Fine article, but I take exception to: "The class of Mauer, Morneau, Cuddyer, Baker, et al, has been wasted ... this class failed to bring a championship to Minnesota." Wasted and failed? I don't think so. The Twins won six championships in nine years. However, with the multi-layered playoff system now in place, a "World Series championship" is more than ever a crapshoot. The Atlanta Braves have it worse, in that they won only one World Series in 22 years of being a dominant team. Since 1991, they played in 26 post-season series, won 15 of them (a winning percentage of .577), yet they won only one World Series. Were those years wasted? Did they fail? I don't think so. I think it reflects the "any can win if they get to the post season" nature of the MLB these days. With that said, the Twins post season futility has been disgusting. I'm aware of that.