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Everything posted by nicksaviking

  1. It worked out for Tyler Beede who is also starting to look like a bust. Derek Fisher was also drafted fairly high his first go-round and later improved his draft position.
  2. And from reports, he sounds like he has fairly decent command, which probably means he's a "picker" and trying to be cute on the edges and off the plate. For some guys this is a bad sign that their stuff won't translate at higher levels against more selective hitters when they have to intentionally work in the zone. Then there's Jose Berrios who says screw that noise, my stuff will play.
  3. Glad Gonsalves is doing well. Looks like his pitches/inning are taking a bit of a step back. From 88 pitches in seven innings in the start on 5/26 to 95 pitches in six innings last start to 96 pitches in five innings yesterday. Regardless of the eye-opening stats, you know that's something the front office is going to demand improve prior to any promotion. And rightly so.
  4. He's not gambling though, the player is. He isn't some overlord pulling the strings on all these players, they seek him out and discuss strategy with their agent. If the player wants a less risky decision Boras isn't and can't make him roll the dice.
  5. That's the narrative we always make, and I used to be in that camp. However lately I'm not; getting as much money as the player can is obviously nearly always in the player's best interest. I don't think the "greedy agent" stereotype is any more fair for him than it is for any other agent. The players still benefit the most from diligent negotiating. If Boras was hurting his clients to better himself, he wouldn't still be the pre-eminent agent and we'd be hearing horror stories from former employees and clients.
  6. It's interesting for sure, but I have a hard time seeing the Twins giving their two biggest bonuses to two HS pitchers. Not saying I'm against it (depending on who the pitchers are) but I thought all we heard about was risk aversion.
  7. Even if we can't tell by the ratings, we may be able to determine it based on awards and water cooler attention. AMC let Breaking Bad and Mad Men end when the creators said their story had been told in it's entirety. They were still Emmy darlings when they folded up shop. Kudos to AMC for not pushing harder for longer runs. But judging by their current stable of shows, I'd bet they are now conflicted, it's hard to get that kind of qualify consistently. No doubt Netflix has seen that. HoC and OitNB should have already wrapped, but for all I know the creators were also wanting to tell more of the story even if it should have been over.
  8. Watched episode one late last night. Looks like more of the same of Season 3&4; I'll push on though. Thought they would have announced this would be the final season but I haven't seen anything so I'd guess not. It's going to be interesting to see how Netflix handles its popular shows. As far as I know they haven't had a popular one end on its own accords, only unsuccessful ones have ceased producing new episodes. Will they allow their flagship shows to end while still topical and well made? Like some cable stations. Or will they push the creative team to churn out dreck past its expiration date. Like the networks.
  9. Or that he presently has a .143 BABIP and there is nearly a 3 run gap between his ERA and xFIP.
  10. I'm pretty bullish on 6'0" RH starting pitchers presently. But I understand the concern. His injury history is the only thing that gives me pause with him.
  11. If people are skeptical about putting Hughes in the pen because they don't want Gibson in the rotation, how about if the Twins do take Nick's suggestion of calling up Romero for the pen, let him get his feet wet as a long man for a month or so and if he doesn't completely fall apart see if they can ease him into the rotation, hopefully allowing for both Hughes and Gibson to move to the pen by the AS break?
  12. I'm not sure the moderators could handle what would become of this site should the Twins use pick 1:1 on a high-contact, low power 1B to replace the current high-contact, low power 1B who was drafted 1:1.
  13. Just the word "safer" as it is clearly an indicator of comparison where as "safe" is a generally accepted adjective of clear definition. I know it sounds like symantics but it isn't, in this case it is regularly being used to sway opinion. And to be clear, plenty of people here are using "safer". And honestly, I'm 50/50 on Greene and Wright right now. I was heavily in Greene's camp a few weeks ago.
  14. Which still seems misleading to me. When comparing poisons we don't say that cyanide is safe simply because it's possibly less lethal than anthrax. When these pundits use the word 'safe' I'm guessing there are way too many readers jumping to the conclusion that the guy is a near lock to be an average if not quality major leaguer when the likelihood is far from that.
  15. I agree, but the lack of risk communication is universal among all types of prospects. If they were being rational, they wouldn't label anyone as 'safe'. Every player is 'un-safe' and unlikely to be even an average MLB player. So if no one is 'safe' and everyone is a 'risk' we're really just talking about degrees of those terms.
  16. 3.5-4.0 is only like a top 40-50 offensive player in the game. Plus WAR gets adjusted backward for 1st basemen. I think I'd shoot for someone with more potential. Plus he'd be a lefty hitting at TF, any power grade is going to have to be reduced significantly. And we're talking about a position that can be filled by just about any player. It's become a position that even if it isn't filled internally can be filled with fairly affordable free agents.
  17. Considering McKay's NCAA career BB/9 is 3.19 I'd guess he's no Maddux. Wright is currently and has for his career walked fewer batters. Not that walks are the only factor when it comes to control.
  18. I'd think the odds that either of them become an ace are much less. People like to throw around the "No righthanded HS pitcher has gone 1-1", but that's a bit misleading because only three HS arms of any sort have gone 1-1. Since the draft started 17 pitchers have gone 1-1, I'd say only three were aces which generously includes Garrit Cole and Stephen Strausburg who under most circumstances would probably be considered TBD and David Price who may have finished being useful right when his rookie contract was up. If finding an "Ace" is the goal, you probably really do have to go with the guy with most upside. If it's more important to try to get a guy who won't bust, clearly the college guys make sense, but it's still a long shot. Only 5 pitchers taken 1-1 have managed even a career of 25 WAR. Cole and Strausburg likely some day will make it 7, but tossing out those two plus Aiken and Appel, there have only been 5 of 13 pitchers who have even been barely not disappointing, or 38%. If getting even a "safe" guy is that low of a percentage, I think I'd rather have the guy with the most ceiling. And I'm not saying that's Greene; it might be Wright. Probably not McKay though.
  19. I wonder if it has something to do with the unintended organizational reinforcement of traditional Minnesota even-keeled temperament? Buxton and Berrios really appear to be humble and quite young men. I'm sure many of us come from a Midwestern family that worries about meeting others' expectations; we know that can be hard and cause a burden. With their restrained and quite demeanors, they appear like they might be cut from the same cloth as many of the same people that fill the stands at Target Field. Sano, Polanco and Vargas? Those guys always look like they're having a good time. I know the coach telling the kids to "Just go out there and have fun!" is a Little League cliché, but I don't know that it makes it any less beneficial.
  20. If a team was willing to let them do both I'd find value. If it's the old fashioned way where they do one for 6 years, struggle and then transition to the other then I'd think all the service time lost kills the value.
  21. Yeah, I'd say the record is still up in the air, mostly because they still have over 60 games left against mostly terrible AL Central teams. The Twins (or the Tigers or White Sox or Royals) could end up with a pretty nice record simply because the other teams are so very awful. I too miss May. I was really looking forward to seeing him in the rotation again.
  22. Want me to delete some for you so you can try again at post number 10,000? Only about 50 or so were any good anyway.
  23. Good recommendation, I stayed up too late last night and finished this show. I thought it was really good. It was hilariously absurd at times yet it felt much more true to life in terms of what a spy might actually do compared to the action packed Bond and Bourne stuff. It was a strong cohesive story with lots of humor and tension. I'm also a sucker for characters with moral ambiguity and that basically describes every character in the show here. Michael Dorman, the actor playing the main character was really good. I hadn't heard of him before, but I'd guess we'll see him in bigger projects soon. He nailed that role.
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