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Everything posted by Major League Ready

  1. I will have to say that there is a certain element that should be a familiar approach in terms of management style. However, what do we hear all of the time from athletes and sports executives ... It's a business. Players go wherever they can make the most money and fame. We also don't release family members. At least, not with the same ambivalence as we do athletes. So, we agree to some extent. However, in terms of the general premise here. We will have to agree to disagree. The number of direct reports has no relevance to this discussion in my experience. I have had full P&L responsibility for businesses of various sizes (up to $1B) and provided consulting services for roughly 100+ organizations. Management practices, and expectations, change the bigger numbers and the greater exposure. IMO, this perspective is a product of the love of the game as opposed to experience.
  2. This is not only a different context, it’s a different discussion. The number of direct reports is completely irrelevant to the question of … Is the Minnesota Twins Organization more like a small business or a large / high profile business. If I manage a small group at Exxon, is that like a small business. Perhaps you meant to make a different point but the size of the group managed is simply not relevant to the stature or type of business.
  3. Your family business is not constantly scrutinized by the media and your decisions are also not discussed on the internet by thousands of people who think they know how to run the business better than you do. You don't have public figures for employees and I doubt the minimum salary of your employees is in excess of $500K. There is nothing about managing a major league professional sports team that is more like a small, family owned business.
  4. Could not agree more. Why make a move with significant potential to create a problem. If they really want Jake Mauer, craft a plan to put him in that seat in 2019.
  5. I am somewhat on the fence. The reason I am on the fence is because the they have considerably outperformed projections and have a great track win percentage in one run games. They have also completely turned the defense around with the basically the same cast of players. So, to say he costs them more games than he earns them is a very suspect conclusion. The facts certainly do not support this conclusion.
  6. I really enjoy watching him pitch. It's nice to see someone throw it right where they intend to most of the time. Let's see how he looks at the end of the year. A 1 year contract would be just fine with me if he looks anything like he did last night.
  7. Very good point but at the same time competent management utilizes odds and probabilities to guide their decision making process. Bob did a great job with those facts of illustrating that this team really is not a contender, They are simply in a very weak division. Of course, run differential is just a quantification of what we all know to be true about this team. We have a well below average SP staff and a bullpen with significant holes. We have an average offense and above average defense. We don't really need run differential to understand these are not the characteristics of a contender and making the playoffs is not very probable. Winning a series is real long shot. Mortgaging the future would be by definition incompetent on the part of management. Therefore, if anyone is angry that the Twins are not mortgaging the future, they are made that our new management is not acting in an incompetent manner.
  8. How much time are they giving Garver in the outfield and how is his defense? If he is serviceable as a 4th outfielder, he would be a nice addition next year as back-up catcher / OFer and RH bat of the bench. Might even consider trading Grossman at the deadline if we received a decent offer.
  9. I did not bother to hit like because "like" is not adequate". The view we should buy because we are in contention is a very parochial point of view. Look at the various predictions of the odds of the Twins winning the division of for that matter a wildcard, keeping in mind that winning the wild card means a 50/50 shot at a playoff series. Then, even if we made the playoffs, this team is not a threat to go deep in the playoffs. Therefore mortgaging or even missing the opportunity to add the pieces we need to be a contender is foolish. If they can get a premium for Santana, Dozier or Kintzler, I hope these guys have the stones to do whats right to actually build a contender instead of the pretender we have now. Pay the money to replace ES with free agent that will be here as this team develops into a true contender.
  10. I think McKay wanted a hot being a two-way player and Tampa promised that opportunity which lead to him declining the Twins offer. We know about assumptions but this one does not seem to far fetched. I wish they would have let him take a shot at it. If it works out, he is a tremendous asset. If not, you would think that would be clear to McKay as well and he accepts focusing on pitching. I know its not done but that does not mean it can't be done. Mauer only has one year left. Hughes and Perkins are also coming off the payroll. They can afford a FA starter but we need to be realistic. SPs are in short supply and we probably can't outbid the big markets for the very elite but I do think a Santana type FA can be acquired. Let's hope they can come up with a good FA because we have nothing proven behind Santana and his contract is done the end of 2018. I guess we should add his contract to the contracts coming off the books.
  11. It seems a fair assumption they believed Leach would be taken before 76. They seemed to have executed their strategy quite well. They got a guy presumed to be gone at 76 and by taking Lewis were able to draft Enlow how looks like a darn good prospect. Yet, people are complaining about how they went about. How do you complain with a fraction of the information, especially when it all worked out quite well? It cracks me up when people think they are just being cheap. How hard is it to figure out that they have a pool of X dollars and they are trying to get the most value out of those dollars. Geeez. Levine has been clear about this leading up to the draft. It's not just about the first pick. When people like Callis praise the Twins draft, the detractors should consider perhaps they are not being realistic or don't fully understand the challenges of this process.
  12. Did you see his face when he was selected. He was selected lower than he expected and as a 1B. He looked like he was not happy with the way it played out. .
  13. > Yankees strongly disagree with you. (see 2016) > Astro's traded every veteran player they had of value while building their system. Seems to have worked out for them. > Detroit would not agree. They took the opportunity to get a nice return for Price > Billy Bean definitely strongly disagrees. Over the past 20 years, Oakland has the best record of any team in the bottom two-thirds of the league in terms of revenue. Beane traded some very good players at the height of their value. This team might win the division but so what. This team is not a contender. Weak starting SP and a very suspect bullpen. I hope the FO does not take a short-term approach because we have sucked for so long. No way to we compete in the playoffs this year even if we get there so keeping Santana would be all about 2018. I would much rather have a couple of high upside prospects to add to our system. Those kinds of moves keep you in contention for a long time. This team will be a contender but not until we go through the process of bringing all of the SP prospects and BP prospects through the system. It would also be a huge boost if we go get a FA SP in 2018 or even 2019. If they go get a FA + Berrios + Mejia, Wright? + Gonsalves + Romero + Thorp and a couple others should produce a rotation that can contend. With all of the power arms in the system we should be able to build one heck of a BP.
  14. It tells them that the FO is not living in a fantasy world and understands this is not a contender and that you are trying to build a contender. It's says this front office is not going to settle for a pretender because it will put a reasonable number of butts in seats. It tells them you are willing to give up a couple wins this year and next to build a team that can contend for the next decade. It tells them that you realize until this young core gets some experience they are not going to be real contenders (see KC). It tells them that the FO realizes they need to acquire more top of the rotation talent if this team is going to be a true contender. Man, I hope someone wants Santana bad enough to trade a couple of good SP prospects for him.
  15. I would love to read those headlines because it would mean had excelled.
  16. I would think he goes to the highest bidder. This is probably his one chance to cash-in. He is a catcher entering his age 30 season and his career earnings are a touch over $12M. Pay him a premium. Cover it by cutting Plouffe if you can't trade him. Platoon him with Murphy until Garver or Turner are ready. Of course, there is always a chance a preferred team just matches the bid until it gets to a point where its stupid to go any higher.
  17. The decision to keep Molitor has been made. Why would anyone expect Falvey and Levine to say anything except we are happy to have a great baseball man like Paul Monitor as our manager? They spoke of the importance of working together. One does not promote that cooperation by criticizing a member of the leadership team publicly.
  18. If you watched the press conference, they seemed to emphasize the need to better develop the talent they already have. Falvey also seems big on strength and conditioning training starting at the minor league level. Maybe you get that extra tick or two in velocity from pitchers and guys get hurt less. It really chaps my a$$ when professional athletes show-up out of shape. The veteran comment does not concern me. There a certainly ways veterans can be part of the roster. We could add a veteran catcher, corner outfielder or Pitcher and improve the team substantially without taking away from the development of our young core and additional prospects who will be here soon.
  19. By that logic, we should say that Kirillloff is in place. I dont see any relevance in how long players were in our minor league system. Sano has 830 ABs and Buxton has 469. There are question marks surrounding both of them. Please elaborate on how this is the basis for grab some pitchers and go. We need at least two front of the rotation SPs. There are non in free agency. How specifically are you going to acquire these SPs "and run."
  20. Mauer is an interesting example. You may recall I have said it might be time to let him go if he did not bounce back last year. However, I don’t think his cost is sunk. I say I don’t think it’s sunk because I would guess someone would give him a 2 year contract if he were a free agent. He was only a 1 war player last year. Would anyone care to guess what Mauer would get? Could he get 2/13? This discussion started with players I think it much harder to determine if they will ever have value. Mauer seems to simply be in decline. Hughes was quite good before his velocity feel off. I don’t like his odds but there is still substantial potential if he comes back from this surgery. The scenario is about the same as Perkins. IMO, the definition of sunk is very different for a fan and the people responsible for P&L or the person who’s money is being spent., Many fans have great difficulty accepting MLB is a business. At least their comments often suggest the put very little value in someone else’s 10s of millions. BTW … If Mauer would bring 2/13, $13 million is not sunk. While we might like for ownership to flush that $13M in value, its not quite so easy to just give up on a player when it’s your $13M or if you are the guy responsible for P&L it’s not so easy either. This is one of those things that are much easier to understand or appreciate if you have been in that position.
  21. You don't understand the definition of a sunk cost and neither do a number of people here who keep using it incorrectly. If there is still hope of a return it's not a sunk cost.
  22. There is a very large gap in how fans see this as compared to people that have or have had P&L responsiblity for organizations that generate 9 figures in revenue. The "its not my money" perspective is incredibly naive.
  23. The wording I used could easily be misconstrued. “Need a spot to give them a shot” is not at all the same as giving them a spot. People endorse low risk high leverage acquisitions her all the time. There is absolutely no risk with either player. We already owe them the money. Both have been very good performers at times, especially Perkins.
  24. This riddle does not seem that tough. Non-tender Plouffe. Give Sano this entire season to assess if he can play 3B. The tough question is what are you willing to except for Dozier if an ideal scenario does not present itself? The hope here is for ML ready SP. Anyone trading for Dozier with 2 years of control is not going to trade ML ready starting pitching. At least not one with the kind of ceiling we want in return. The bullpen is a quite the riddle as well. You cant rely on Perkins at all. Then, there is Hughes. You have to have a spot to give these guys a shot at coming back, right?
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