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Twins fans 25th most annoying, 29th worst behaved

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Someone sent me this so I felt it necessary to share:

Ponder this question: When you say you hate a particular team, are you talking about the team itself, or the behavior displayed by its fans?

Crestline surveyed 1,000 baseball fans across the country to ask their opinions of MLB fan bases and players. 

Key findings:

  • Minnesota Twins fans were voted the 2nd best-behaved and 6th least annoying fanbase in MLB. 
  • Carlos Correa was voted the 5th most annoying player in MLB. 
  • The most annoying fan behavior: 1. Getting in fights at games 2. Bad Sportsmanship 3. Fairweather/bandwagon fans.
  • Nationally, 62% of respondents expect the new rules changes in 2023 will increase fan complaining. 
  • Across baseball, 43% of fans said they had another fan ruin a sporting event for them. Twins fans were the 3rd most likely to have a game ruined by another fan.

Take a look at the full report and let me know if you can use any of this data for a story.

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For me it is a combo of fans, players, and media for how I feel about a team.  My dislike for teams change over years as well.  I will always hate the Yankees, and it was a combo of things.  One, their choice to go out and overpay for many FA just because they could annoyed me, but what annoyed me more is how national media overvalued some of their players.  

Mainly, Derek Jeter is one that national media raised his profile more simply because he played for Yankees.  Do not get me wrong, he was a HOF player, but he made plays on defense that were raised in the eyes of the media simply because of playing for Yankees.  He was graded out second half of his career as subpar defender but was still touted in national media as a top defender.  His play in playoffs against Oakland national media talked about how no other player would have even thought of doing that, only Denny Hocking had a similar play prior to that in a normal game, not playoffs.  Did anyone talk about how smart of a play Hocking did?  No.  How about the "play of the year" when the legend has it Jeter dove into stands to make a catch?  Well, if you actually watch the play, he made a running catch, no different than any OF does.  Then he chose to jump into the stands because he was on a full run, and not slide or something like that.  He caught the ball on the run, then jumped into stands.  It was not even a diving catch.  

Jeter is not the only player that gets put up higher because he plays well for the Yankees.  That is one reason I hate them.  The other reason, is Twins never beat them, even when Yankees are not a good team.  I also do not like the entitled fans.  I also hate Boston, because they did much of what Yankees did, but people loved them because they were the rivals of Yankees, I do not like either for much of same reasons. 

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My dislike for teams almost always comes down to one particular player I don't like or insane spending. Most of my spending dislike comes from liking the twins where they'll never be in the top 10 spenders so just makes it annoying when teams double their payroll. Fans in baseball have never really bothered me, I get that much more on the football side. Despise Saints and Eagles fans, hated Broncos fans growing up in Wyoming cheering for the Vikings. Baseball fans have very rarely rubbed me the wrong way, for the most part all the ones I've talked to have enjoyed talking about their team and the sport as a whole without attacking your team or just being an a** to be one. 

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I think the only team in all of sports that I truly dislike are the Dallas Cowboys, probably because of the “America’s Team” moniker. They’re not. The Redskins name and the Indian’s logo were also pretty bad, and I’m happy to see them gone.

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3 minutes ago, Craig Arko said:

I think the only team in all of sports that I truly dislike are the Dallas Cowboys, probably because of the “America’s Team” moniker. They’re not. The Redskins name and the Indian’s logo were also pretty bad, and I’m happy to see them gone.

Have you not heard of Green Bay? 

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I am not a big fan of insane spending either.  on the other hand the Padres doesn't bother me all that much compared to the Yankees and Mets.  more so the Mets.  buying a team (building through only high end free agency) makes me dislike them.  if you don't have a self developed core of a team how can you respect them?  That's why I didn't fully hate the Yankees when they were last winners completely.  I mean I still did just not as much.  The Yankees now feel more like corporate and how is that fun? The Mets have taken over the George Steinbrenner brand and while I don't like them either.  I prefer the added drama over being corporate boring.  I think its more fun now to rally against the Mets then the Yankees.  The Yankees are so yesterday.  

I haven't really been to a game where the fans suck.  I mean the Dodgers fans can be unruly.  but They think its cute or something when your a Twins fan.  be a Giants fan and they will have issues....  I have been to games with annoying fans but I am also sure i was that annoying fan to someone else too.  

Teams like the Twins, Royals, Pittsburg, and I am sure there are others not the Rays though.  kind of the A's have a family feel which I enjoy.  also the blue collar we gotta work with what we got vibe as well.  Teams with too many resources for all problems annoy me.  I like when teams get creative to win.  

and in closing, in addition to hating the Yankees, I hate the Yankees.

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criteria copied from the article:

  1. Always drunk fan
  2. Always negative fan
  3. The fan who never stops yelling
  4. Bandwagon fan
  5. The know-it-all fan
  6. The condescending fan
  7. The fan who never sits down
  8. Obsessed with fantasy fan
  9. The fan who pretends to like sports but doesn’t
  10. The fan stuck living in the glory years

Are we sure that Twins fans should be ranked as sparkly as they are…. I think we all do these very frequently :)

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22 minutes ago, Richie the Rally Goat said:

criteria copied from the article:

  1. Always drunk fan
  2. Always negative fan
  3. The fan who never stops yelling
  4. Bandwagon fan
  5. The know-it-all fan
  6. The condescending fan
  7. The fan who never sits down
  8. Obsessed with fantasy fan
  9. The fan who pretends to like sports but doesn’t
  10. The fan stuck living in the glory years

Are we sure that Twins fans should be ranked as sparkly as they are…. I think we all do these very frequently :)

Replace ‘fan’ with ‘human being’ and I doubt much will be different. 

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41 minutes ago, Richie the Rally Goat said:

criteria copied from the article:

  1. Always drunk fan
  2. Always negative fan
  3. The fan who never stops yelling
  4. Bandwagon fan
  5. The know-it-all fan
  6. The condescending fan
  7. The fan who never sits down
  8. Obsessed with fantasy fan
  9. The fan who pretends to like sports but doesn’t
  10. The fan stuck living in the glory years

Are we sure that Twins fans should be ranked as sparkly as they are…. I think we all do these very frequently :)

Not when there are opposing team fans there.  Then we're on our best behavior and asking them how they enjoy the stadium.  Maybe that's just me.  

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I've been lucky: never had a game ruined for me by another fan...but it was close when I had Loud Yelly Guy Who Curses a Lot and Says Dumb Things behind me last season. that guy sucked, but my friend and I quietly made fun of him, he left early, and the game itself was great.

I do hate the Yankees. Their fanbase is super entitled and they look down on other franchises, especially those in the midwest. they think they are entitled to your team's best player if they want them (they're a lot like Manchester City fans that way) and act like they're doing you a favor taking them for a pile of scraps. And once they get down on a player, they'll bury him, often in ****** ways. F those guys.

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5 minutes ago, Brock Beauchamp said:

The only fanbase I truly hate is the White Sox. First, they're the primary rival. Second, their fans literally jumped on the field and beat up an old man and an umpire in two separate incidents.

And let's not forget those lovely Dodgers fans that put Giants fans in the hospital for supporting the wrong team. 

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I may be in the extreme minority, but I'm weird and don't really HATE another franchise.  It's certain fanbases that grind my gears, but I don't have disdain for the franchise itself.  Certain Yankee fans (oddly excluding my in-laws in this), Packer/Patriot fans come to mind.

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3 minutes ago, Puckett34 said:

I may be in the extreme minority, but I'm weird and don't really HATE another franchise.  It's certain fanbases that grind my gears, but I don't have disdain for the franchise itself.  Certain Yankee fans (oddly excluding my in-laws in this), Packer/Patriot fans come to mind.

It is sports, I can't imagine hating any team.

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2 hours ago, Trov said:

I also hate Boston, because they did much of what Yankees did, but people loved them because they were the rivals of Yankees, I do not like either for much of same reasons. 

The Red Sox are the Yankees, except with beards.

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I attended a number of Twins/Brewer games in my younger days and whether it was in Wisconsin or in Minnesota I loved the camaraderie between opposing fans. Lot of joking and teasing but always in good taste. I miss that.

"Hate" is a pretty strong word, but I extremely dislike the Yankees. Same reasons as others have mentioned; the press overplaying everything a Yankee does on the field (don't recall which play-off game it was but the camera always went to Jeter even when he was sitting on the bench while the other team batted - a guy from the other team hit the ball, the camera went to Jeter). Jeter was at best an average fielder but yet he won Gold Gloves. Give me a break. The second reason I dislike the Evil Empire is how MLB constructed the schedule so Yankees/Red Sox played each other constantly instead of maintaining a more balanced schedule that forces them to play every team the same number of games. Oh yeah, and I hate (yeah, I know) how the Twins always seem to choke when playing the Yankees.

Gotta admit though the worst "annoying fan" game I ever attended was a Vikings game. Half a dozen twenty-somethings, all guys, were right behind my brother and myself and our two young sons. The twenty-somethings were drunk, puffing on left-handed tobacco, which they exhaled in our direction, and were loud and obscene. We left early and I've never attended a Viking game since. Gopher football games though have always been great. Love how the fans get into the game without being horses' hinders.

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5 minutes ago, Dave The Dastardly said:

I attended a number of Twins/Brewer games in my younger days and whether it was in Wisconsin or in Minnesota I loved the camaraderie between opposing fans. Lot of joking and teasing but always in good taste. I miss that.

"Hate" is a pretty strong word, but I extremely dislike the Yankees. Same reasons as others have mentioned; the press overplaying everything a Yankee does on the field (don't recall which play-off game it was but the camera always went to Jeter even when he was sitting on the bench while the other team batted - a guy from the other team hit the ball, the camera went to Jeter). Jeter was at best an average fielder but yet he won Gold Gloves. Give me a break. The second reason I dislike the Evil Empire is how MLB constructed the schedule so Yankees/Red Sox played each other constantly instead of maintaining a more balanced schedule that forces them to play every team the same number of games. Oh yeah, and I hate (yeah, I know) how the Twins always seem to choke when playing the Yankees.

Gotta admit though the worst "annoying fan" game I ever attended was a Vikings game. Half a dozen twenty-somethings, all guys, were right behind my brother and myself and our two young sons. The twenty-somethings were drunk, puffing on left-handed tobacco, which they exhaled in our direction, and were loud and obscene. We left early and I've never attended a Viking game since. Gopher football games though have always been great. Love how the fans get into the game without being horses' hinders.

I was at the Vikings / Packers game where the kicker missed three easy kicks.....and the Packer fans were amazingly nice to me and the other Vikings fans during the game (and after the last miss). 

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19 minutes ago, Dave The Dastardly said:

I attended a number of Twins/Brewer games in my younger days and whether it was in Wisconsin or in Minnesota I loved the camaraderie between opposing fans. Lot of joking and teasing but always in good taste. I miss that.

"Hate" is a pretty strong word, but I extremely dislike the Yankees. Same reasons as others have mentioned; the press overplaying everything a Yankee does on the field (don't recall which play-off game it was but the camera always went to Jeter even when he was sitting on the bench while the other team batted - a guy from the other team hit the ball, the camera went to Jeter). Jeter was at best an average fielder but yet he won Gold Gloves. Give me a break. The second reason I dislike the Evil Empire is how MLB constructed the schedule so Yankees/Red Sox played each other constantly instead of maintaining a more balanced schedule that forces them to play every team the same number of games. Oh yeah, and I hate (yeah, I know) how the Twins always seem to choke when playing the Yankees.

Gotta admit though the worst "annoying fan" game I ever attended was a Vikings game. Half a dozen twenty-somethings, all guys, were right behind my brother and myself and our two young sons. The twenty-somethings were drunk, puffing on left-handed tobacco, which they exhaled in our direction, and were loud and obscene. We left early and I've never attended a Viking game since. Gopher football games though have always been great. Love how the fans get into the game without being horses' hinders.

I recall attending a Twins game with my wife and several of our co-workers. A bunch of ‘fans’ seated nearby were yelling racist slurs at Al Newman, who was still playing then. We did get into a shouting match that could have escalated further but given the size of both groups it did not.

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Community Leader

The only baseball teams I presently "hate" are the Chicago White Sox, Cleveland Guardians, New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, and Houston Astros. All of those teams have to their name at least one of the following:

 -  Horribly behaved fans (Yankees, Red Sox, and White Sox)
 -  A cheating scandal (Astros and Red Sox)
 -  Division rivalry with my favorite team (Guardians and White Sox)

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2 minutes ago, Craig Arko said:

I recall attending a Twins game with my wife and several of our co-workers. A bunch of ‘fans’ seated nearby were yelling racist slurs at Al Newman, who was still playing then. We did get into a shouting match that could have escalated further but given the size of both groups it did not.

Someone should invent a Dickhead Scanner. Put one at every gate to keep out the riff-raff. Maybe give them an electric shock as we send them on their way.

I applaud your group for standing up to the a$$holes.

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Hmmm, the only player I really, really had disdain for was ol' Crooked Cap when he was with the Tribe. Didn't hate him so much when he was with the Yankees, but they had their own pile of dislike --- But not as bad as:   Minnesotan Yankees fans, you know, the ones that all have Yankees hats, jerseys, and load up Target Field when NY comes to town, but don't know any of the players and are reduced to "C'mon number "X", get a hit" or "number 20, sign my ball".

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1 hour ago, Muppet said:

And let's not forget those lovely Dodgers fans that put Giants fans in the hospital for supporting the wrong team. 

I mean, fans fight all the time, though. All fanbases of all sports.

It's a different breed that jumps onto the field of play and attacks someone... twice.

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