No clean hands, and no clean hearts, either. The Asstros have really set themselves up to be Evil Empire, Jr. From the despicable Brandon Taubman espisode, and the way they handled it, to the current day, where they're STILL not handling it, the organization has carved a path to being the next franchise that everybody roots against. Thanks, RBS, for this primer on so many public "apologies" that sports figures, celebs, and others use. There are few things that p*ss me off more than these lukewarm non-apologies that follow this same pattern over and over again. (My all-time favorite: "It's not who I am...") Moreover, the people who use them don't seem to realize that their words don't just dissipate in the air after they're said, they live on forever in the digital ether. They can never escape their mealy-mouthed, limp, stale mutterings, and the reflections on their character. It's also a primer that any parent can use as a fine example of how NOT to stand up and be an honorable man or a woman in this world. Now, I'm going to get busy planning my next vacation to Greely. You know, just in case.