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Everything posted by jjswol

  1. Sounds good to me and we all know it is just satire but deep down we know former Twins that have fit this category to a "T".
  2. Colina and Kirilloff each played in one game and what they accomplished or didn't accomplish in that lone appearance does not warrant any grade besides an Incomplete. Unfair to everyone to give them a grade based on what they did in one game.
  3. It make no difference if Donaldson is right or wrong on bad calls. The problem is that his reaction to these calls is hurting his team particularly when he or another player is ejected because of it. In addition, no matter what umpires may say, it is human nature that calls that they make "assuming that all things are equal" will go against Donaldson's team.
  4. Nce job. I enjoyed the phone interview I did with Walbeck back in 2012. You can listen to it at and many others at my Twins Interview Archive - https://tinyurl.com/y5ty77bk
  5. Like him too and he is a very nice and friendly person as well. Glad to see him back wit the Twins.
  6. There are a lot of "betting-on-the-come" Buxton fans out there but there are also a lot of "show me the money" me fans too. Both sides are right to a degree but the Twins FO gets to make that call, their future depends on their decision. The Twins have a lot of money and time invested but sooner or later you need a return on your investment.
  7. And that is why games need to be played on the diamond and not on the computer.
  8. I read Twins Daily because it is about baseball, I read the Star Tribune and watch the news on TV and listen to it on the radio. I would prefer to see "Twins Daily stay in their own lane."
  9. I don't think it is realistic to say that the Falvey regime has made great and wonderful picks in 2017-2019. None of these players have even played one day in the big leagues and that is the only true way to measure them.
  10. I believe the real reason that Shane Mack left MLB when he did was because of the strike.
  11. I miss baseball too but why bother if it means playing all the games in Florida or Arizona or if no fans will be allowed. Why bother to play if the season can't be at least 120 games long? Even if baseball is played, how much pride will the fans or the players have in a team that wins it all if a normal season is not played. Players are not going to accept being quarantined away from their families for months at a time, that is just plain stupid. I would rather no baseball is played in 2020 rather then watch a mockery be made of the game.
  12. I believe that MLB has already stated that the year long suspensions for Houston's GM and manager will expire in one year regardless if baseball is played in 2020 or not. Wouldn't it stand to reason that something similar would be done for someone like Pineda? Say is the season is shortened by 40 games that his suspension would be cut by 25%? Then again, when has MLB logic ever made sense.
  13. Nice job Seth, I'm good with it. Hate leaving Mincher off because of his bat but there are only so many spots. I think people over look the job Rollins did although his career was not that long.
  14. A year with no baseball hurts everyone from the fans, players, stadium and concession workers and ownership but the teams that have a shot to win it all are probably the most severely impacted. Teams like the Twins were built for a serious run in 2020 and if no baseball is played the FA's move on and the other players get another year older. Baseball careers are relatively short anyway and losing a year is a serious blow. Teams that had no shot don't walk away unscathed either as the players that they are counting on to improve by playing the game will be sitting and watching. It will be a lose/lose for everyone but life is not always fair and we have to play the cards we are dealt. We will have to wait and see what the future brings.
  15. I see no problem calling Buxton injury prone, it is what it is. How can you deny that he has been hurt numerous times and not available to play? A player is of no value to his team if he is not on the field participating. Seems pretty simple to me.
  16. The traffic on your site is incredible. As always you guys at Twins Daily do a great job, keep up the good work.
  17. So far the only player that has made even a small impact is Devin Smeltzer. Need to give this more time, too early to tell just yet.
  18. No only "Going home alone" but "Going home alone early". Disappointing but I have gotten used to the Twins saying one thing while doing something completely different.
  19. And we have this coming up too: 2020 Justin Morneau Ice Fishing Classic hosted by UPS and United Way of Hastings benefiting United Heroes League Mille Lacs Lake – February 8, 2020
  20. All things considered I would rather have the Moose but Donaldson is one heck of a ballplayer. No one wants to win more than Donaldson. Todd Frazier should not even be in this conversation with this Twins team.
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