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  • Photographer Accuses Miguel Sano Of Assault

    John  Bonnes

    This morning, photographer Betsy Bissen posted assault allegations against Twins third baseman Miguel Sano. The incident took place at an autograph signing event where Bissen worked as a volunteer. [Editor's note: Bissen has also volunteered as a credentialed photographer for Twins Daily.]

    Image courtesy of Seth Stohs, Twins Daily

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    On Twitter, Bissen detailed the assault charge. "I pulled back as he held onto my wrist. It hurt, how badly he was grasping at my wrist, but he wouldn't let go. I wasn't going to give up my fight though. He then leaned down and tried to kiss me, more than once. Every time he did, I said no and kept pulling back. I was in a squatted position with my wrist throbbing. I screamed, no one came to help me. He finally gave up after a solid ten mins of fighting to pull me thru that door."


    In response, Sano told TMZ that the event never happened. The Twins tweeted out that they take the allegation very seriously, but that they will have no further comment until more information is gathered.

    Bissen's tweet did get some replies from a former Twins player and a current Twins player:



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    Personally, I think the debate on is she telling the truth or is she lying is pointless.

    Unfortunately, going pubic with the allegations makes everyone think they should make a decision, pick a side.
    Yes, the allegations can be made public, but as an employer my thought be, please, give us a period to begin investigating and handle this, with the accuser, appropriately. To bring it to him in an appropriate way and ensure the truth comes out before it becomes a giant storm with the media and the public making wild assumptions and allegations and conclusions. It really comes from a position of wanting to aid the assaulted.
    So what bothers me, isn't is this the truth or not, it's the way it was announced. Did no one in whom she confided advise her and offer to assist her in going through the appropriate channels, be it the Twins, MLB, or her employer?
    I have had to deal with harassment in my work. It was not fun but it certainly was nothing like what happened here; I still think it about and have to deal with it and I can sympathize with her. Bringing it up to the attention of multiple senior managers was extremely worrisome, but it was necessary in my opinion to bring about a resolution and to bring peace of mind.

    Unfortunately, I imagine that making a public announcement has likely brought a great deal of turmoil to her life. 

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    Odd debate here. I’m not mr. morality and won’t claim to have made all the best decisions in my life but I know one thing stays true 99.99% of the time, speculation on this stuff usually makes idiots out of everyone. I have found myself to never be wrong when I just let the facts come out before I say things that may look very bad and me way of another.


    If Miguel did this, he’s gone in my eyes. If she is lying, that is too bad for all people this really happens too. But to debate this really puts a bad look for people on this board. You will never look good for debating this subject

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    So,  from what I gather, every one of the "staff" here at Twins Daily has known this for months, correct? A quote from an article: Nick Nelson "I speak for the entire Twins Daily ownership group in saying we believe her story".  How can he speak for everyone unless everyone knew it?


    I'm sure not everyone knew about it, but the fact that someone here did but carried on as if everything were normal is unsettling to me. I really hope this was kept quiet at her request.

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    First of all, the police will not investigate this unless she goes to them. It is her right, as the alleged victim, to not come forward to them. Second, the prosecution will not charge him unless the police investigate the information. If she is not willing to face her accuser at trial, they will not force her to. If she is unwilling to do that, they will not waste resources on an investigation. Third, we're not even talking about possible activities that reach a felony level (maybe false imprisonment would but would be difficult to prove) so the amount of resources would be minimal anyways.


    Enough about that...


    Rob Plummer, Sano's former agent, has stated he wasn't witness to these events to ESPN. He wasn't sworn in and subject to perjury or anything but he did a ton for Sano. He got him a large signing bonus, a movie deal and got him to the majors. In return, he got fired. I'm not him but if I was, I wouldn't be compelled to lie here - I would be compelled to tell the truth though.


    If TD was made aware of this long ago, I respect their decision to withhold that information at the possible victims request. As friends and coworkers, she had an expectation of privacy and desecration in this instance. I assume she brought this information about as that and not as a story to be posted on the front page of a Minnesota Twins blog site. If she came for help and advise but was dissuaded because TD was worried about recourse form the Twins, I will never click this site again. Small as this site might be, it has loud fans. If the Twins would have refused further collaboration because you assisted a possible victim, we would've been there for you guys.


    To me, her story doesn't add up but I have had female friends share similar information with me... way too often actually... and I believe them when they tell me something like this. I do not rush to the nearest police station or newspaper. I ask if they want me to do some hoodrat ****. Most of the time they just want someone to listen. Sometimes I get to do hoodrat ****.

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    I don't know Betsy. I don't know Sano. No skin in the game, as they say.


    I do have a wife and three daughters, all of which have been assaulted and/or raped. None reported the incidents, due to fear of repercussion. It takes guts for someone to stand up and say "this happened to me". The pain and anguish is quite real for the victims and those close to them.


    It's not surprising these incidents are grossly underreported. The victims are vilified for something horrible that happened to them.


    What exactly does Betsy gain from this, other than promoting awareness? She said she's not looking for money or anything else. She probably doesn't want to arbitrarily damage her favorite team by accusing a key player of a crime. So what does she gain? The people that immediately defend Sano have yet to answer that question.


    It's sickening how sexual assaults and abuse are so willingly tolerated and defended.

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    I am saying this one thing and then shutting down for a while from this site to cool off. But if Nick knew about it and did nothing, that makes him an accompliss and a coward. Like I said earlier i dont know anyone involved but i dont come here to deal with this type of stuff. I come because its a simpler happier place to be....

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    I am saying this one thing and then shutting down for a while from this site to cool off. But if Nick knew about it and did nothing, that makes him an accompliss and a coward. Like I said earlier i dont know anyone involved but i dont come here to deal with this type of stuff. I come because its a simpler happier place to be....

    Well that's just factually incorrect. That's not even close to what it means to be accomplice to a crime.


    What exactly was Nick supposed to do? If he goes to the police and says his friend told him she was assaulted 2 years ago, they are going to say, "okay, tell your friend to come file a report. Until she does, there is zero we can or will do. "

    What did that accomplish? Destroying a friend's trust for absolutely no gain whatsoever.

    I hope, for their sake, a friend of yours never confides anything personal and private to you.

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    I am saying this one thing and then shutting down for a while from this site to cool off. But if Nick knew about it and did nothing, that makes him an accompliss and a coward. Like I said earlier i dont know anyone involved but i dont come here to deal with this type of stuff. I come because its a simpler happier place to be....

    Are her family and other friends an accomplice too? She told them right away.


    If something is told to you, in confidence, you usually keep it to yourself while supporting them. Some circumstances may change that, but I don't think that applies here. It was her story to tell and if she didn't want anyone else to do or say anything about it then that is her right.

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    There will be a thorough investigation, there are witnesses, everyone will get a chance to tell their story.


    But, for Sano, let's face it, not good.  Coming on the heels of his weight issues, this will not paint a pretty picture.  Does he have a role on defense with a rod in his leg?  Can he hit the low outside curve ball?  Can he keep his HUGE personality within a team framework?


    I can't begin to answer those, other than to say, this is a career-altering type of incident, even if not nearly as severe as Aroldis Chapman's emptying a gun into his garage wall. 


    If this was a one-time thing, maybe Sano works around it. But, it fits a pattern, not a flattering one, and that will be hard to erase from people's understanding about who he is as a person.


    All that said, I hate that America has moved into a Scarlet Letter type posture with these accusations.  We need to be able to weigh evidence carefully, ask questions and get clarity before condemning either victims or perpetrators. 

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    I would tend to agree that there's very little productive to be said here. Normally, fans are inclined to want to believe the player in a situation like this. In this case, it may be the opposite. In any event, it's up to the Twins, MLB and the authorities to do, or not do what they see fit.


    All I would say is that those ripping Nick or others here need to stop and take a breath. If he was told about this a year + after it happened and asked to keep it private, what good could possibly come from telling anyone?

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    These allegations need to be carefully examined.  And one thing that really needs to be examined overall in our current discourse is are these things "sexual assault"?  Clumsy approaches for dates or sex are not sexual assault. Nor is consensual sex given to receive something in return.


    Not too many years ago Johann Santana was accused of raping a woman and it was a false charge.  Luckily for Johann that was kept pretty quiet and the fact is that the woman who did the accusing was a known nut who had consensual sex with him around the clubhouse (my parents live in that development).  


    It is not rare for women to falsely accuse men of sexual assault or to accuse them of assault when it really isn't. Balancing this is a difficult issue so rushing to conclusions is something we should not do.

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    You realize that the police would do nothing about it, right? 




    I understand that knowing the accuser must make this situation somewhat emotional for you, but this is irresponsible speculation.  What makes you so certain that you know how law enforcement would have reacted if she had gone to them immediately?


    You realize that the police investigated the allegations against Kirby Puckett and it led to criminal charges filed by Hennepin County, right?  





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    An accomplice also helps the pertetrator get away with the crime. By sitting on the info you are an accomplice. You are helping the person get away with the crime. Its pretty straightforward. Now if Nucj found iut today...probably not much he could do...but 2 years ago ...really? Unless its not a big deal and the girl is embellishing alot....

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    10 PM EST, and still crickets on the Twins official homepage AND the MLB homepage. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Amazing.


    Bit of a legal procedural thing:  

    Based on the CBA, ballclubs cannot do anything about such allegations.  They cannot even start an investigation.  The MLB office is the only one that can do so.  And I think that I saw some place (maybe the Twins comment?) that the MLB is investigating.


    Don't expect announcements soon, unless civil lawsuits are opened in this case (one way or another)

    Edited by Thrylos
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    Intriguing that the Twins site this morning before this broke had front and center an article about how pleased the Twins were with Sano's progress this winter so far. No such article anymore on the Twins front page....

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    I am truly torn as to whether or not to say anything at all, especially having read some of the posts here, but took a deep breath and decided to comment.


    I choose my words very, very carefully.


    I love and adore women. And to be very clear, I say that with the utmost warmth and respect, and not in a casual or sexual manner. I have loved and adored women in my life. I am the father of a 27yo daughter who I cherish deeply who, fortunately, has never faced any sort of situation like this reported one. I have known women, family, friends and relationship partners, who have been assaulted and abused in their life. I find it abhorrent!


    I do not take these incidents, incidents to others, or reported incidents lightly! And I am speaking ONLY in the abstract on this incident as I have no first hand knowledge of the incident or the people involved.


    Many of the women I have known have also refused to come forward due to shame or fear. Some that have "confessed" the incident did so later or much later. To vilify someone who has encountered this, or has learned about it in confidence and not "come forward" to do or say something about it is misguided. Many times the person involved is not ready, frightened, suffering from a sense of "shame" they should not be forced to feel, or simply wants to heal and move on. Sometimes they feel there is no legal recourse available, so their "confession" is made in confidence they hope is respected.


    This is in general, through my own knowledge, and not a comment on this specific incident or the people involved. I want to make that clear!


    But as a man, a person, a father, friend and partner and as an intelligent human being who is also a sports fan and has seen these incidents present themselves in various forms, I have two comments to make. And I don't make them lightly.


    1] Due process should take it's course here first and foremost. This is NOT a cop-out statement. Both in the private sector and public sector we have heard of "mild" and egregious incidents/actions that have taken place. Some were proven true. Some were proven false. Some disappeared in to the gray. We are not judge and jury, nor directly involved. We are only outsiders looking in wondering as to what happened, and what will become of it all.


    2] Again, I measure my words carefully here and am NOT speaking directly to this incident or the people involved. In life, and the legal system, there are degrees of mistakes/crimes committed by people. I dare all of us at least know people, whether they be friends, family or acquaintances who have done something wrong, bad or illegal at some point in their life. The moral high ground is sometimes easy to take. But if you personally knew Mr/Ms Smith, and they shoplifted once vs robbing a home or business, how would you weigh the scales? It's a moral dilema and a slippery slope to be sure. Do we vilify the transgressed to the same degree? Probably not, but that is a personal decision to be made. Likewise, in an incident that may be proven true, or false, or one that falls in to the gray, who then do we call villain?


    The whole point here is that there is a lot more to contemplate, this situation or any other. I don't have the answer to this particular situation, and none of us do. I believe it will end up in the gray sector of reality, right or wrong. Lives are affected. And that's a shame. It feels as though both parties will be damaged in some way. And that may ultimately be the tragic part of this.


    If I had a wish, it would be everyone would "like" my post and this topic would simply end here. It's news, and Twins news, but it's really beyond this forum to debate and decide anything here, IMHO.

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    Are her family and other friends an accomplice too? She told them right away.

    If something is told to you, in confidence, you usually keep it to yourself while supporting them. Some circumstances may change that, but I don't think that applies here. It was her story to tell and if she didn't want anyone else to do or say anything about it then that is her right.

    Spot on. I'm not sure how or why those she told in confidence have come under fire but the timing of the decision to write  and share the post was 100% hers. 

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    It is not rare for women to falsely accuse men of sexual assault or to accuse them of assault when it really isn't. Balancing this is a difficult issue so rushing to conclusions is something we should not do.

    i don't have the link, but I've seen it posted elsewhere that it's a false 6% of the time. So, I'd say it's pretty rare when it happens. Think of how many thousands upon thousands of cases there are and 95% of them are true.


    Seems easier to me to not jump to the "she's lying" accusations (not saying you are, but a whole ton of people are). I've seen people bring up the names of five guys who were falsely accused and because of those five guys it means every woman is lying. There are people saying that. That's wrong.

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    This has been a very difficult discussion, one I have not entered into but very little. It has been heated and emotional, with various ‘sides’ being taken. After some discussion, we have decided to give both threads a little bit of some breathing space and to take a little bit of a break and revisit this tomorrow. Locking this is only temporary and both threads will be opened tomorrow for continued respectful discussion. This discussion has gone back and forth in its relation to Sano to a more general topic, and we’ve heard from several of you in various forms ... PM’s, reports and public opinions ... as to it’s continued pertinence in this forum, so when reopened for discussion, it’s possible this may be moved to a more appropriate forum.


    Thank you. I wish you a peaceful good night.

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    I have read this entire thread and the other thread. My sense is that most of the posts have been thoughtful. However, some posters have been disrespectful of other posters. Once the thread is unlocked there is going to be ZERO TOLERANCE of that. If you think that someone's post is stupid, either be respectful in your response or refrain from responding. If you insult the other poster or bicker then you will have your posting privileges suspended.


    My impression based on reading the thread is that I believe that there is general agreement that Betsy is probably telling the truth. On the other hand, we live in a country where the presumption of innocence is a bedrock principle, and it is important to look for discrepancies in any accuser's story.


    I suspect that it will be weeks or months until all relevant information becomes public, or maybe it will never become public. In the meantime, the moderators are going to insist that posters be respectful of opposing views. Feel free to argue, but keep it respectful.



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    I understand that knowing the accuser must make this situation somewhat emotional for you, but this is irresponsible speculation.  What makes you so certain that you know how law enforcement would have reacted if she had gone to them immediately?


    You realize that the police investigated the allegations against Kirby Puckett and it led to criminal charges filed by Hennepin County, right?  

    You misunderstood the context of the conversation. I have no idea what the police would have done had Betsy gone to them with the accusation.


    But we were talking about Nick Nelson not going to the police, even though he wasn't there and it was well after the fact (by over a year, if I'm understanding the timeline correctly). The police would do nothing if Nick spoke up, which was the point I made.

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