed, at least IMHO, to have a better "feel" for the center pasture.
  19. You're probably at least somewhat correct Roster. Although we as fans will most likely see something in between meh and eternal baseball glory. This is baseball and almost nowhere else does the law of averages rule quite the same way.
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