If Eddie can get the Twins some great starting pitching or maybe a reliever we just have to have....or a prospect they know is a can't miss....fine, then trade Eddie. But the Twins have far more important problems to solve. I believe everyone can live with a LF who bats clean-up...that has a few lapses in the outfield. That used to be the definition of a Left Fielder. A team can't live with a first baseman who can't dig out a throw. I've see better first baseman on softball fields. A team can't live with an infield that is collectively below average defensively. They all hit....so keep all of them, or what you can....but grab a defensive star up the middle. But most of all. A team can't beat anyone in the playoffs without veteran, reliable, proven, and effectively rested relievers.....and most certainly not without veteran stars as starters. Hard to get, I understand. But look what beat us and look what won it. That is what you shoot for.