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Everything posted by Steve71

  1. I think in fairness you realistically have to deduct one year from each of these players "ages" due to CV19 and 2020. That makes it look a bit better, 21-25 for this list.
  2. Great to hear that someone in MLB recognizes their game is in trouble with these inequities. Whether they actually reach an agreement amongst the owners and then can sell it to the MLBPA is another thing all together. I guess I will believe it when I see it, but this is at least encouraging.
  3. Kepler plus $5M cash to the Marlins for Max Meyer, Dax Fulton and Ronald Hernandez. A good looking SP prospect coming of TJS and lottery ticket C and SP prospects. Plus, Meyer is one of us! :)
  4. I also should add that I recall a reporter indicating that the huge crowd at the Met helped pay Bane's entire signing bonus in one night. Calvin was a businessman!
  5. Sorry, missed the above comments about Bane's debut. I did attend that game with my Dad. Calvin was promoting the hell out the kid, and everyone was handed a small black and white photo of Eddie as a souvenir. I saw it somewhere a few years ago in my keepsakes....
  6. A poster above suggested that Lee might be the fastest player to reach the Majors. I am old enough to have attended the pro debut of pitcher Eddie Bane in 1973, who went directly from college to MLB with zero time in the minors. That is a record that will never be broken. By the way: He sucked. 4.66 ERA over 4 seasons, walking more than he struck out. He found employment is a couple front offices after he stopped playing, and was a terrific college player for ASU.
  7. No problem talking to the Halos about him, but it all comes down to the price. What about Kepler for Adell plus a lottery pick type of minor leaguer, an actual draft pick or some international signing pool money?
  8. I don't accept the premise that Gallo and Kepler play the same position. Gallo can play LF and RF, and CF in a pinch. Kepler can play RF and some CF. An OF of Gallo-Buxton-Kepler would be elite, possibly the best defensive OF in all MLB.
  9. I think all the posters parroting the "Pohlads are cheap" line, the "FO lowballed Correa, and knew it at the time they lowballed him", the general "Fire this FO", the "Correa wants to be in NYC for Dior stores", and the "Boras is just using the Twins to leverage the Mets and has no intention of doing a deal with the Twins" can now just shuffle off to the "Mea Culpa" thread. Please close the door on the way out. In all seriousness, this was a creative and excellent deal. In a financial time where interest rates are climbing the higher, EARLY AAV terms are much more valuable to Correa than the original flat payments of equal contracts for each year in the future. This is a handsome, valuable deal for Correa AND the Twins and should end this long ordeal as soon as he passes his physical today. Finally, great to see the other Twins players reacting so favorably to the signing. Not all FA's are loved and respected by their teammates.
  10. Twins are holding off signing Wacha and Fulmer and Chaffin until they know whether they are going to get Correa signed. I have no intel on this, but it is a wild-assed guess and I am sticking to it! :)
  11. Fun to speculate, but there is zero indication or reporting that the Red Sox have any interest in moving Sale. He has negative trade value, so they would have to pay salary or send along assets to get him moved. I don't see that happening, so this topic is intellectually interesting but unrealistic based on current information.
  12. Strangely enough, the Twins clubhouse might be in a better position to handle a character like Bauer if they had Correa leading it.... Me, personally, I would not touch this guy unless I had a face-to-face interview with the guy with all topics on the table to try and clear the air and see if you are comfortable with him on the team...or not. Given his talent, plus the minimum salary, it would be worth at least talking to him if he wanted to play here. Being in a small market "backwater" like Minnesota might be the best place for him to reform his image and rehabilitate his character.
  13. I see some useful comparison to the Ray Rice case. NFL originally suspends him for a single game, then the video gets out on TMZ, and the public outcry forces the NFL to reassess and drop the hammer---which they should have done in the first place. The NFLPA was also not going to go out of its way to defend a guy seen punching and then dragging his girlfriend by the hair off an elevator. Bauer may have a sick sex life, which may or may not be consensual, but he is toxic due to the nature of the accusations, especially as society has become more "woke" since the Rice case was reviewed. I sincerely doubt Bauer will ever play MLB again. Not sure if that is fair, but it is the probable reality now. The good news for him is that he is set for life financially.
  14. Yes, I am saying that the 10/$285M offer (which is what was reported somewhere but never actually confirmed to have been made) was an excellent offer. It may not end up being the highest offer, but it is difficult to argue that it was not fair market value when we have yet to see Correa actually consummate a deal for a higher figure to date. Again, he is likely to sign with the Mets. But if he signs with the Twins for that figure--or near that figure--would that make the Twins offer "cheap" or are they now "overpaying"? Seems to me that this Twins FO can't win with some critics.....
  15. I am on record that I still believe the Mets and Correa and Boras will work out a deal. But all the people on this Board who bashed the Twins FO for "lowballing" Correa and now valiantly defending their original opinions by rationalizing that the Twins FO had no way of knowing that both the Giants and Mets mega-deals would never be consummated to date. The Twins FO analyzed his value and made a very, very large offer. They were not "cheap" or "mis-read the market". They made their decision and extended their offer. If Correa ultimately signs a different deal with the Mets it will likely be for reasons that have plenty to do with elements the Twins FO has no control over: size of market; team competitiveness; comradery on team (Lindor); and marketing opportunities (which dovetails with market size). There is nothing to be angry about here, truly. It is a business negotiation.
  16. Correa's "treatment" by the Giants and the Mets is what needs to be explored in the next CBA????? Are you serious? The guy is being offered over $300M over a decade and the teams are not allowed to have a physical to make sure he has a reasonable chance to play later in his career? Surely you jest. What DOES need to explored in the next CBA is the Mets and other teams spending with total disregard of the soft cap, the lack of both a salary floor or a hard cap, the lack of parity, the poor treatment of minor leaguers, and on and on. Not how Mr. Correa is being treated as he receives his well-deserved hundreds of millions of dollars with some degree of medical scrutiny.
  17. Setting aside the issue as to whether we want his character on the Twins, just want to point out there is no "trade" required for him. He was released. If any team picks him up over the next 7 days (now 6), they have to pay his ginormous contract. Zero chance that happens. After that, he is a FA and can sign anywhere, and would be paid the league minimum of ~$700K and the Dodgers have to pay the rest of the contract, which expires this year. If no one signs him, he still gets the Dodger's money. So that is how it all works. Whether we want him, and whether he wants us, are different issues.
  18. I did not recall that Boras represented Martinez when he signed his 5 year deal with Boston back in 2018 that had a clause that covered Martinez's foot. So Boras has negotiated a deal with an "injury clause" of some type previously. Now for some deeper speculation: the fact that Boras, Correa and the Mets have been working over 2 weeks trying to hammer out a mega deal with some type of injury clause--and so far have failed to do so--might suggest that there really is a problem with Correa's ankle. He knows it, Boras knows it, and now the MD's know it. So that creates a very interesting problem for Boras and his client as they try to get the biggest haul in the biggest market, but still protect themselves and their interests. Food for thought.
  19. Latest on Correa is that the lawyers from both sides are trying to hammer out contract language to address the issue with Correa's ankle. They are clearly working towards resolving the deal and it seems highly probably Correa ends up a Met. Time to move on as a Twins fan...
  20. I strongly disagree with the comment up-thread to the effect that none of Buxton's injuries make further injuries/problems more likely. He is a CF, and he has knee problems. That is probably the most chronic injury issue an OF can have, and certainly does not bode well for his future health. Great player when he plays in CF. OK player as DH. No help when he is not playing. Playing 35% of the games in CF, and none when the division was being decided is not helpful enough to be considered a successful season. I would be both delighted and astonished if he could play 140 games in CF in 2023. That would be fun to watch!
  21. MLB Trade Rumors reported that Longoria signed 1 year deal with Arizona: Diamondbacks To Sign Evan Longoria To One-Year Deal - MLB Trade Rumors So he is off the table.
  22. Called this one. Still think he ends up with Mets, but very interested to see what the final deal ends up with. When the agent is busting team's chops to get a deal done in a hurry, caveat emptor.
  23. That Boras said he called the Twins after the Giants backed out. If the Mets had said no, who else does he turn to?
  24. The funny thing about this entire discussion is this: After the Giants backed out, if the Mets had not jumped in there is every indication Correa would have, indeed, taken the Twins offer of 10/$285. And then what would we have thought about the "non-competitive offer" that Correa "was never going to take"? I still think Correa is ecstatic to be in NYC with his buddy Lindor on a stacked team. But if the Mets had not been willing to break the bank on yet another player, Correa may very well have been back with the Twins for the next decade. Food for thought.
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