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Richie the Rally Goat

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Everything posted by Richie the Rally Goat

  1. No, the CBA was agreed upon too late. Having 180-240 bigger bases spec’ed tested and manufactured would take 4-6 months minimum. Changing the bases mid-season would be weird.
  2. He took a HUGE step forward on developing his breaking balls. Nothing default about it. Joe Ryan leapt forward since last year. also, this is a very high bar. Duran and Winder have been very impressive. The future of the Twins pitching looks very bright.
  3. The other half, such as myself, have watched baseball since 1985?
  4. ? I just meant that he used to throw 2 innings most appearances and was really effective
  5. It’s been more than a week since Pagan last pitched, is he a tad rusty?
  6. I kinda like the Hader bit, but yeah, he’s the guy I trust the most
  7. If they were gonna do this right, the cloth should be baby blue with Minnie and Paul, and the balls have the Minnie and Paul logos
  8. I should get commission https://www.mlbshop.com/minnesota-twins/minnesota-twins-imperial-cream-retro-billiard-ball-set/t-14882117+p-268604868747+z-8-2213743047?_ref=p-SRP:m-GRID:i-r0c1:po-1 https://www.mlbshop.com/minnesota-twins/minnesota-twins-8-billiard-cloth/t-14999895+p-4595191755191+z-9-1394681844?_ref=p-SRP:m-GRID:i-r0c2:po-2 https://www.mlbshop.com/minnesota-twins/minnesota-twins-8-ball-billiard-triangle/t-47111095+p-2527890398713+z-9-3930957286?_ref=p-SRP:m-GRID:i-r1c0:po-3
  9. I’m sorry, I was responding to a different post, my browser glitched out and recovered my text but it didn’t quote properly. after reading your responses, we’re in alignment! sorry for the confusion
  10. In this series’ installment of Shopping With The Enemy, I bet that Orioles fan in your life likes to play pool. According to yelp there is an establishment in Baltimore called Gentlemen’s Cue that is surprisingly not a strip club. first up this really ugly billiards triangle second we have kinda nifty retro billiard ball set Third we have a really inexpensive pool table. wait, that’s not a pool table, it’s just a cloth for $574 and it doesn’t appear to be felt either. So for just shy of $1000 you don’t even get a table or a cue… I don’t think I can afford billiards at least not with orioles fans
  11. Again, the crime, or civil suit is irrelevant to the league investigation. What we’ve read in the newspaper is not the whole story. We don’t know the details of what they found or how it relates to the MLB code of conduct/ethics/compliance. All we know is Bauer was found to have broken the rules and that it relates to accusations of abuse, etc. People get fired for way less, usually long before any criminal or civil lawsuit is even filed, let alone completed. Bauer is suspended for two years, it’s impossible for us to benchmark this instance against prior instances precisely because we don’t know any of the details from any of the issues (including Dyson).
  12. You don’t have to break the law, be found criminally or civilly liable to break MLB’s code of ethics/compliance/conduct. MLB conducts its investigations independently and are agreed to by the MLBPA. There’s loads of lawyers and arbiters and representatives on both sides. Bauer got (will get) his due diligence and he got his punishment for breaking whichever code he failed to comply with. I don’t get the heartburn on this one. I do feel bad for the women and family members who are getting pulled into this. The court of public opinion judges them too.
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