You've hit the nail on the head, there is only one place to spend our money, and it's the rotation. Our window of contention is open for the next two to three years, so we need to capitalize now. Here is my armchair GM plan: - Sign Cole for whatever it takes We need an ace pitcher to compete in October, no bones about it. It will take a lot of money, but it needs to happen. I'd be willing to go up to $30 M/ year, maybe even $35 M. We have the money, we need that ace, and he'd be worth it. Give him a five year contract and call it a day. If Cole won't sign and Strasburg is around, sign him instead for similar numbers. - Trade for Noah Syndergaard The rumors were there during the season, it should come to fruition now. It will take a king's ransom, but our window is now. We will say we won't include Kiriloff or Lewis, but it will probably take one of them to get it done. Throw in whoever else from the farm system to make it happen. Thor has two years of team control left, so it's not a pure rental, making the prospect loss worth it (or at least sting a little less). - Bring back Odorizzi and Pineda Odo was solid, he's a fine mid-rotation piece. He may take the qualifying offer, or we could give him a three year, $15 M/year deal. Either would be fine. Pineda was really coming around in the second half of the year, having him as our 5th starter would be legit. Give him a one year $8- 10 M "prove it" deal. Berrios has been one of my favorite Twins since he came up, I would work on extending him too. We need to keep some home grown talent, and he is the closets we have to a star pitcher currently. My 2020 rotation: Cole/ Strasburg Syndergaard Berrios Odorizzi Pineda Throw in our intriguing young options, and that is a rotation that will stack up with any around the league. We have the funds and prospects to do this, let's get it done! Side note, I've been a fan of the website for years, I read it almost every day. I have always lurked around and just been a reader, but this topic made me want to comment for the first time. Let me know what you think of my plan. Go Twins!