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Pardon My Dinger

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Everything posted by Pardon My Dinger

  1. I would have traded the farm for Noah Syndergaard with two more seasons on the books. I would have done it four years ago. I would have done that three years ago. I would have done it last year, and I would have done it today.
  2. Yep, Letterkenny is outstanding. I watched one episode and thought it kind of sucked. Then a couple more and I now think it’s the best thing ever. It’s like...Live action, Canadian King if the Hill with no filter and shades of Napoleon Dynamite.
  3. Whatever happens from here on out, I think it’s pretty fair to say Pérez has already shattered his projected contribution to the team. So, that’s playing with house money. If his new approach is legit, and he remains a mainstay with this over-performing club...well, someone deserves a raise.
  4. The Twins are good again - there I said it! ...feels really good to get that off my chest.
  5. What was up with the pitching change in the ninth? A righty for a righty, one out left. May saw 3 hitters across two innings. IDK, just seemed like a weird Gardy sorta decision.
  6. I can’t remeber a more encouraging opener, truly. I was waiting for the lineup to stony themselves into a boring, frustrating loss, but they did what they needed to back their starter up. I’m super happy for La Makkkkkkkkkkina, and cautiously optimistic that we may be able to close the book on one of the uglier chapters of Twins Baseball. Hope springs eternal, until it doesn’t, I suppose. Nonetheless, go Twins.
  7. This team has never looked good in blue. Still don’t. Especially when they try and match them with pinstriped pants. Ewww.
  8. I don’t think we’ve seen the next retired number yet. We all love Radke, but if Kaat’s number isn’t retired, neither will radke’s. No idea.
  9. He’s a good enough baseball player. Should fit the Esco role adequately.
  10. They didn’t get him for nothing. A roster spot isn’t nothing, especially when they’ve finally got some money to burn.
  11. Sharp Objects and The Sinner. Both very good shows. I do not recommend trying to watch them at the same time. They are pretty much the same thing.
  12. Silicon Valley season 5 was solid gold despite the absence of Erlich Bachman. Even if you just fast forward to the last episode wherein Richard dresses up in his celebratory pied piper costume, solid gold.
  13. Also - fun fact, and news to me, I play basketball with the new guy, Raj sometimes. He’s very good.
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