I'm currently leaning towards starting the youth movement myself. Have Kepler become the new Cave. He's better than Cave. Bring up Larnach, Kirilloff and Rooker with Kepler filling in the three OF spots. They can also use the DH and First to get enough ABs. Even if they keep Cruz and Sano. Rosario should be let go (pains me to see it happen as I'm one of his few fans here). Have Polanco become the new Marwin. Bring up Lewis and rotate the infield. Polanco is better than Margo. The way Baldelli like to rest players, I'd just prefer that the players being used are useful. I'm tired of giving away outs with scrubs. They don't have enough starting pitching for a full season. I wouldn't mind seeing Odo back but discounted. I, nor does really anyone, know what the prospects for pitching looks like. That would give us a solid 1-4 though. Relief pitching is kinda strange every year. Some pitchers click for a season or two and are just trash after. Some stick around with up and down seasons. I say find someone that's clicking or able to and use them up. It's time to see what the kids can do. It's time to see if this FO is actually any good and finding talent through the draft, trades and INT signings. It's time to test the mettle of these players. Time to play with some heart and fire. I'm also so bored with other teams bringing up young talent years before the Twins do. Service time isn't going to matter very soon so let's get these guys up and figure out how to avoid going 0-20(21) next year. It's ok to take risks and it's ok to be wrong. This safe approach isn't working.