At the risk of prolonging the game of metaphor badminton that I unadvisedly started, I said "drastic fixes" (overhaul vs. tuneup), not 'wanton punitive destruction' (letting a chop shop 'work on' your car). My point was and is that the Twins have both the freedom and the obligation to depart from the path that has led the franchise to its dismal standing today, and that the consequences for experimenting with even somewhat radical ideas, as long as they're rational, are likely relatively small compared to the potential reward. Yes, "things can always get worse", which is by the way a somewhat ironic point to argue, given that the Twins have conclusively proved it this year, and did so essentially by continuing the status quo. And to that mantra, I would reply a) yes, but not much worse, b} so? , and most of all c), resistance to change and the fear of making things worse has already cost the Twins, and it must not continue to do so. Setting aside the metaphors and philosophy, my 'to do' list for the Twins looks something like this: 1. Bring in new leadership: a CEO/president who either oversees or replaces St. Peter, and a new GM who has filled a high-leverage role in a successful organization that's at least moderately reliant on metrics. 2. Spend money. Eat a little red ink to replenish the talent pool. Hundreds of corporations do it every year to recover from the ill effects of their bad decisions, and they do it without the safety net and collateral of a billionaire owner or hundreds of millions in publicly subsidized real estate equity, let alone both. 3. Rebuild or contend, but for the love of god, pick one. Impending free agents wandering off instead of netting prospects in trade, talking tough about the bullpen and coming home from the winter meetings with only Francisco Abad in your shopping basket... these are the actions of a franchise intent on offering a competent entertainment product, not building a contending team. And if the Twins decide not to employ these ideas or any others outside their comfort zone, then I sincerely hope it's not because they're terrified of becoming the 2016 Diamondbacks. PS Greinke's xFIP is only 3.84 , Shelby Miller is only 25, Goldschmidt still rocks, and Chris Hermann is OPSing .841.