Valencia is hitting 4th for the A's. I suspect Mr. Valencia (why someone would be named after an orange escapes me. Not only that, nothing rhymes with "orange.") may be out for some payback. Should be an interesting game.
Grossman, just signed, just up and he actually knows what to do with the bases loaded. And the umps were nice enough to give back the run they took away with the fan interference call.
I turned the game on just in time for some good and bad. The good: Sano launched a baseball into orbit. The bad: Roy Smalley. That man can say less with more words than anyone I've ever seen.
Well, considering a Twins day seems like a week and a Twins week seems like an eternity, and Grossman has been up for a week, it's quite understandable if you missed the early calls for Grossman to be in the All Star game.