NO!! Leave him be, let him get a couple hundred ABs in a place he can handle. Don't yo-yo him back up and put him in the pressure-cooker and watch him flail again. Let him concentrate on his pitch recognition and lowering his K rate where the stakes aren't as high. We already know his speed and D are sound, but give him time to focus on what's been keeping him out of the majors so far. He ain't gonna save this season. Superman, Batman, Spiderman, and Wonder Woman together couldn't save this season. (Nor could Aquaman, if only for the post-game gatorade baths). All that said, I want to look at a Twins lineup by mid-August though, and see Bux, Kep, Park, Sano, and maybe Vargas. I want to see Berrios, Duffey, Meyer, or Chargois on the hill. I want to not see Dozier, Plouffe, Zuke, Mastro, (or whatever other 5th OF they find from the bargain bin, sorry, Grossman), Nolasco, Hughes, or even Gibson, and I want to see Joe on the bench and PH'ing. (Unless he wakes up as the April Joe of earlier this year).