Idiotic but typical would be my response. There is a Harvard (hardly a conservative bastion) study out showing that blacks are shot LESS by police when you factor out the geographics, etc. (ex: the study considers the fact that more hispanics get shot in hispanic neigborhoods.) This study does not support the "narrative" that cops are out to get black guys.... so you won't hear it on CNN. Now there certainly can be and IS racism exhibited by small populations of ALL races, but what has happened over the last week is directly related to the way the media covers these events. CNN is making huge profits over this event.....which is the reason they continue to fuel the fire. mlhouse nailed it: "The true fact is, the racial element in these matters are way overblown.Police often overreact to the situation and they should be held accountable. The violence and crime in these areas are beyond your comprehension.It is mostly black on black, minority on minority crimes.This overreaction will hurt these areas and they may never recover just like Detroit, LA, Newark and other cities that have had such levels of riot."