I think there is plenty of greed to go around. The owners for the most part are business men who made their living by buying at the lowest price possible and selling for the highest price possible. It's just what they do. They aren't going to operate any different just because the business is baseball. Capitalism is sort of all about greed. For the most part, employees are always trying to improve so that they can get the highest salary possible. It's no different whether you are aiming to be the CEO or the best pitcher in baseball, we all dream about reaching that pinnacle. Representing someone to help them get a job is no different whether it's the employment agency trying to get a job for an accountant, a corporate recruiter trying to land their guy that CEO job, or Boras getting Cole $324M. The thing that has changed is the intense jealousy that everybody has towards everybody that has more than they do. It used to be that we celebrated and respected success, and dreamed about how we could make it happen for ourselves. Now we just condem the success and call them evil. Think about it. Having said all that, it's a shame that the escalating amounts of money going to owners, players, agents, advertisers and cable networks has basically made a baseball game unaffordable to the average fan. That is what is destroying the game's popularity.