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Everything posted by T_J

  1. There is absolutely consequences for the person in this story. Time and energy are consequences. If she needed to find care for her ill child, that's consequences. Time away from he child is a consequence. She has decided the juice is worth the squeeze and she's willing to accept the sacrifices to improve a system. She's taking actions.
  2. Sacrifice is needed to make changes. No change comes easy and without sacrifices. Taking today off only serves them teams that have chosen that path. Do tell me you care... show me you care. Show me what your willing to lose. This choice not to play isn't showing me anything. It's empty.
  3. Because, to me, they're out nothing. For actual changes to be made I need to see people willing to make sacrifices. Willingness to accept consequences for actions. The protesters in Portland are out there every night sacrificing their time, their money and energy. Agree or disagree with them but they're accepting their consequences. Tell me what the hometown nine are actually sacrificing here. To me, it looks like all they're doing if getting a paid day off and pats on the back for it.
  4. It would show actual consequences. Actual accountability. It would show that they're not just virtue singling and are willing to own their choice. Instead what do they get? They get a free day off. There isn't any consequences here at all. At least none that I can see. Do you see any consequences?
  5. This is my favorite website in all of internet. The content for my favorite escape is unmatched and I really do appreciate it. Past the content it is a well moderated community which I also appreciate by keeping the discussions focused on the intent. We're all independent thinkers with different opinions on our favorite baseball teams choice for playing and not playing. Some people will commend the players for taking a stand for what they believe while others will say that they should stick to the game. I don't know if either is right or wrong. I do believe that choosing not to play should have consequences though. I think that they should take a loss for not playing and should also not be paid for the day. Actions should have consequences. They need to have consequences. Accountability is absolutely necessary for a functioning society.
  6. I wonder if it was the slide into home the other day that banged up Buxtons shoulder. The frequency of his injuries are getting old.
  7. Did the rangers promise to to try to win the rest of the game? They could have just walked Tatis! 7 runs with six more outs isn't an unheard of comeback! You know whats better than a 7 run lead? An 11 run lead.
  8. I hope they stick with the same lineup. At bats is a huge currency this season for players to get right and they need to cherish each one as much as they cherish each out. I get bench players need reps too but let's get the main core right and going well and focus on the other parts later.
  9. I would gladly pay for the opportunity to collect balls at target field...
  10. I don't see an issue with Donaldson yet. He taking solid ABs and has hit the ball fairly hard. I would have preferred to see Sano in the lineup too for some reps. Also, the substitutes at the end of the game were weird. Why not make them so Wade and/or Whitefield get an at bat? Overall a fantastic game and a good series win. The hometown nine showed that the filthy sox have a ways to go to overtake the top spot.
  11. Those moments when you realize you're math is off... minus 50% is still going to give roughly 13% of the player population... I swear, math has never been my strongest subject.
  12. 13% of Americans are black and half of them are women and 100% of women are not on a baseball roster. So, yeah, roughly 8% is an accurate representation to the American population.
  13. Wouldn't 8% African American playing pro ball nearly equal the population of African American men in America?
  14. If we wanted horrible 90s songs, should have went with "What's Going On" by 4 none blonde's... pretty much the worst song ever
  15. I am not a Griffith fan. I don't care about his statue. But to pat the Pohlads on the back for their virtue is disingenuous. It's a magic trick of look over there while I hide something quickly. If you all think Carl didn't have a hand in redlining and other credit scams aimed at minorities and women your blind. His bank had to go to federal court over some of it. We came out of isolation and the world turned bonkers. Crime is skyrocketing, folks are broke or heading that way and am stuck in disbelief about everything.
  16. If this is how the owners want to negotiate, we may not have baseball for 2 years in a row. Bye bye MLB The owners are 100% at fault for this fiasco. If they have an increase in revenue, they pocket that every single time. They don't kick it back to the fans or the players. They laugh their happy @$$ to the bank. Poor babies want to now implement some sort of plan when the revenue is dropping? Oh please, you guys signed the contracts, now honor the them!!!! This is crazy. I can't even begin to think what sense this makes on a business level. Did they forget how baseball was nearly dead post 1994? History folks, it matters!
  17. They seemed to pull off an Oakland type off season finding players that teams might need during the season that they could flip if they were not in contention. The fact that they did end up getting some potential in the returns on the trades should be proof enough that the guys they grabbed were good pick-ups. I'm not ready to call the Reed signing a bust. He was good at the start of the season. I'm betting he's been playing hurt. Morrison signing seemed more hopeful. I did like it at the time though last I checked, I'm not paid fat stacks of Twins cash to me these decisions. I love these Week in Reviews!
  18. Are some of you Gordon promotion people even looking at his numbers? He needs to be considered for a demotion over a promotion. The kid can't currently hit AAA pitching. He has a like a 540 OPS in AAA. I don't even need advanced statistics to tell me he isn't ready and won't be ready next season. If he has any value left they should be looking to trade Gordon.
  19. I tell my kids that you learn more about a man at the moment of rejection than at any other time. We have seen Kiriloff deal with disappointment and responding to a major injury. It has been impressive. We have not seen how either of them deal with things when the ball looks like a marble and the bat feels like a tree trunk. We need to see how they deal with a prolonged slump. People have to struggle in order to be successful. Right now, they look like the next great thing but many, many players have in the single A levels. It seems that AA is the true proving ground. I have not noticed anything that leads me to believe they wouldn't respond well to a slump but it needs to be seen.
  20. Gordon either needs to find a spot on the DL or on a bus to Tennessee. He has been brutal at aaa and I can't believe this is a positive to his development. Maybe he is working on a specific thing though I think he just isn't ready for this level.
  21. I think the many locals have been overvaluing Mr. Dozier for a long time. I believe they got the very best they could've gotten. At his peak his offers were not good. Getting Forsythe back... Someone has to play 2nd I guess. Nothing wrong with having another longtime player in the locker room that has seen and played in the biggest of games. For those that think they should call up Gordon: Wake up!!! He isn't ready. It appears he isn't even ready for AAA. If he is called up he is getting moved in the wrong direction. I would rather see if Rosario remembers how to play the infield before calling up Gordon.
  22. 129 pitches really isn't that outrages. Also taking into consideration that he can rest it up for a bit before he pitches again. It's not like he wasn't effective or pitched like 250 pitches. We are turning into lemmings with this whole pitch count thing.
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