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Everything posted by wsnydes

  1. Just as I expected all along! Assuming he passes this physical, of course.
  2. That's what I was thinking as well. Take the weakest pitches out of the equation and boost usage on the two best and see what happens. Not a bad plan.
  3. Legal problems or not, he's never shown to be a good teammate. That's simply not in his DNA apparently. With an extended time away from playing, we have no real idea of what they'd be getting as a player either. For all of the clamoring for a leader in this team, signing Bauer would be going in the opposite direction.
  4. I'm still optimistic that he'll put it together offensively, but I'm not sure where his home defensively will be. Hopefully he is healthy again and the swing changes are starting to show and this will all seem silly. Got a ways to go though.
  5. The visual I have in my head as the spreadsheet opens and the speakers start howling is very similar to the scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark (***spoilers ahead***) where they open the ark and everyone's face melts.
  6. Michael Corleone summed up my thoughts on this pretty succinctly; "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"
  7. As someone that used to attend 30 some odd games a season, I can appreciate the level of commitment, time and money associated with attending that many games. Thanks for the awesome article to close out the year!
  8. That's some commitment. That level of commitment should require a contract or something! I hope he got frequent buyer discounts on hot dogs and beers.
  10. Have a safe and happy New Year, everyone!

  11. Without really trying to disagree with you, at some point success has to be on the individual player. They are the one in the box. They are the ones trying to determine what a pitcher is trying to do to them. They need to read the pitch and then decide to swing or not. And in the case of Sano, with the amount of pitches he didn't make contact with INSIDE the zone, there's something else going on there that's likely beyond coaching and engrained in his approach and/or ability. And then there's also the fact that some players will respond better or worse to a given coach's message. Personally, I think the overall brutality of the offensive output is a much larger indicator of coaching than any individual performance does.
  12. I heard that the St. Paul Saints backed out after they realized that there are far too many satirical promotional giveaway ideas tied to this ordeal that it would blow their giveaway budget.
  13. I'd be more concerned about him actually staying on the field and even sniffing the numbers in the OP. I'd figure out how to get him in the lineup if I was reasonably confident he'd play 130+ games and dabble with those numbers. However, I am not in this case. So...
  14. I'm not too bent out of shape about this one. I'm not sure how much he really has left.
  15. I thought the same thing initially. Why so much angst about an existing, and known, injury? I suppose that if you're talking 13 year contracts versus 3, that's a much different story. It's also possible that the condition of the injury got worse this past season and now is a bigger concern.
  16. I had the same thought about where the Twins stood on the condition of the injury. It's also possible that it worsened over the course of last season and now seems more suspect than it did last offseason.
  17. We're referring to the kid in @Vanimal46's emoji, right? ?
  18. Walk away. Just walk away. If the big market teams are shying away from a long term deal, then this team most certainly should. The disclaimer there is if they can get the term down to a more manageable length where the ankle issue isn't likely to be as big of a question mark. And this team already has first hand knowledge of how it holds up over a season.
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