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Brock Beauchamp

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Brock Beauchamp last won the day on February 2 2023

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    I am neither a turnip nor a radish.

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  1. Whoooooooo Ranked ProspectsTurangChourioQueroFrelickBillWilburSpankyEdgarJohn NOOOOOOOOOO
  2. Frelick NoChourio YesTurang HI!Quero MaybeBill WhooJohn BlehWilbur SnakeEdgar WheelSpanky Cat I'm tying a thing here and it won't work.
  3. I mean, fans fight all the time, though. All fanbases of all sports. It's a different breed that jumps onto the field of play and attacks someone... twice.
  4. The only fanbase I truly hate is the White Sox. First, they're the primary rival. Second, their fans literally jumped on the field and beat up an old man and an umpire in two separate incidents.
  5. Someone sent me this so I felt it necessary to share: Ponder this question: When you say you hate a particular team, are you talking about the team itself, or the behavior displayed by its fans? Crestline surveyed 1,000 baseball fans across the country to ask their opinions of MLB fan bases and players. Key findings: Minnesota Twins fans were voted the 2nd best-behaved and 6th least annoying fanbase in MLB. Carlos Correa was voted the 5th most annoying player in MLB. The most annoying fan behavior: 1. Getting in fights at games 2. Bad Sportsmanship 3. Fairweather/bandwagon fans. Nationally, 62% of respondents expect the new rules changes in 2023 will increase fan complaining. Across baseball, 43% of fans said they had another fan ruin a sporting event for them. Twins fans were the 3rd most likely to have a game ruined by another fan. Take a look at the full report and let me know if you can use any of this data for a story.
  6. Well, we all knew players would start dropping and this isn’t a particularly concerning injury.
  7. No, it's not unreasonable. I'm only saying that the Pohlads are middle of the pack in this regard. They spend right in line with their market size. Could they do better? Sure! Do I get upset they don't punch above their weight class? Not really.
  8. And before we praise San Diego too much, I lived there while they were fighting over Petco. It wasn't awesome. For Petco to be built, they had to level the downtown arts district full of amazing people who gave life to the downtown area. So all the area that Petco consumes and all those high-rise condominiums that exist around it came at the expense of the people who made San Diego such an awesome place to live. It's not really a formula to be emulated or trumpeted.
  9. Absolutely, sure, fine. I'm all on board with cities owning franchises but it's also wildly out of the perspective of reality.
  10. I don't know but you also need to realize 28 teams are asking the same question. Literally the only two owners in baseball who are throwing caution to the wind are Cohen and Siedler. Would it be fun to be a Padres fan right now? YES, because I'm an actual Padres fan (went to high school in SD). It's wildly fun! I love it! But I'm also pragmatic enough to realize the Padres are an outlier. If every team behaved that way, it only sets the bar further for teams to operate in a financially viable way. And objectively speaking, the Pohlads are middle of the pack. They're fine. They're not amazingly delightful but they're fine.
  11. I've kinda lost track of the 40-man... is there a pressing need to open a spot?
  12. I don't see them moving Celestino to the 60-day for a potential six week injury.
  13. The easiest way to contextualize the schedule change is the following: The less-unbalanced schedule means the Twins replace about 20 games against .450 winning percentage teams with 20 games against .500 winning percentage teams. What's that worth? One more loss? Two, maybe? It's not much and could literally end up being nothing.
  14. Yep, that's why I even mentioned Miller. IMO, he's the only guy with a legit shot at SS in the foreseeable future.
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