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Melissa's Musings on the Correa Signing

Melissa Berman



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Well, THAT was a fun weekend in Twins Territory! Here are my jottings and scattered thoughts about the Correa signing and how it went down:

  • It was really fun to watch everyone learn about the signing in waves. You had the late-night crew who were up at about 2am Saturday morning when the news broke (*I* was not among this group), followed by the early morning crew who probably consists of people who wake up early for work Monday-Friday and can't sleep in on the weekends, followed by the later morning crew who either had really fun Friday nights or are just night owls.
  • It really makes you wonder what that negotiating process looked like for the news to break at such an odd hour.
  • The fact that there were no leaks/speculation from insiders preceding the signing made it extra exciting- it was a complete and total surprise.
  • I don't want to be overly dramatic and say this is a "where were you when" moment, but for us, wasn't it though? I was among the early morning group who woke up to a multitude of ESPN/ Athletic/ Bleacher Report notifications and ecstatic texts and will not soon forget that moment. Let's say I woke up really fast.  
  • With the barrage of parody insider accounts floating around Twitter, I'm sure some people thought they were being trolled for a few moments. Correa? To the Twins? Yeah, sure. 
  • I love the Twins and baseball so much that I would be excited for the season regardless of projections or status of our lineup. But it feels great to be genuinely excited about something ABOVE and beyond that. We just got the top free agent in all of baseball! Take my money, Target Field box office!  
  • Seriously though, in response to the signing, my brother texted me, "Lol I want to buy more tickets now," and I'm in the same boat. Yes, I sure did take advantage of that no ticket fees flash sale the Twins put on. 
  • What a paradigm shift for this franchise that generally has not paid free agents. Now let's start making pitching moves.
  • Return of the Bomba Squad!?
  • I want a Correa jersey. But we'll need to wait until we receive word of the Nick Gordon vs Carlos Correa jersey #1 situation. Something tells me we will be seeing Correa wearing that #1 around the diamond..
  • Was I overly harsh on the front office? I'm going to go with no; no one could have expected us to land Correa. It really looked like for a while there we had downgraded at most positions (ie catcher, DH, and no viable starting shortstop). Given that the sole notable free agent move the Twins made before the lockout commenced was signing Dylan Bundy, who would've thought we'd be wheeling and dealing our way into finessing the Yankees AND landing Correa?
  • Correa chose us. It's not like he was traded here against his will. Yes it's a strange contract he's receiving with those buyouts and I know he's trying to set himself up for his next big contract which, in his mind, may or may not be here, but he left the adoring masses in Houston nonetheless. Other teams in bigger markets would have been willing to pay him. 
  • I still wish we had signed Michael Pineda and think it's a mistake we didn't do so; I already miss Big Mike. But more pitching moves have to be coming. Having this starting rotation with Correa on your roster is like having Ikea furniture in your Lake Minnetonka mansion. Time to upgrade. 
  • I cannot wait to watch Correa in a Twins uniform this week, and I'm so excited for the applause he's going to draw on Opening Day

Any other takeaways from you? What was your "where were you?" moment of the Correa signing?

Edited by Melissa Berman



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I live in LA and turned on the 11 pm Pacific time version of Sports Center on ESPN when they announced the move by teasing the announcement at the beginning.  I actually stayed up to watch until about 15 minutes in the show to make sure I had heard it right. I then checked the sports websites to be sure ESPN wasn't pulling my leg and checked again in the morning to make sure it was actually happening. I'm still curbing my excitement until I read that Correa has actually put pen to paper and shown up at Spring Training. 

Good stuff. Now go get Montas.  

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21 minutes ago, LA VIkes Fan said:

I live in LA and turned on the 11 pm Pacific time version of Sports Center on ESPN when they announced the move by teasing the announcement at the beginning.  I actually stayed up to watch until about 15 minutes in the show to make sure I had heard it right. I then checked the sports websites to be sure ESPN wasn't pulling my leg and checked again in the morning to make sure it was actually happening. I'm still curbing my excitement until I read that Correa has actually put pen to paper and shown up at Spring Training. 

Good stuff. Now go get Montas.  

Love this story. It's been funny to watch the Twins games the last couple days because while the fans are going bonkers over this signing, the commentators still have to live in reality and do their jobs with comments like, "Nothing is confirmed yet, but if the Twins do go on to sign Correa, what a big signing this would be!" etc. So you are far from the only one! 

Seems to be a bidding war going for Montas right now. Even if we don't get him, after managing to sign Correa I have no choice to have faith that the FO has another trick up their sleeves here.  Hopefully we do though. Stay tuned. 

Edited by Melissa Berman
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Pacific time-zoner here, and I went to bed early enough not to get the benefit of that built-in advantge, and the next morning of course the time zone was a disadvantage.  Moreover, I had fallen into the habit of not checking TD (or any sports site) among the early checks when I'd fire up the computer at breakfast time or thereafter.  So where was I at the moment I learned?  Reading Facebook Saturday morning, which usually doesn't bring me fresh sports news but in this case did.

Wait, you're asking where was I at the moment the signing happened, and/or began hitting Twitter and so forth?  Getting ready for bed, I guess. Where exactly was I at the fateful moment, you ask?  Hint, a crossword puzzle was involved.  You don't really want to press for that kind of detail, do you? 

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I admit when I got up at 7AM and saw the flash on my phone I thought it was a joke. It wasn't until a 1/2 hour later when I started looking at my computer and saw all the stuff on there, then went here, that I could believe it.

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8 hours ago, Original_JB said:

I guess my musing for the day is whether I'd prefer Story or Correa under the conditions of the contracts they just signed. 

It's definitely a strange contract. I'm just hoping Correa is setting himself up for his next longer-term contract with the Twins

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22 hours ago, ashbury said:

Pacific time-zoner here, and I went to bed early enough not to get the benefit of that built-in advantge, and the next morning of course the time zone was a disadvantage.  Moreover, I had fallen into the habit of not checking TD (or any sports site) among the early checks when I'd fire up the computer at breakfast time or thereafter.  So where was I at the moment I learned?  Reading Facebook Saturday morning, which usually doesn't bring me fresh sports news but in this case did.

Wait, you're asking where was I at the moment the signing happened, and/or began hitting Twitter and so forth?  Getting ready for bed, I guess. Where exactly was I at the fateful moment, you ask?  Hint, a crossword puzzle was involved.  You don't really want to press for that kind of detail, do you? 

Wow, Facebook breaking the news! There's a first time for everything! 

And LOL, no comment on the next part!

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In terms of the question of the contract talks, the rumor I heard was Correa was the one reaching out to teams on this contract.  I read it was offered to Houston and they did not want to agree to it.  For the Twins side, they were under the impression Story was not going to take their offer, whatever it was, so they gave Correa a call to see what he was looking for.  When that offer was an option they jumped on it.  

I think it is a win win deal.  I know most say well it is only a 1 year deal and we are back needing a SS next year.  Most likely yes, but you deal with that at most positions every year. Personally, I am a fan of shorter deals giving you flexibility.  If we are not doing well this year, Correa can be traded, he has limited no trade is my understanding, and most teams will be willing to take him on with this contract. If we are competing and doing well even if he walks so be it, we got a good year out of it.  

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I am a retired guy.  I need my rest, so I didn't find out until morning.  It was a huge shock, but a wonderful one.  I just hope we trade for one excellent arm.  Then I will be VERY happy.  He will be gone after this year--I know that--but if we could add Montas or another quality starter, we could have a Cinderella type year.  Wouldn't that be a hoot?

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Hi Melissa! Fun post!

I woke up at 5 am on Saturday and normally would have dozed off again except I saw a report when I checked the time on my phone (I'm not on Twitter, so I think it was Gleeman on the Athletic).

It was like ... nothing I can remember happening in my years of Twin fandom. I mean, it was cool that they signed Donaldson, but this was a whole 'nother level. What a shock, and what a pleasant surprise.

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I was visiting my daughter and son-in -law and 2 year old grandson when I read the news. I let out a whoop and told them the Twins had signed Correa. My daughter said, "Great. Is he good?"

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