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Everything posted by Tomj14

  1. Not sure where you are going with this (should the people in charge be the same percentage as players or society?)But this pdf shows the NFL https://43530132-36e9-4f52-811a-182c7a91933b.filesusr.com/ugd/3844fb_1478b405e58e42608f1ed2223437d398.pdf
  2. What is the percentage of BIPOC people that work at TD? Don't mean any offense just asking an honest question?
  3. Not taking a side, in In 2016, baseball spent approximately $30 million on youth development for underserved communities, according to league officials. In March 2015, Manfred appointed former Angels general manager Tony Reagins, an African-American, as the league’s senior vice-president for youth programs. In the past five drafts, 20.2% of the first-round picks were African-American. Five of those 34 selections (Marcus Stroman, Touki Toussaint, Justus Sheffield, Dillon Tate and Justin Dunn) were pitchers. (from an article in 2017) The Dream Series, established in 2017, is operated by Major League Baseball and USA Baseball. This event will host a diverse group of more than 60 high school pitchers and catchers from across the country, in a special development camp atmosphere as well as a showcase for professional scouts and collegiate recruiters. If the Twins care about diversity (they sure seem to by the way they talk, create some new upper level postilions and hire BIPOC people for them, or fire some of the ones they have and hire new. Not meant for you, but quit blaming the fans that have no say in who gets hired and put the blame where it belongs, I am pretty sure 99% of Twins fans don't care about the color of someone's skin who get hired, they only care about winning.
  4. There is 60 games this year which is approx 540 inning (60 * 9) I want the Best pitchers the most. If I am Rocco I am trying to figure out how to get something like this done to get the most out the best best pitchers Berrios 72 Odo 72 Hill 72 Maeda 72 Dobnak 48 Clippard 30 Duffey 30 Littell 30 May 30 Rogers 30 Romo 30 Others 24 Why would they be worrying about getting Bailey/Chacín/Poppen/Smeltzer/Thorpe innings if they aren't your best pitchers. The relief pitchers should have no problem pitching 1 inning every other game, I understand that that the top 4 pitchers might not average 6 innings a start, but they are smart people and should be able to figure out.
  5. If Cruz plays 60 games, that would be great, if Sano plays 60 games that would be great as well. If those two have days off, then I think Garver could fill those spots. So no I am not taking them out just to take them out and give Garver those starts. If Garver starts 40-45 that also would be wonderful. I
  6. From my Math Kepler played around 813 innings (including fall league and major leagues) and Garver around 516 (including fall league and major leagues) I agree I want Kepler playing RF for just about every inning this year. I would like to see Garver catch around 35 games and play in close to 50, which means time at DH or 1B.
  7. good article Seth, "Arguably the most important job of a manager - a baseball manager, a store manager, any leader - is to encourage communication and support and empower those you work with" I would argue that the most important job of a Manger is winning and the things you wrote are tools to help you succeed in winning. Nobody cares about that stuff if you are consistently 70 -90.
  8. I am going with Garver and Gonzo if it a short amount of time
  9. Isn't this a good thing for Sano and the Twins? He is asymptomatic and shouldn't have to worry about missing any of the season. I take this as a positive for him.
  10. I see the deadline being crazy, if the Twins start out slow, they have a handful of players to trade and IMO they would be happy getting anything for them if they are not going to sign them. Rosario, Odo, Cruz, Romo, and others. I think if there is a few surprise teams that have been rebuilding that get hot, they would love to trade for players they are only getting for this year, opposed to the Twins being hot and they could trade for players they need giving up very young prospects that might be 4-5 years away but might be willing to take on players that have a few years left on their contract.
  11. Why would Smeltzer opt out? because he is cancer survivor? I haven't seen anywhere that is a underlying condition at a higher risk?
  12. I think both sides want to play, both sides want to make money. But neither side is looking forward to worst case scenario, what if a player, ump or manager gets sick and dies, or less serious what if there is an outbreak on one or two teams, what do they do. It is easy to say they can social distance in the field, but only a fraction of the team(and personnel) are in the field at one one, the rest are in the dugout and bullpen. Another question could the Twins actually follow the state and city rules to practice at Target field.
  13. Why go to a 6th man rotation? that means Berrios, Odo and Maeda would get 10 starts instead of 12, that is having "lesser" pitchers pitch in 10% of the games, If I am the twins I might pitch Odo every 4th start for 5 innings, he is a free agent and I would think he wouldn't mind trying to show case his skills in a FA year.
  14. Agree on Thorpe he is 24, I don't consider him a prospect anymore. If this would have been a normal year this IMO would have been kind of a make or break season for him. Now he will be 25 at the start of next season. Including including Jeffers, I believe the other 3 are true prospects, they could be good to great or be nothing at all. Which is it bit different from the top 10 the last few years. Anyway thanks for the rankings they are always fun.
  15. It is crazy he is still only 21, but also just as crazy that he has only played 130 games and none above Cedar Rapids He will be 22 by the time next season starts, so I agree being in the top 20 seems like a stretch.
  16. First I hope this kid ends up being the best 1B/DH in Twins history. But I remember when everybody was saying how important (and maybe the most important thing) position flexibility was, did that just go away
  17. Again he said "he will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country" So he doesn't get the right to think kneeling is disrespecting the flag or country? But you get the right to tell him that is is wrong for thinking that . And we wonder why our (and by our I guess I mean your country because you are the one(s) that tell others what to believe and think) is completely divided. I guess I thought I could have my opinion if kneeling was disrespecting the flag or not disrespecting flag, regardless of what others thought or said. I just hope Trump doesn't say people should start kneeling because peoples heads will explode.
  18. thanks, you proved the point, his opinion doesn't matter because it differs for yours. His problem is I quote "He’s a white guy who’s way too comfortable in his bubble and refused to listen and learn from other" I always forgot if you disagree with the righteous you are ignorant (your word) and need to open up his eyes. Or maybe, just maybe we could accept that it is his feelings and his opinion and also respect the people that have different feelings and opinion.
  19. This is where you completely lost me, maybe he was putting his toe in the water wearing that mask because he believes blue lives matter? Which isn't what you wanted him to say or show, so you DON'T want him to be influential unless it happens to align with your views. Just be honest with your readers and yourself, you don't give two rats arse what they players say or do, just as long as they do or say what you want them to say. Look at Drew Bress said "will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country" and he is being destroyed because he said he will never agree with somebody, he didn't say they didn't have the right, he didn't say he hated them for doing it, he just said he couldn't agree with them. FYI - owners of this site, you are on the side attacking Brees.
  20. and yet almost everybody in America is in the 1% of the world.
  21. What does pocket extra revenue mean? Paying the owners/employees options or bonuses? Or they just put that money in a MN Twins bank account? Wouldn't that be the same as saying the owners of the restaurants and other businesses that have been forced to close should be fine because they have made money in the past and they should be fine with losing money for as long as the powers that "be" decide the rules of their business?
  22. Limiting travel and health are not the reasoning behind this, maximizing profit (which I don't disagree with) is the reason behind this, but MLB have the balls to say it. MN having 10 home and 10 road games against KC, DET, CHW and Cleveland doesn't do that. (and the same can be said the same is almost all divisions.) But the Yanks, playing Boston, Mets Washington, Philly almost ever night does, or the Dodgers, playing the Angels, Giants, A's does as well. Also if this would happen and work, why ever go back?
  23. As much as I love baseball, I have zero interest in major league baseball starting, when my son has basically been locked in our house for two months, unable to play with friends or play baseball this summer on a team. I also have zero interest in major league baseball when Governors decisions are forcing the closures of small business. Damn near half the population so frickin scared to leave their house because they are afraid of a virus that unless you are very old or have crazy underlying issues there is a very good chance they wouldn't even know they had it. If baseball is safe enough for major league players, then it should be safe enough minor league players, and if it is safe enough for professionals, it should be safe enough for the college players, and so on right down to little league. I know I am in the minority but until everybody is honest with selves, this virus isn't going away for many, many months (at least 3 to 4 or at worst 18 -24), either by herd immunity or a vaccine, which really leaves us two choices, continue to lock down until it is gone, or try to get everything back to normal as soon as possible, This middle ground is causing more damage IMO.
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