That was the gist of Baldelli’s quote in the post game. Something to the effect of they followed the plan, but missed on location of some fastballs over the middle
according to CBS he was 3 saves in 5 opportunities, it doesn’t jive w/ FG, but maybe CBS ignores 2 inning saves?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Following via game day, hoping for some clarification:
Kiriloff struck out on a pitch the catcher couldn’t hold on to? Then he catcher threw it into the outfield?
Great work Matthew! Your writing as always, was superb.
One knit to pick: Were you trying to derail the thread before it ever got started? Affinity for Kasota Gold and Powder Blue is quite a divisive topic!
10million is a small insurance policy/buffer. Prospects are a significant investment and failing them in their development by promoting them too early would be way more costly.