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[FONT=Arial]Welcome to our Twins blog. We'll bring up some "facts" and "stats", from time to time, but our real strength lies in sarcasm, silliness and Yankee-baiting.[/FONT]

Entries in this blog

If the Twins were Scotches

After our second year of watching and gambling on Twins baseball, we Peanuts from Heaven had our annual pay-off dinner/drinking fest at the St. Paul Grill, aligning perfectly with Game One of the World Series. And while Stinky bemoaned Alcides Escobar's lousy pitch selection (seriously, three pitches up by his eyes? I mean...who does he think he is, Delmon Young?), we also made time to talk about the team we actually care about.   In the midst of the third...or maybe fifth...scotch, I started to



Laughing through the Pain: Another Way to Look at Twins Hitting

A year ago I offered an alternative statistic for measuring player worth--not in wins/losses, but in the far more useful field of entertaining the fan base: Amusement Above Replacement Player (AARP) for short. The statistic is measured in five key categories on a scale of -2 to +2, Play Nickname: Physical Traits: Personality/Demeanor: Oddities: When added up, these statistics gives us a total AARP somewhere between -10 and +10.   Last year, the AARP statistic revealed that while the T



Laughing through the Pain: Another Way to Look at Twins Pitching

A year ago I offered an alternative statistic for measuring player worth--not in wins/losses, but in the far more useful field of entertaining the fan base: Amusement Above Replacement Player (AARP) for short. The statistic is measured in five key categories on a scale of -2 to +2, Play: Nickname: Physical Traits: Personality/Demeanor: Oddities: When added up, these statistics gives us a total AARP somewhere between -10 and +10.   Last year, even by the totally made up AARP statistic, t



An Unconventional Choice for the Next Twins Manager

Here's the truth. Both of us peanuts love Ron Gardenhire. We know that we're in the minority there...especially after the last four years...but c'mon, he looks like a little garden gnome. He's ADORABLE!   Seriously though, thank you for the support you provided and the lack of lawsuits you threw our way Gardy. You're a cool dude.   But now our attention turns to the real focus of the hour. Who will replace Gardy on the top of the Twins dugout step? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v289/pammyb20



These Games DO Matter

You would be forgiven for assuming that this last week's worth of games did not matter. That things were irrelevant, unneccessary and wholly ornamental (well...for everyone but the Tigers).   But the truth is that these games have proven that we have good news in town again, a champion, a victor, a bonafide winner!   And that winner...is me. Yay for me!   Yes, all you loyal readers out there (which blogger seems to think is in the 1,000 range and I know is much closer to the 1.000 range), I have



Cliff Notes Guide to the 2014 Twins: "The Insistent Tune of a Broken Violin on an August Afternoon"

Chs. 4-5: July and August   The fledgling, flickering hope alive in the hearts of the Twins and their fans at the end of June was doused with the frigid realization of inadequacy. The pivotal moment established by the previous chapters' foreshadowing was for the "All-Star Game" to be held in the middle of July.     http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Kurt+Suzuki+85th+MLB+Star+Game+m2g5VjqmdOnl.jpg Yay! The Party's Over!! In hosting the party, the Twins had their moment to seize releva



Designated Everything

Most of the wise and trusted Twins blogs have noted that while the team's current offense, to put it politely, sucks harder than a Super Powered Hoover. Yet, they say, help is on the way from the prospect ranks--even if many of them are currently injured. http://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/36315418/452114082.0_standard_352.0.jpg That's a big but... However, all that hope for the future comes with a caveat as big as Kenny Vargas' backside. To wit: most of the good hitters are not



Put Your Hands together for Joe Mauer

Since returning from the disabled list, Joe Mauer has been quietly reassembling himself, like a hitting terminator emerging from the blazing hell fires of suckitude, back into the consistent--if robotic--man we all know and respect. http://www.jamescamerononline.com/terminator221301.png Mauer mid-rehab stint While the hitting was something we all thought could return, we're glad to see that Mauer's defense has also been less terrible than in the past. We like to imagine that the reason for this



What The Twins' World Needs Now

The trade deadline is looming over the heads of Twins fans right now. Like a honed knife's edge, like a hunter's net, like a disapproving parent at the doorway of a kegger thrown by their independent child: it's looming.   At least that's my feeling. And I admit it's a weird one. After all the Twins are sellers (again) in a seller's market (witness the hauls for relatively unimpressive talents thus far). We should be confident. We should be beaming with pride. We should be the belle of the ball,



Last Chance to Say Stuff about the All-Star Game

Again, all this is available at our personal website...only with pictures!! YAY PICTURES! I'm surprised to note that I have not blogged about an all-star game in three years. Not in Kansas City, nor in New York. Maybe I was actually off living my life. But with the game in the Twin Cities, I was eager to both celebrate the festivities in person, and watch the game (with all the excellent athletes and irritating announcers that come along with it). Here's what I learned. Atmosphere > Imagine D



Cliff Notes to the 2014 Twins: Ch. 3 June

Even though it's summer, and I'm free from teaching for a few blissful weeks, I have to keep going...with that here's my Cliff Notes Guide to June, in case you're joining this Twins season already in progress.   Summary: Ch. 3 "June" Entering the month of June the Twins were still lurking on the fringes of what could be defined as a "dangerous" team. One that didn't know it wasn't good enough to be playing like it was. One that could rely on youthful exuberance, energy and enthusiasm to see th



Joe Mauer, Michael Bradley and the Problem with Artistic Athletes

So I've been more or less completely consumed with the World Cup this month. Watching every match I can, reading interviews, reports, reviewing highlights, and writing like a maniac. But I still think of baseball (and can prove it with stuff on another blog), perhaps never more clearly than when I was watching a World Cup match with some friends last Thursday. We needed a point against Germany, or some good fortune in another match. Being Minnesota sports fans, we fully anticipated that everythi



Paying for Anticipation: An Adventure in Baseball Cards

Should you be inclined to see this post with some pictures of my ugly mug posing with the cards check out my main blog page. Otherwise...WORDS AHOY!   I finally did it. I told myself I ought to. I explained all the ways why. I made sure that I actually could do it, and then I did it.   I sold a large chunk of my baseball card collection.   It wasn't doing anything, it was sitting in a box in my attic. When my neighbor set up a yard sale and offered me a chance to sell some things, I went to get



2014 Draft Analysis In 5 Words or Less

Sure we're a couple weeks late, and several hundreds of posts short...but we couldn't resist the temptation to continue our annual tradition of giving a run down of every single Twins draft pick for the busy fan. So keep your detailed scouting reports, don't bother worrying over their ETAs in the big leagues all that information is covered in tremendous detail by Seth Stohs and Jeremy Nygard, just appreciate the simplicity of five words for every player. (As always, numbers and punctuation don't



A Twins Fan's Guide to the World Cup

The World Cup kicks off on Thursday--but whom to root for? Luckily, if you're a Twins fan, in your heart of hearts you already know, just follow our guide to find out.     You can also see the guide embedded in our own personal site at heavenlypeanuts.blogspot.com, and leave comments as to the foolishenss of likening Kent Hrbek to anything French.



Cliff Notes to the 2014 Twins: Ch. 1 May

We know how it is. Life is busy: with work and family and social engagements, there are a lot of demands on your time. So, if you tune out for a while during the long season, you're perfectly normal. Missing baseball games is not unlike missing reading assignments for school, so we're happy to provide this series of Cliff Notes to summarize, explain and analyze the story that is the 2014 Twins Season. (This post is illuminated with pretty pretty pictures on our personal site: Peanuts From Heaven



Cliff Notes to the 2014 Twins: Ch. 1 April

We know how it is. Life is busy: with work and family and social engagements, there are a lot of demands on your time. So, if you've missed some developments in the first month of the season, you're perfectly normal. Missing baseball games is not unlike missing reading assignments for school, so we're happy to provide this series of Cliff Notes to summarize, explain and analyze the story that is the 2014 Twins Season. "Chapter I: April" Summary: At the beginning of the season, the Twins are a t

Why I Always Come Back

It hasn't been easy being a Twins fan the last few years (though if you're committed enough to the team to find my little corner of the blogosphere, I hardly need tell you that). It's been even less easy to be a positive Twins blogger, to dedicate time and energy to finding the silver linings in a team that often looks outmatched in almost every facet of the game. My writing life would be easier, and probably more pleasant, if I could just sign off from the blog, let it wither and dry up like th



Our Hall of Fame!

If you'd like to vote for the Peanuts from Heaven Hall of Fame, check out our original blog and all the nerdery and entertaining images associated with it.   Once again the sounds of horsehide hitting leather mitts is resounding throughout the sunny fields of Arizona and Florida, and if we ever get to turn off our snowblowers we might just hear it up here in the towns teams call home during the summer.   As is our custom every year at this time, we're spending part of spring training remembering



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