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Pardon My Dinger

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Everything posted by Pardon My Dinger

  1. This just in: Yankees' Brett Gardner looks a whole lot like Wayne Arnold from the Wonder Years.
  2. Ooh. Crossing 'Paul Molitor' off my list. That's one down, 6,999,999,999 to go... Your name isn't Aaron Abner, by chance, is it?
  3. Turns out, Buddy Bosher's real name is Jeffrey. Here's a tip for all you non 11-year olds out there: learn to love your real name. Particularly if your last name is Boshers.
  4. I dunno...they just showed a pretty close range shot of his crotch on the FSN broadcast not two minutes ago...
  5. Strikes me as a great opening sentence to a book about the 2017 World Series.
  6. That was a super keen Rocky and Bullwinkle reference, just so we're all clear...
  7. Our Players Weekend uniforms are like a bajillion times better than any other uniforms we've ever worn.
  8. Glad to use this auspicious occasion to speak to an issue that is very near and dear to my heart. Thank you.
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