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Everything posted by wsnydes

  1. If that's the case, the move is a bit of a head scratcher in my mind. I know that he had a nice season, but I still kind of view him as a bit of a risk.
  2. I think I'm okay with that, but wouldn't be bashful about dealing him if the right offer comes around either.
  3. I lean more with you Vanimal in that I'm more interested in Pomeranz. Though, I wouldn't turn my nose up at Bucholz either.
  4. I'm assuming that he's out until at least the All-Star break rehabbing his knee. That's why I don't think he's really worth a one year deal anywhere. They'd basically be signing him for half a season coming off major knee surgery. For a catcher, that's a rather significant red flag. I'm guessing he'll get a two year deal to make it worthwhile to the signing team. Plus, I'd imagine that Ramos would want at least one good season to show that he's healthy again to maximize his value. He's unlikely to do that in half a season, so a one year deal doesn't seem to make much sense from his perspective either.
  5. In my view, Ramos makes no sense for this team. He's after a shorter term deal because of his knee injury. A one year deal makes absolutely no sense for this or any other team, and a two year deal puts them basically in the same situation after 2018. That's why I think they went with a 3 year deal with Castro.
  6. Probably, but at the earliest he'd be back would be June, more likely July or August. A lost season in likelihood. No guarantees of what you'll get either.
  7. Unfortunately, they get paid what the market dictates. Thin market drives up cost. That's why I feel such measuring sticks are silly.
  8. Depends on your definition of contending I suppose. I expect them to be relevant in 3 years, but not serious WS contenders. If they're relevant, playoff pushes should very reasonable at the end of that term. They may not make said playoffs, but they should be in contention late into the season. There's a lot of work to be done and it's not going to happen overnight.
  9. I almost wonder if teams would use a rotating DH more if rosters expanded. In some cases, I wonder if the manager would use the DH spot to keep some of the more offensive minded bench players sharp at the plate for when they do start or are needed for PH duty. It could go either way, but I think you bring up a good point.
  10. I don't have a problem with a rotating DH or having a set DH. There are pros and cons of each. I like the flexibility rotating provides, but if you've got a guy with a great bat that can't play a lick of defense, I don't see an issue with having him as the primary DH either. To me, it largely depends on roster composition. What works for one team, may not work for others.
  11. I didn't say to ignore the victim completely. Most of the time, their cooperation is going to be key to forming a case anyway. I might be able to agree if it's a first time occurrence for the abuser, but if it's a reoccurring thing that could even span multiple people/partners, I couldn't disagree with you more. Those people need to be dealt with. That's an established behavior, not some one off instance. If there are kids involved, abused or not, being hospitalized and/or beaten nearly to death doesn't do them any favors either. Frankly, if I have a choice between being beaten or finding a second job or whatever, I'm finding that second job or whatever. I don't deserve to be beaten, I don't deserve to be battered and bruised, I don't deserve to live a life like that. It may be hard, but I'm better off. Nobody deserves to be treated like that. That's the message that needs to get through to both the victim and the abuser. Nobody deserves to be treated like that. Obviously, what they do is ultimately their choice. I agree completely that there should be an option between "partner going to jail" and "partner coming home to abuse again". There are options, they may not be as prevalent as they need to be everywhere, but there are options. HitInAPinch has touched on at least one. Could there be more and better options out there? Sure, and there's no reason that further options shouldn't be sought.
  12. I'd just like to add to your statement that it's not just about women. Children are abused, men are abused, anyone can be abused for a variety of reasons - anger and the lack of being able to control it being one of them. I know that the focus here is geared more towards women, but they're only part of the broader issue.
  13. Perhaps I didn't choose my words carefully enough either. I don't understand that mentality because I'm not in that position or situation. I hope to never truly understand that mentality. I agree that those smarter than I in the matter need to understand it in order to help those being abused AND those committing the abuse. I note that I don't need to understand the mentality. By that I mean that I acknowledge that it exists and I understand that it is something that people go through and that needs to be dealt with. I also realize that in order for the DA to press charges, this is often a hurdle that must overcome in order to make a case. If the DA can make a case without a cooperative victim, then it should be pursued regardless of what the victim wants. Whether charges are pressed or not is not up to the victim, it's up to the DA. It's the DA's responsibility to take dangers to the community off of the streets.
  14. I liked this post more for the first and last two paragraphs since I don't really agree with any of the rest. I agree that pro sports tend to treat the issue with more of a PR approach rather than actually trying to do good. If they were truly trying to do something for good, they'd be more proactive. I think the leagues could do more with their public exposure to educate and deter these types of occurrences, not just with the players but also the fans that follow them. I don't believe that this issue is always cut and dry. There are grey areas. Self defense can come into play, muddying the waters considerably. DA's are the ones that decide whether to press charges, not victims, but if the victim is unwilling to cooperate there isn't always a way to realistically prosecute. I don't understand that mentality, but I don't have to. I know that it exists, for better or worse. Unfortunately, I feel that the money does win out at the end of the day. Whether it be the players unions or the league itself, the punishments don't always make sense or even matter in the grand scheme of things. To often the player comes back and everything goes back to how it was. Whether these guys should be considered role models or not, the public stature of these players puts them in the limelight. What they do influences people. I liked what the NFL did with the anti-domestic violence commercial last year or earlier this year, but have they done anything since? They made their PR point and moved on until it happens again. Rinse and repeat. That's the shame of it. I would also like to thank Seth for this article. Whether it be domestic violence or bullying or anything else where one becomes unnecessarily abusive towards another, they deserve the attention to stop them from occurring. I'm not naive enough to believe that it'll ever go away completely, but it's certainly a worthy cause to do everything that can be done.
  15. I agree with this. I'm willing to let 3B be in a state of flux next season. Let Sano have a longer leash and determine for you if he can play the position or not. I'm not sure I've seen enough either way yet. Either at the trade deadline or during the following offseason, you can target 3B if you need to. No sense in blocking people or creating roster issues now if you don't need to. I think they need to let Sano sink or swim at the position. My approach to this offseason and heading into the next one is to determine what the organization needs heading forward. That should have been done this past season, but in many regards it wasn't. Let the kids play next season and address obvious needs at the trade deadline or in the next offseason to make a real push in 2018.
  16. It's time for this team to start getting even younger. Plouffe's time in MN should be up. Centeno should also be gone. I'm trying to pretend that Santana doesn't exist. Grossman is fine as a platoon/DH, emphasis on DH. I like the five you listed as adds. Keeping Centeno at the expense of exposing Turner or Garver makes no sense to me. I'm hoping one of them can earn their way north in the spring. For the pitchers, I was more about team direction than names. I'm that way to a degree with the position players too, but I think there is a bit more separation in the position player ranks than the pitchers. My biggest concern is about a definitive direction the team is heading. That should be going younger and building towards the future, which means jettisoning older players like Plouffe or stopgaps like Centeno.
  17. I think I'm less concerned with actual names as much as I am direction of the team. I'd prefer to remove guys like Kinzler and Boshers from the 40 man in order to protect younger guys that will help in the future. I think holding onto older players at the risk of losing younger, promising players is a mistake and something I'd be concerned about.
  18. I tend to agree with your last sentence, but having the only 40 HR hitting player in half a century provided neither wins nor butts in seats. The attendance impact of trading Dozier would likely be a positive one if what they acquire nets them a return that helps win more games. I don't really see how attendance would get worse based on Dozier's presence, or lack thereof, alone.
  19. Or even used the one they had in that manner. Tonkin is a prime example of that. In fairness, I think the pen was kind of cobbled together in the first place, much to your point.
  20. If they do win it all, I imagine that would be one of the first things copied. I think that would be a sensical managerial adjustment and improvement to the game.
  21. I see it as a matter of time before Polanco gets shifted to 2B with Gordon coming down the pipe. Why not capitalize on Dozier's season and trade him now? Move Polanco to 2B and use Escobar at SS until Gordon is ready to come up. A utility role for Polanco would be a complete waste. Polanco seems destined to be a 2B regardless of his defensive abilities at SS. With that considered, Dozier wouldn't seem to be in the long term plans for this team and frankly shouldn't be. They've got to let this core group of youngsters grow as a team together. Keeping Dozier, in my view, is a wasted opportunity to improve the club and free up space for younger players that figure to be a part of the resurgence of this club.
  22. I'm trading Dozier and exploring a deal for Santana. I'd prefer to trade him, but if they don't get a reasonable offer I'd just keep him. Plouffe's time has come, he should be non-tendered and the team can move on. Mauer should be sitting against lefties. I like Vanimal's target of 300-350 AB's, that seems about right. That allows a good mix of position/DH time for both Sano and Vargas. That's still hoping that Sano can play adequate defense and regain his offensive stride, but it's a good place to start. I'm not sure that I'd be all that active in free agency outside of pitching help. I know it's a thin crop, so I'm going target a few guys and go after them hard. Otherwise, I'm looking at trades of older and/or peripheral players that may not be in the future plans to acquire areas of need. That's why I feel that they must trade Dozier and ideally Santana. Remaining holes should be filled with young players that are at least close to ready and let them play as much as possible. The season may start of pretty brutally again, but I'll take early season struggles for a surging finish to end the season.
  23. Agreed. The only way I want to see short term fixes playing is because of A) injury, or you think a prospect needs half a season in the minors before you're going to call him up. Anything else is a waste and counterproductive.
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