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Everything posted by launchingthrees

  1. I have a boxer. They aren't known for their intelligence. Let's say 4 wins less than Madden and move on. Manager challenges could get dicey though.
  2. Critiquing other's arguments is trivially easy. Making an argument as to why Moltor is a good manager is proving to be much more difficult.
  3. I mean organization depth the day he took over as manager, how teams with #1 prospect systems have done over the last 30 years, player's in-season production vs preseason projections over the past 4 years, how free agents have performed here vs their former teams. I believe those are the best way to judge a manager's performance. 500 games is enough for me and hopefully it's enough for management to move on. He genuinely seems confused a lot of the time.
  4. Yeah whether he has the respect of his players is something I could never know, or really care about. He just seems tired, indifferent, and confused a lot of the time. And people defend him but never really say what he's good at or what they like about him. Like if you said Eddie Rosario is a below average baseball player I would defend him by listing a bunch of ways he's really good at baseball. Whenever a Molitor discussion comes up no one can come up with reasons they think he's a good manager. 100% of the time it's "he's not that bad". I'm looking for better than that even if it means taking on risk.
  5. You mentioned Molitor not having enough talent to work with. We'll just have to agree to disagree. No manager had access to the type of talent Molitor walked in to. Stated another way: what do you think Molitor is really good at? You seem to think he's done well. At what though?
  6. Our farm system 4 years ago was better in most expert's eyes than the Astros Pirates, and Cubs. We should be competing with them at a minimum. At some point you have to ask why we get the least from our prospects and other teams get the most. Our prospects do well in the minors and then they get here... https://www.baseballprospectus.com/prospects/article/22906/prospects-will-break-your-heart-2014-organizational-rankings/
  7. This is arguably true today but it certainly wasn't 3 weeks ago. Though why are you using total innings pitched and not IP/Game? We've played 5 games less than the Tigers, and 3 less than the Indians, and have played the fewest games in the AL. For the first 2 months of the season Molitor would just shrug with a blank look on his face and throw Reed or Pressley out there. It was cringworthy. We had 3 guys in the top 10 for RP usage 3 weeks ago, way outside accepted norms. Even today we have 3 of the 18 most used pitchers in the AL. Someone clearly told Molitor in no uncertain terms to cut it out because they haven't been pitched much at all in those 3 weeks.
  8. Yep. Buxton, Sano, and Dozier are the issue. Dozier has been average and Buxton + Sano have been 2 of the worst players in MLB this year.
  9. Sure. That's possible. I just think it's a lot more likely that we had 2 elite relief pitchers that were Thibodeau'd and now they can't get anyone out. You can't be thrilled with their Usage % right? It's unheard of in the modern era. I'm almost certain that within the last couple weeks the FO told Molitor that he needed to change his usage. It was cringeworthy.
  10. What you are seeing as blowing 1 run leads I see as variance, statistical noise. This is a really good bullpen, overused, but really good. At least a lot better than the team we're chasing. If there's a problem with the bullpen moving forward it's because Molitor is about as advanced in his decision making as a 1980s college coach. I would have already fired him for his bullpen management. Ask Addison Reed whether he regrets signing with the Twins. I guarantee Pressley wants out too.
  11. Really? The bullpen has been good enough this year. The team has a bunch of issues but calling bullpen management by the FO a "critical failure" seems odd given how much they've improved. What would you consider a good bullpen ERA?
  12. Yeah that's the hope but then again Dunn would be a huge coup even if he were taken #1 overall.
  13. You can't keep putting Buxton in the lineup. He's one of the worst players in MLB this year. We're 30% through the year and in a pennant race. He can't be playing every day.
  14. These longer starts are really nice to see. Cleveland has played 2 more games than the twins and have 0 relievers with 20 innings pitched. The twins have 4. Relievers aren't built for this much work. The Twins have solid rotation depth +Santana+Gonsalves. Put May in the bullpen and have him pick up the 1+ inning appearances. He'll take some strain off the bullpen and add value right away. Landing him in AAA would be a waste.
  15. Time for Buxton to spend some time in AAA. I don't think I've ever seen a worse hitter than the 2018 version of Byron Buxton. The ABs aren't at a professional level.
  16. I'd really hate to straight up drop a 29 year old with a 3.4 career era but Lynn has been that bad. I don't see any other option.
  17. We're going to see Graterol on some top 100 lists once he gets a larger sample of innings. His velocity is rare to begin with and his control to go along with it is very special. I wonder where he'd go in the 2018 draft. Top 5 almost certainly.
  18. 1000 ABs for a SS with a 780 ops at AA would be more conservative than I've ever seen a team be with a top 100 prospect.
  19. I actually think there's a lot to be excited about with Jay. Obviously staying on the field is an important skill but he has the results and raw stuff to be a high end bullpen arm.
  20. Bring on Curtiss. He might walk some guys but at least he won't throw frisbees down the middle of the plate.
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