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    ...from the Land of Sky Blue Waters, comes the beer refreshing...

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  1. The Paddack extension I can see taking the risk because it's pitching. While Royce has shown flashes at the MLB level I think we need to see if his knees can hold up. Doesn't seem like there is any rush to get it done this year.
  2. ugh, just reading that again with three stars on our team all with concussion issues. What might have been...
  3. As I was reading those rankings the question pops up again. How can Falvey, who was supposed to be in the know and contributing to that Cleveland pipeline, at 6 years in with the Twins not even come close to what Cleveland has?
  4. Exactly this. It's not expected they are going to get it all right but in particular with the continues signings of veterans with little to nothing left in the tank such as Shoemaker, Happ, Archer, Bundy and then sticking with them is a real problem. Hopefully the Gallo signing won't turn out the same but at this point it fits their pattern.
  5. I've always thought this international signing of kids less than 18 years old is bizarre. MLB does it because they can and the money is a great thing for them and their families, just has always felt off to me this is occurring.
  6. It's along the lines of #2. In the world of guaranteed contracts and the ever present risk of injury it's a simple equation of taking the most money you can get. These guys bet on themselves only to position themselves for a better long term deal, when that comes in unless it's so off mark they take it.
  7. So what is it about the Cleveland franchise that is so different from the Twins that they seemingly keep finding these pitchers? And what part of that continued Cleveland success was Falvey really part of? We keep hearing from him it's all about the process, so what is the process then? What is Falvey either not duplicating for process or maybe he can't because at the heart of that process is evaluating and drafting/trading the right guys. And who is doing that job in Cleveland cause it doesn't seem to show signs of slowing down. Lots of questions and he's had 6 years to show something for his process, if he was supposed to be an expert at it this isn't how it's supposed to turn out.
  8. Been pondering this also since it was first announced. I'm all for it, I would even take it a step further and reduce even more division games. 1) This helps MLB market the game and begin the transition desperately needed to break up this regional mindset that has only favored the large market teams and IMO reduced fan interest. 2) Baseball fans get to see more of the league stars and finally get some variety. The owners will hopefully see this translated into higher attendance and TV ratings. 3) The competition gets better and there is a truer picture of teams. The more the Twins play the large payroll teams the better the players will get. Nothing like a higher level of competition to push players. 4) Enough of the owners will finally start to recognize the benefits of acting like a league and start asking the right questions which center on what's good for the league and for fans.
  9. Whatever they do if the short starts are again the plan or required by what we have for SPs they have got to find or develop bullpen guys that can fit this system. Can't say I have much confidence in this FO doing this based on the last couple of years and Baldelli has to find some medium ground on his approach or we are in for another long summer.
  10. Do I want to? Absolutely not. But it appears the Twins are not going to go for top level FA's so trading talent when they are at or near their top has to be part of the equation. Full disclosure: I was in the Yes column for trading Correa at the deadline.
  11. Exactly this. They had to game plan for the 300mill+ offer and the second the Turner contract was announced act on that plan B. And when the Giants lost out on Judge they must have known who was gonna target CC. I mean, even the medai figured that one out right? They also had to know after all the talking they did with Boros they were looking to be in the neighborhood or beat that Lindor contract. This isn't all clear only in hindsight either. Given what inside info they have and supposedly now an army of analysts Falvey has hired none of this can be surprising to them and if they are surprised, well...it's time for a change.
  12. Just read Gleeman's article in the Athletic and I'm even more disgruntled with this FO than I was before. ...it’s noteworthy the Twins apparently offered a slightly higher average annual salary ($28.5 million) than the Giants ($27 million), but were willing to do so for 10 seasons and not 13. At some point there needs to be a line drawn, and doing so with an offer that goes through Correa’s age-37 season is logical. But is it really a big enough difference to lose him over? What will the sport even look like in 13 years? How high will league revenues and payrolls have soared? And where will $28.5 million rank among the largest salaries?
  13. I don't think the Giants will regret the back end years of this contract because: 1) By the time this contract is over the AAV will look pretty typical. 2) Big payroll teams don't care about the dead money, it matters little to them. And now we are watching a strategy play out with the extended years so it really makes it all the more a non-issue to those teams.
  14. I'm in the camp that this is a solid move. Frees up budget to spend elsewhere which I think they will do Puts Miranda where they think he will play long term He can play all the IF positions, the Twins can play him where it's most needed. Polanco and Arraez both have injury histories, the move lets you mix and match as needed.
  15. heresthething

    High Marks??

    Exactly this. Pohlad and his advisors must be completely out of touch to not see this for the damning evidence it is that St Peter needs to go. It boggles the mind how complacent Pohlad seems to be with this team.
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