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Everything posted by LaBombo

  1. Henry was on my flight from Madison to Minnie. He's much harder to recognize when his eyes are open, his mouth is closed, and that vein on the side of his neck isn't threatening to blow out. http://assets2.vice.com/images/content-images/2014/12/08/jim-saah-hardcore-photos-282-body-image-1418062973.jpg
  2. Don't feel bad, Reuben; it's confusing. Trevor's ex is dating the owner of the casino where the team is pulling a job after the game is over tonight. Rusty (left) made the call to remove him. The New Guy, Robbie, will trigger the vault.
  3. On a potentially related note, Vitameatavegamin sales are up 450% in Minnesota since the Twins' season started... http://33.media.tumblr.com/fee9435ef6d9c407315d6acedd1f11fd/tumblr_ml82sjBddp1r6sivjo5_250.gif
  4. At this point literally the worst thing that can happen from that or ANY other experiment is 120 losses instead of 110. Bert finally going saber on it: "4-18 in the division is not good". Easy on the analytics, Bert, you've still got to drive home tonight.
  5. Hey, we all have our wish list. Underwear made of something softer than burlap, not sleeping on the office couch at a cement plant, an even number of teeth. Dreams make life worth living.
  6. Yes, in exactly the same way that Thelma and Louise are alive and well at the end of the movie... http://www.iamag.co/features/tlouiseremake/tlouise3.jpg
  7. That's what the Yankees thought too, and then he made the Statue of Liberty disappear... http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n510/nonhocapito/Snap1-3.jpg
  8. Salt lick out by the batter's eye. He's scouting locations for his stand in the fall. http://www.alafarmnews.com/afcfarmnews/images/stories/0810/0810_minerals_deer.jpg
  9. I'm still watching to see where they're going, but I'm starting to suspect it's a loop. Either that or they live in a city with a @#%load of banks.
  10. That's awesome! I can't believe I missed that! Has there been Marsha vs. Laurie mud wrestling yet? Please say yes.
  11. That's the one; it followed their exploits raising a family while touring in a multi-colored covered wagon and playing folk rock in the casinos of the true native population of Minnesota. http://a1.files.biography.com/image/upload/c_fit,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,q_80,w_620/MTMzMjYwMDg4NTM3MzAzMDUw.jpg Also, and I admit to being a bit hazy on this, I believe the two youngest children were possessed.
  12. That would be awfully nice, but seeing as how they have so little faith in their other options, the narrative may need some help if it's not going to go quietly... http://static1.squarespace.com/static/569d497842f55250d9228138/56f07f163c44d828f6916b1c/56f07f1b59827e39fce5227b/1458601761266/fbi-swat-photo.jpg
  13. I like it. Or they could play strip baseball. Every error, missed cutoff man, failed bunt, and 3-0 Broadway fastball results in the loss of a uniform part. Any bets which Twin ends up Full Monty first? http://i3.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/incoming/article7781342.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/FULL.jpg
  14. But Engle had the feel-good story of raising his family of 18 in a shed made of lawn clippings and driftwood, right here on the plains of Minnesota... http://i.huffpost.com/gen/2316408/images/o-LITTLE-HOUSE-ON-THE-PRAIRIE-CAST-facebook.jpg
  15. It would make for an even more indelible career data point for Terry Ryan than the name 'Ron Coomer' when Grossman comes up in the occasional trivia question down the road.
  16. There's been a sharp, coincidental decline in his interest in advanced metrics since then too, I've noticed. A more cynical person might think that interest was only based on what metrics could do to build his case for the Hall. Luckily cynicism is biologically incompatible with Twins fandom.
  17. Fret not, troubled fan. His redemption is just a one out sac bunt away...
  18. Oh, MFG! Easy as 1, 2, 3! http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/03/26/article-2299192-18ECD146000005DC-371_634x419.jpg
  19. I thought that too for a second, and then I just poked myself in the eye, because that's just as useful as wishing this organization would wise up, and half as painful.
  20. He still does, even after Umpire Ackbar made his ruling... Anybody who'd lay out for a fly ball during another drubbing in the middle of this season-long sewage plant system failure deserves a free meal at the very least.
  21. Yeah. Didn't look right even at full speed on TV. Dick is disadvantaged by either his vantage point from one of the best seats in the house, or as one of the hardest-working professional optimists in baseball.
  22. Yup, either that or his mom was big enough to get it on with the Jolly Green Giant.
  23. And it's basically a coin flip between a ball and a strike for the umpire when the batter takes a pitch, because there's no way he's seeing around Laudner's enormous 5 gallon bucket head.
  24. If a flock of crows can be a 'murder', maybe we could make the collective noun for the platypus an 'aggravated assault'. I mean, come on, if there's a bunch of the little weirdos ganging up then it's got to mean they're up to no good.
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