If (giant if) they do play this year, I could very much see a situation much like the '87 football season. While the lower-end guys and hangers-on have a huge incentive to go through with all of this and be quarantined away from their families and everyone they know, there's very little reason for the elite players to do so. Hell, if anything, there's every incentive for every player good enough to have the financial stability to miss a season to sit out. Why risk it for one year if your Bryce Harper or Mike Trout or really anyone who has future earnings to consider? Throw in the lack of a real spring training to ramp up and the unequal access to work out facilities and whatnot and whatever baseball does end up being played has a good chance of being basically minor-league level. I mean, I'll watch the hell out of it, but I have to believe a good chunk of quality players will not be involved.